
  • GoingBackGoingBack Member Posts: 140 ★★
    The main issue was the hype for the event. Isophene is kind a mid level champ. I will be keeping her at R1 even if we somehow manage to awaken her, unless they buff her to crit more often, as of now I rarely see it happening. Making us go back through Necropolis was uninspired and a cheap way out. I am absolutely loving the daily’s though, that and 60p are the two biggest wins from the 10yr. That being said, it is kind of sad that after 10 years of giving money to this game and achieving the highest levels, I feel like they could have done a lot more. I don’t need 7* crystals, the nexus is ok, but it should have been a 2 7* Nexus and a Titan at the very least for the level they put it at.

    Again, the main issue I have is the hype around it and I believed it, spent a bunch of money to get units over the course of the last several months, and I feel duped with the crystals. Out of over 80 crystals, I didnt get a single titan shard, special 7* crystal, key, etc. I got 4% of a t7, which I would gladly give back, some sig stones and a lot of t6 and t3, which I got with the Valiant daily and now the super daily. With 10 years of loyalty for a mobile game, you thought they would have really opened up the flood gates, it would not have hurt the economy of the game, especially with the, potential, backlash.

    I absolutely love this game and I have so much fun, and I should be excited to spend money. But I guess I am expecting too much from a GATCHA game. Spending use to be fun on this game.
  • ArmoredGhostArmoredGhost Member Posts: 259 ★★★
    Personally I was really hoping to be able to dupe a few of the limited edition 7*s either through the selectors or maybe getting the awakening gem. But with only a .2% chance of the limited edition selector and a 1% chance at an AG and after almost 100 crystals I didn't get either. Just a lot of rank up mats that I already had too much of. I would have loved to dupe my Shocker or Hulkbuster or get some of the loyalty champs etc...

    I didn't even get enough 7* shards to get a 7* crystal. And I got 0 titan shards for my first 80 something crystals. And then a paltry amount from the next few.

    I guess I can say I was lucky in some way by getting a 7* jessica but I really didn't care for her. And I did get 1 additional banquet key but it gave me a disappointing sentry.

    Overall, very unhappy.
  • Aden24flashAden24flash Member Posts: 21
    What a massive disconnect with your customers. What a massive disappointing event. A business doesnt last long with this ineptitude. And the excuse, yeah we had this and that for the 10 year célébration and to then put 7 star crystals that for the most are done . Whos running this circuit?
  • MLJMLJ Member Posts: 5
    I think KABAM should give all the milesstones for everyone, because the Drop rates are so,so BAD!!! Its 10years of MCOC and KABAM made such an Big mistakes. If I didn’t invest a Big Amount of Money over the years, i quit this game!!!! :-((
  • tonemonkeytonemonkey Member Posts: 59
    PainX said:

    As someone who has spent $ the quality of stuff I have gotten for what was spent … I might never spend again on this game smh

    Yup, I ground arena hard for 6 months hoping that this was going to be good for Paragon/Valiant, only to have it be this attempt to jump start TB and below. I might just stop saving for these things.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    edited December 2024
    This is the first time I’ve seen 300+ disagrees on one post…probably not the record they were hoping to set this year.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,180 ★★★★★
    Just come out clear and tell the truth Kabam.
    The reason why this event is horrible is because there was too many free units out there...
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,705 ★★★★★

    This is the first time I’ve seen 300+ disagrees on one post…probably not the record they were hoping to set this year.

    Well there’s this
  • ShaggyMShaggyM Member Posts: 311 ★★★
    I think a quick 7 day calendar with Banquet bundle tickets could make everyone happy. It would give lower unit spenders the ability to get the extra 7* crystals and other bonus rewards and anyone that spent a lot of units can just get more titan shards which I think is what a lot of higher spenders want. Idk just a thought.
  • HeilkamHeilkam Member Posts: 19
    Hi Kabam,
    Constructive comment. I’m free to play endgame Valiant, like the absolute majority of players, was disappointed in the event. Because being a Valiant (end player) I got 90% of the materials for raising champions to rank 2 or 5/65 from crystals and milestones. For 9k units I got only 1.5 T4a. In fact, I can't even raise 1 champion to rank 3.
    If you would added more materials for rank 3, it wouldn't create any gap between donators and free-to-play players, because we have top-donators with full rank 3 and sig200 rosters in BG for a long time already. And thanks to this event, the gap between the initial Valiant and me has narrowed. And at the same time, the gap between me and the donators has increased.

