Kicked out of Alliance 3 days before banquent ends

I was kicked unfairly from the alliance BC333 (been in alliance near a month) just a few hours ago with zero warning . I was an active member who usually contributed around the top 15 for Summoner Advancement , particapted in AQ all the time, and contributed 7.7k banquet points which was around 20th in the alliance. 7.7k points although may not seem like a lot but for a newly turned thronebreaker (2 days ago) who didnt have any previous tickets cost somewhere between 3-4k units is a lot for my account as I'm a casual took a lot of grinding and my reward for that is zero alliance rewards which is crazy. Kabam could of fixed this by implementing a rule of where if you have the met there 14 day rule for particpation for Banquent you cannot be kicked until the event is over or you still get rank rewards based on the points your alliance had when you were kicked so at least I get something . In the future talking for all summoners how can you be 100 per cent sure after investing time and for many players money that you can get kicked last second and lose out on account changing rewards and reduce your banquent to nothing while your alliance steals all your points . How is this fair and how has mcoc community let this slide?? Things like this really make lose motivation to play MCOC (coming from a casual playing this game for a good 6 7 years ) and leave for good.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.
The reason why this sort of thing is "allowed to slide" is because it is necessary. Alliances are not Kabam institutions, they are player run organizations, and it is up to the players to decide how they are run, what the requirements are, what the rules are, and so on. Players must have the right to manage their alliances as they see fit, because that's their purpose for even existing. We want hard core players to be able to seek each other out and play together, we want casual players to be able to do likewise. We hope players will run their alliances fairly, but we can't be the arbiters of what's fair. What's fair in one alliance might be seen as draconian in another. But that's their prerogative to decide.
We can't start creating lockouts and such, because that takes away the one tool alliance leaders have to enforce their rules. A player can decide to flaunt the rules or even disrupt the alliance, and alliance leaders would have no way to address the situation. And don't say open tickets. Kabam support cannot be expected to arbitrate he said she said fights in every alliance in the game.
None of us knows why you got kicked. Maybe you did something and the alliance leader had just cause. Maybe the alliance leader wanted to make room for his girlfriend and you drew the short straw. Maybe he pushed the button by mistake. Maybe they just don't like you. We will never likely know for sure, and thus we aren't really in a position to judge the situation. And neither would Kabam be. So like I said, open a support ticket, explain your situation calmly and simply, and see if they are willing to address your situation with regard to missed alliance rewards.
And if you decide to blame the game for your experience with your alliance because the company won't step in to resolve an issue between players, well, that's your choice, but there's likely going to be a lot of other things in life that you'll be avoiding because someone else does something you don't like and you think it is the responsibility of others to fix the situation for you.
You have 14 valiants in your former alliance and there's not enough slots in AQ
Your former alliance mates were probably pissed off that you couldn't contribute much points to AQ yet you were taking 1 slot from them
So 1 strong alliance member missed out on weekly glory
You couldn't join AW bcos defenders were already placed so you couldn't take up a slot
It's best to communicate with your alliance whether you are taking rewards from them without contributing sufficiently
Imagine a player who is recruited to an alliance and is informed what the minimum expectations are, and then during an event they do just enough to qualify for all the rewards and then stops and gives the finger to the alliance and says kick me if you want, I already get everything ha ha ha.
Did you know if a player cheats in alliance war and the entire alliance gets docked points, causing everyone to lose rewards, alliance leaders are not even allowed to ask Kabam which player caused this to happen? Players are protected from having disciplinary actions taken against entire alliances from being disclosed.
When you say alliance leaders have too much power, they actually have almost zero power. The only power they have is the one thing you want to remove: the ability to remove them from the alliance and with that no longer share in any rewards that alliance will earn in the future. They have no other power beyond that, unless you consider moving defenders around on a map organizational power.
As I said, you can open a support ticket and ask for assistance, and Kabam support has at other times attempted to address the situation with missing rewards. However, this is done on a case by case basis, and changing the rules to prevent this situation from ever happening in the future tends to involve crippling alliance leaders in ways that would make actually running alliances even more problematic than it already is for many alliances.
Actually, speaking as an alliance leader myself, the problem is not the kick itself. The problem is if we changed things so that either you were locked from kicking or players were guaranteed rewards regardless of their behavior, my worry is that would encourage more alliance trolling, because all the downside to joining alliances and then making trouble would be eliminated.
I don't mean to be a complete ahole but the contribution was low...
As an alliance leader since 2018, I know what these AL and officers are thinking in their minds when they kick members
Many players just refuse to communicate with their AL and officers and the easy way out is to kick those who ignore their AL and officers
We hit all the alliance milestones on day 1 of banquet without me saying anything about banquet
In fact the lowest points contributed is 1,000 points by a new player
You need to find a good alliance