I'm dumb + I think this is a support ticket, right? I did t completely mess up?

I just exited instead of restarting at the. Silver Centurion fight for the "From another world" Carina's challenge. This is something support might be able to reset, correct?
Odin 3 revives as first run took to 12% Kushala
Claire 12 revives maybe Chavez
Shang chi: 4 revives full heal FAM
squirrel Girl: two revives, heal, cosmic boost CGR
When someone says “don’t touch anything” in these situations they mean don’t touch anything that could affect support trying to reset your run. Meaning: don’t enter any single player content, don’t use any of the champs in other content they might get locked up in (like AQ or AW). In fact, don’t use those champs at all. But you can do other things. The important thing is don’t do anything that could interfere with their ability to do the reset.
If you are running any other single player content when they try to do the reset, they can’t put you in Necropolis (can’t do two things at once). If your champs are on AQ attack, they can’t yank them to put into Necropolis. That’s the sort of stuff to stay away from.
Could do with a confirm message
Anyway hope Kabam support can get it sort out for you.
You are right, but for whatever reason, sometime it just slip pass.
I guess old age is getting to me, me and Brian Grant 🤣
Send a ticket, Omega 👍