Exclusive offers for whales ?!?!

I just came back from a recent video of Lagacy showing exclusive or hidden 1000$ units bundle in the store and more ridiculously low units price offer of 10 units for t6b and t3a. I don’t question the offers but why are they hidden to us more common players and why exclusively to huge whales.
Isn’t it unfair to offer especially catalysts at such low prices and reinforce the p2w gap between summoners?
Isn’t it unfair to offer especially catalysts at such low prices and reinforce the p2w gap between summoners?
$18,000 equivalent.
Why do you think general players need it?
How many players do you think scored a million points?
It would also be nice to know at what spend level these “VIP” deals become available.
Dr. Zola
Cutoffs have to start somewhere, it was 1 Million points for this.
The crystals were designed to offer a bit more of the higher tier catalysts than you’d ordinarily expect and ordinarily are harder to get for the vast majority of players. That’s makes them more valuable for the vast majority of players who typically experience imbalances in the reverse direction: lots of lower cats but waiting for the higher ones.
This works up to a limit, but the ultra ultra mega whales blow past those limits, and then blow past the economic limits the game itself contains to even acquire any of that stuff. This places them permanently unable to use the vast majority of those catalysts, ever. This is an extreme corner case condition that no player is ever likely to experience, except for the largest whales in the largest spending event in the game.
Under those extreme circumstances, the only reasonable thing to do is to offer them a way to correct those imbalances that cannot be corrected in any other way by any resource management strategy. It makes perfect sense to me, and I would do exactly the same. I understand there are some people who think this goes against any idea of economic balance, but it is precisely economic balance principles I would have used myself to justify doing this if it were my decision to make.
I would also fully expect to entertain legitimate challenges to that thought process, and I would have no problems justifying them in game economic management terms.
I have no response for the emotional reaction and response, but that would not affect my decisions in this matter in the slightest.
I'm just curious.
30? 60?
Second thing: I think you are thoughtful, and I also think you try to be reasonable in your approach. Offering special dispensation to players who wind up with so many cats they cannot use them—presumably all adults, who have the capacity to understand the terms and conditions of the game—is understandable and defensible from a profitability perspective. I’ve played the game for a decade, and I’ve heard plenty of pieties about balance and sanctity. Ultimately, I believe money spent overrides all of that, and it’s fair to expect that to be the explicit subtext to any and all pieties expressed.
I think you understand that, whether you admit it or not.
Dr. Zola
broZ is a fraud ?
And all he spent was using a stolen card.. will Kabam be held responsible.. and what happens to the event what concluded..? Will it roll back ..
Again I am not accusing but just a thought what came to my mind...
Everyone always forgets you tack on 30%+ to cover medical and unemployment insurance for a full time employee cost.
Other also deserve that be it a higher price 🤷🤷 make it 30(super daily event price) that's 300% higher than the whales get (which is 10 units) 🤷🤷
Why does everybody feel so bloody entitled to everything?
Spend $20k on the game next banquet, I'm sure you'll get a similar offer so that everything in your overflow doesn't expire to.
The reason the Banquet crystal was unbalanced was 100% on me. Our Live Ops team produced a perfectly balanced tuning for the crystal in which this wouldn't have been a problem. In reviewing it, I counted all T6B/T3A drops as filler, and in an effort to reduce the amount of filler I moved some of those drops to other resources. For most players this wasn't a problem. I personally put up around 100,000 points and finished ~1500th, and for me the imbalance wasn't perceptible.
However in monitoring the event over the break, we realized players at the top were going to put up more points than we expected, and for them it was going to become a real problem. So we did something quick and dirty to help them correct the imbalance. If I could go back in time to before the event I would have thought of something else, but I'm pretty sure players wouldn't have liked the Banquet event more if it had included more T6B/T3A in the crystals.
I personally don't see this as a fairness problem, as I can tell you the difference between my account and these accounts has nothing to do with T6B/T3A. And I don't see it as these players getting to buy T6B/T3A for 10 Units, I see them as getting to buy T6B/T3A for 750,000 Units + 10 Units, which is what somebody had to spend to unlock this offer.
How about us in the middle that spend but nothing to crazy, I spend within means and was able to get myself got into 1% but didn’t even pull anything worthwhile, majority a lot through the website offers.
There was only really 1 good offer the 10 sbc + key but the rest of $50 offers don’t even compare to it.
Yall even had a $1,000 odin offer
It would of been nice after 50k, or even 100k+ points there was reward for scoring that much or offers something to compensate scoring that much of a score
Vs than just catering to the mega whales..
Good thing the gap between spenders and none has been balanced now...
In any case, I have a tendency to wax philosophical. The main point I'm making is the game has some semblance of balance BECAUSE not everyone has that much money to spend on the game. Some do, and they can advance their Accounts accordingly. The number of people who are spending tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars on the game is sparce in comparison to the overall.
Balance doesn't mean equal distribution.
Basically if you spent too much, hey we are going to make sure your spending is perfectly balanced.
You know what happens if I go to the store and buy too much stuff just because its on sale?... I assume fault and pretty much end up with rotten produce cause I was dumb enough to buy too much. The store won't provide me a way of making sure I can consume all of it...
The nerve to call it a "carch up event", the smarter solution would have been making stashes bigger so they can use their overflow accordingly within time....
The trash crystals had too much T6CC, and now the whales are short on T6B and T3A to do R2 and R3 rank ups... Oh no...
Congrats to 10 year.
I'm just here to watch the 🎆 🎇 🧨
Also the main question to ask is if the balance had been kept all this while.why do we still need additional measure so long