    And it’s 10th anniversary + xmass and new year… people want to open crystals to get CHAMPIONS not a materials. You could add more materials to the milestones and add more crystal shards or something like that to crystals.
    People wants gamble. That’s it. People won’t spin or pop crystals in holidays to see rank up materials.

    Great idea to do a nexus Banquet crystal. To eliminate such disappointment.

    Thank you
  • SlonerkoSlonerko Member Posts: 4
    When banquet hit last year, I think that I had just made Cav, and only had a few 6* champs. By the end, I had around 20--including a few trophy champs. So I think the prevailing response this time has been because the SBC is providing fewer champs, relatively speaking. Rare ranking mats are great, but they don't register as a win the same way that a sought-after champ does. (I got a tier 6 class catalyst with my last SBC, and for a second I was disappointed. Then I remembered how long it takes to earn one with the daily super, and how long it took before the daily super.)

    Personally, I'm in the perfect place to appreciate the banquet. I had around 20 7* champs after the giveaway, and none were above rank 2. So far, banquet got me a handful of 7* champs, and enough mats to get 1-2 of them to rank 3. And I can appreciate the need to limit the rewards: I think that if endgame players had the majority of 7* champs and many or most of them at the highest rank, then you have some of the player base wanting more challenging content and a new tier, while the rest has to grind their way through more and more lower-level content to catch up to where the satisfyingly difficult and rewarding content is. Tradeoffs are necessary, but people don't like them. :)

    What's the solution? I suppose you could make the SBCs more rewarding in terms of champs, but slightly more expensive so as not to flood the game with top-level rewards. The balance is tricky, of course: if people can only get a few SBCs and have bad luck, they'll be upset. You can't please everybody. The other thing is to remember that, the more stuff you give away (the 10x10 supply drop was very generous!) the more people become used to the rewards, and the less those rewards register when they arrive via chance. So having 10 free champs probably (or definitely) spoiled people's appreciation for an event where, realistically, they might get 3-6 champs.
  • tonemonkeytonemonkey Member Posts: 59
    I didn't see the announcement from Kabam, but does it sound like they know what a disaster this has been? Does it sound like they know they need to do something to fix things?
  • tonemonkeytonemonkey Member Posts: 59

    Oh we are absolutely already plateauing. And the crystals are such garbage no one's going to waste a ton of units just to try to 'add to the pot' of the realm event.

    Complete miscalculation. How "hilarious" would it be if we ended up with 70 signature stones we can't even use because we don't reach the Awakening gem milestone.
    I would think at minimum they'd need to give everyone whatever level of Realm rewards they have points for. I know I probably won't be saving for the next event in July. Last July's event was lame, and I thought this would be better - just more of the same.
  • Hickdog27Hickdog27 Member Posts: 142 ★★
    This event has been doomed ever since it switched from gifting to banquet.

    In the gifting event, the megawhales who were chasing ranked rewards were buying crystals for others, who would benefit from better drop rates in the gifting crystals.

    In the banquet event, you buy the crystal for yourself while chasing the ranked rewards as well. Almost like double dipping compared to the old system.

    With that said, this event was a total failure and was greatly overhyped.

    This is the least I have ever spent on this event and have no desire to open any more superior daily crystals.
  • Aden24flashAden24flash Member Posts: 21
    nferno said:

    Seems silly to arrive at such a conclusion before receiving feedback. The feedback in this thread suggests otherwise.

    As someone who just turned valiant about 2 weeks ago, the resources I received were useful for ranking up my 7* champs and building up my roster of them as well, but when I heard less filler on the stream assumed the drops would be better

    And the lack of a holiday calendar this year was disappointing
    100 percent!!!!
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