Accidental touch bought the 9500unit champ selector offer when I opened the game, (got no response)

When i opened the game ,it was lagging and accidentally bought the Sunspot pack from the champion selector offer (9500 units) which i didnt wanted because i already have 7* sunspot and awakened at that too. i raised a ticket for the same, day before yesterday and havent got any response from the support team.I'm really scared I've been saving those units for a very long time for the banquet event.Also i havent used anything i got from that pack
I really hope someone from the community team to help me reverse this accidental purchase @KabamDORK @KabamCrashed @KabamPinWheel .
(ticket #700577 hope it helps)
I really hope someone from the community team to help me reverse this accidental purchase @KabamDORK @KabamCrashed @KabamPinWheel .
(ticket #700577 hope it helps)
That moment when mutimillion dollar franchise steep down to cheap tricks.
Don't worry it takes time for the support to respond and this is a weekend. You'll get your units back.
Please do something about this asap.
Don't lose hope op.. just message Kabam support again and wait for update from them.
Also thanks everyone for your insights
There are still players who don't know support exists , or that this sort of action is reversible. Opting out is always harder than opting in.
What a perfect design
My alliance members helped me out a lot, couldn't have done it without them
I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to the support team and everyone who responded to my post - your help and guidance were invaluable in resolving my issue!