
  • EcheonEcheon Member Posts: 7
    I would like to share some thoughts regarding this thread.

    1. The Banquet is traditionally a holiday-themed event that encourages countless players to engage deeply with the game, either by investing their time or spending money to partake in the festive spirit of giving and receiving. As players, we naturally hope for reasonable and meaningful rewards that contribute to account progression and character development.

    2. The first concerns arose when the event was announced. An event of this scale should be communicated well in advance, with clear details about rewards, including the exact drop rates and percentage chances for specific prizes. Such transparency would allow players to make informed decisions—whether to invest their time acquiring resources in-game or allocate a portion of their budget for spending during the event. This approach would help manage expectations and prevent disappointment when opening rewards.

    3. The event was promoted as a “Grand” Banquet, supposedly the largest and most significant event of its kind in the past decade. Understandably, this created high expectations among players, who took such assurances seriously.

    4. It is assumed that many individuals responsible for the game’s development are also players. During the planning and testing phases of an event, there should be mechanisms to gather feedback and anticipate player sentiment. It does not require an extensive PR team to foresee the frustration that might arise when high expectations are set through bold promises, only for those expectations to remain unfulfilled.

    5. We recognize and appreciate the dedication and hard work of all Kabam employees, who strive to deliver a great gaming experience. However, now that the event has concluded, it is an opportunity to address the situation openly. A simple acknowledgment, such as: “We misjudged the situation. We realize we underestimated players’ expectations and regret any confusion caused. We sincerely apologize,” would go a long way in maintaining the trust and goodwill of the player community.

    Players genuinely love this game and appreciate its remarkable development over time. With open communication and thoughtful adjustments, events like the Banquet can continue to be a source of joy and engagement for all.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★

    I've never seen the community so united and calling out Kabam for putting out such a horrendous event. Kabam, I really hope you learn something from this and for a change listen to the feedback received from the entire community.

    Been playing for 9+ years and never seen anything like this. Hopefully this is a win for the community in the end
  • ControversyControversy Member Posts: 89
    edited December 2024
    Okay I'm not sure what im starting by saying this but is this grounds to sue. I mean after looking through random post and messages it's not hard to noticed that kabam messed up this event and by keeping up with forums for like a year and a half, one starts to noticed how the devs (especially crashed) are rude, condesiding, and sometimes the way he responds sounds like an abuseive boyefriend who gaslights you all the time. I mean look at this event Low reward yields from crystals that cost 300 units, not to mention most of the material found within the crystal can just be bought stores and in some cases a summoer could have gotten more r2 class cat resources through the battleground store alone rather than the 300 unit crystal (and no the iso and gold do not justify the price of the crystals). Now this wouldn't be that much of a big deal, if they were transparent but no it's obvious the team, wether because the had the rewards were ready or not, we're being very quiet about an event that has been advertised and hyped by their own team for months, since September I believe. And on top of that, let's not forget how last banquet there was back lash and they themselves basically said, if you don't like it wait for next year, and now look how that's going.
    And on top of that, 2-3 months of hype influencing players into investing into banquet tickets, they changed the clause that crystal bought through tickets won't count as purchases, even though there was no mention of that when they realesed the detail, essentially tricking players into wasting money into banquet tickets, when most likely many of those player would not have invested knowing it'll be more cost effective to just buy unit packs to get the full point cost of the crystal. Idk I'm aware my points may be all over the place but I'm aware that this isn't the first time kabam had stayed quit and let a **** 'hyped' event go by while also calling all their player base annoying ungrateful people. Anyways not sure if trying to sueing would be too much but I feel like some people may have actual clause to get refunds for the 'hyped' event that's been talked about for months already. And I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg to how kabam tricks it's players into investing more money into a game with no return. Cuz im still baffled that thier are still $40 4* bundles for new players. Like that's ridiculous especially when obtaining and earning 6*s are achievable by attending events, thus making those bundles practically useless, and at that point are just stealing from people who don't know any better. Or what about how if you don't refund directly to them they will basically cahrge you twice, because you made an innocent mistake and THERE IS NO CLAUSE STATING THAT IN STORE. Literally had a friend quit playing because he accidentally bought a $10 bundle from the fourth of July event (whcih meant all the extra stuff coming with it) and now owes like 3000 worth of units credit because he refunded to the wrong company when the game itself never let him know nor did i know because I had barley returned to the game so I wasn't aware either and sometimes I do think, 'wow what would I do if I accidently did that and owed kabam twice that of what I payed'. Anyways with the few examples I have, I feel like someone whose more aware of forums and have been around longer many have more ideas or examples of the devs gaslighting or tricking the playerbase into investing into an overhyped event.
  • OmerBatyluOmerBatylu Member Posts: 5
    I have been preparing for months. The result is the biggest disappointment I have ever experienced. My account has not improved one step. The 7 star crystals I opened, the heroes given as gifts for 10 days, of course there is no vox.I only opened 1 Titan crystal which was opened before as if there was no update. I was very sad and disappointed. Believe me, I haven't been happy since yesterday. My dreams are over because I don't have money.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I’ll say it again because someone is watching. BOYCOTT 2.0. SEND A MESSAGE WITH THE ONLY THING THEY LISTEN TO. YOUR WALLET.
  • MagicBlkDrgnMagicBlkDrgn Member Posts: 1
    The crystals were very underwhelming. Making every crystal feel valuable would have made for an amazing grand banquet. The whales already have massive accounts. This is just less for everyone else. Making each crystal really worth it would have made the banquet live up to the hype. You guys did great with the mile stones. I dont think it should have stopped there.
  • ZsirhcZZsirhcZ Member Posts: 282 ★★

    How about buffing the crystal itself… the complaint here is not the milestone rewards but the lousy SBC.
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    Ah! Ye, Try Buffing the Milestones from 5k + , And if its not possible now, Just send in Mails to everyone with correction Rewards
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Lmao. They keep trying to let’s keep adding points at the top and rewards there when no one is spending. Someone needs their head checked. I’m dying. Look at the updates to the realm event. No offense crashed but your marketing team are morons.
  • OmerBatyluOmerBatylu Member Posts: 5
    Do you really want a suggestion? Give all the rewards of the Ralm event to all users.Or set a personal 20k limit but make sure to give all the rewardsLet those who are financially well-off compete for the ranking rewards. Then it will really be a 10th anniversary celebration. I especially request Kabam. Best regards.
  • Saad12345Saad12345 Member Posts: 2
    I ve been playing the game since the beginning and this is the 1st time and is advanced valiant players.i am commenting on forums, this can give you an idea, how disappointed i am with this event in general and the so called “SBC” in particular. I must say this years event is as disappointing as last year for valiant players if not more. 70% fillers in a 300 unit crystal and the shards are also 90% of times lowest possible (1500). Totally regretting 4 months of grind to accumulate 15k units to waste on these miserable crystals. I just wont be able to continue the game after such disappointment. Adios
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,627 ★★★★★
    This is a decent start for sure. I think what’s needed is some units back. Obviously figuring out how many units every individual person spent to refund an equal percentage would be unreasonable.

    But what if they were to add more units sprinkled into the solo milestones? (Not the realm event) That would allow for a proportional refund of units since each tier is unlocked based on units spent, and they wouldn’t have to review every single player’s account. Milestones not yet reached for some would be improved, and those who already reached them should just have an extra claim button in each milestone with units in it. Am I missing any reason this wouldn’t work?
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