Wrong Featured Crystal?



  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    @Gwendoline Well obviously.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    35six7 wrote: »
    The false advertising argument is that, the “Void Crystal” should meant to be pulling Void as the feature champion and “the Sentry Crystal” should be meant to pull Sentry as the feature champion. Why Kabam had to mixed up the two names of these feature crystals in the first place and try to confuse the players. I think this is totally unacceptable.

    That's not what happened at all. Nor is it part of the false advertisement (which btw, didn't happen to start with, I'll elaborate in a minute). The Sentry crystal contained Void. This was clearly stated in the ingame message. The Void crystal earlier this month contained Sentry. So the crystal with the name "Sentry" is what we call void his crystal since you can pull void. Confusing, yes, but the Balde crystal isn't named Blade either. What makes it confusing is that the name of Void his crystal is the name of another champion.

    Now they didn't message us there was a Void crystal available, they messaged us a crystal containing Void, The Sentry crystal, was available. Which it was not. It's like saying the new iPhone is available but being out of stock before even 1 person buys it.

    We can claim that there was false advertisement since what they told us was there wasn't, but the whole crystal wasn't there. They didn't give us a box from the new iPad with the old model in it, they gave us the wrong box. We walked out with the wrong box, used it and then went back and said "this isn't what I wanted, I wanted the newest model". We should have seen this before paying for it.

    They did not put "The Sentry" crystal online with Sentry in it instead of the Void, they put their old model in the store, with the right name on the box and the right phones in it, but the new phones where still in the back, not in the store.

    The moment they realized this they moved the old models to the back and the new model to the front, so that people that didn't read the box would not be stuck with the wrong version.
  • QualozQualoz Member Posts: 28
    When will this issue be resolved I'm not getting any help from support. I was saving up my shards for void and when I saw the crystal that said void i opened 6 of them. I pulled sentry on the sixth crystal. Come to find out it should of been void i pulled. Any how I did end up getting 5 star void from the 300 unit crystal. But as it states here in the forums my first 5 star sentry should of been void and since I pulled him again I want my dupe of void please. I'll be waiting. This mistake is ridiculous.The void crytal should say void and the sentry crystal should say sentry. Not to mention all the money I spent trying to dupe void wich of course didn't happen when I should of already had the dupe and would of never spent my money in the first place trying to dupe him.
  • edited January 2018
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  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Qualoz wrote: »
    When will this issue be resolved I'm not getting any help from support. I was saving up my shards for void and when I saw the crystal that said void i opened 6 of them. I pulled sentry on the sixth crystal. Come to find out it should of been void i pulled. Any how I did end up getting 5 star void from the 300 unit crystal. But as it states here in the forums my first 5 star sentry should of been void and since I pulled him again I want my dupe of void please. I'll be waiting. This mistake is ridiculous.The void crytal should say void and the sentry crystal should say sentry. Not to mention all the money I spent trying to dupe void wich of course didn't happen when I should of already had the dupe and would of never spent my money in the first place trying to dupe him.

    Mate, trying hard to understand your post tbh? Did you pull 6 FEATURED crystals, in the few minutes where the confusing took place? If that is the case then by the end of the week you will get a 5^* Void for free. But, only if this was in the timescale of the confusion, not after it

    If you are talking about the 300 unit crystals, and I think this is what you mean. Then there was no confusion with them and what you pulled is what you pulled. So you keep all 6 of those pulls including the Sentry you pulled

    And if you pulled the Void you have now from a 300 unit crystal, then when you get your free one this week he will become duped for you. Cant see where you have lost any money tbh? You would have had a Void instead of a Sentry and still spent the units you did trying to dupe him

    Anyway, sounds like you will be happy by the end of the week


    To me it sounds like he pulled a featured Sentry (which should have been Void) and then pulled a Void from a 300 unit crystal, but wanting to dupe him, he kept opening 300 unit crystals. Which obviously he wouldn't have done had he pulled Void instead of Sentry.
  • QualozQualoz Member Posts: 28
    No back when sentry was in arenas i opened six void 15000 shard crystals and pulled one 5 star sentry. The name on the crystal should of said sentry or I wouldn't of opened them. That's just dumb they have the wrong names on them I was saving for void. So I'm making sure I keep my sentry and get my duped void since the names on the crystals are screwed up.
  • QualozQualoz Member Posts: 28
    I shouldn't have to go thru all of this send me my duped void when this is resolved plain n simple thanks
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Qualoz wrote: »
    No back when sentry was in arenas i opened six void 15000 shard crystals and pulled one 5 star sentry. The name on the crystal should of said sentry or I wouldn't of opened them. That's just dumb they have the wrong names on them I was saving for void. So I'm making sure I keep my sentry and get my duped void since the names on the crystals are screwed up.

    Oh you’re just being silly now. You didn’t look what you bought, you didn’t read the email saying what the crystal contained, your bad. Not theirs, yours. It was really clear that they where doing this whole Sentry/Void Jakyll/Hyde thing.

    Also, make your own thread, you’re off topic here. This has nothing to do with the wrong crystal being put out.
  • edited January 2018
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  • QualozQualoz Member Posts: 28
    Thanks for your input but I don't need flagged or to open up my own thread I opened my crystals that said void because I was waiting and excited to try to get him didn't worry about checking messages or emails sorry. They made a mistake obviously because they aren't perfect either with this recent mix up and neither am I so please don't be rude. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done this. Besides the fact that most people that flag u are usually jealous that they don't have these champs to begin with.Like all these blade threads just jealous they don't have him cause if they did they wouldn't make threads about him.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Gronholm14 wrote: »
    I will actually answer this for you. In your words, there was "false advertising,". Ok so I will follow your logic. There was an email sent out stating void was available. 100% of the people who who purchased the incorrect crystal went to the crystal store, saw the same crystal on offer and paid 15k shards each. The moment they realized the crystal was the wrong one may be different for all, but they purchased it under the same conditions of advertising. The outcome of those crystals were different, yes, but the conditions of influence of purchase were the same. If this is the case, then compensation in the end must be for this false advertising ALONE that you mention and it applies to all, or it applies to none regardless of the outcome.

    This line of thinking has a critical flaw, and that is that it depends on the notion that the people who bought the Void crystal (that contained Sentry) got the wrong crystal entirely. But that's a matter of semantics. It is entirely a matter of perspective whether those players got the wrong crystal or got the right crystal with the wrong contents. If the devs accidentally set the attack of a new champion incorrectly we don't say we got the wrong champion, we say we got the right champion with the wrong attack value. The difference between the Void crystal and the Sentry crystal is that the Sentry crystal has the wrong featured champion data and one more subfeatured champion.

    This would be just a sematic difference until you decide that everyone who bought the Void crystal whether they dropped Sentry or not was somehow wronged for getting the wrong crystal. That would mean that if Kabam wanted to invalidate your argument instead of swapping crystal definitions in the game they could edit that crystal's data to include the proper featured and add the proper subfeatured entry. In that case, everyone would always be getting the same crystal, both before and after the fix, and your argument that anyone got the wrong crystal would be false - everyone would be getting the same crystal always. Instead, the problem was that the crystal originally contained the wrong featured champion, and the only people affected were the people who pulled that featured champion. Everyone else got what they were supposed to get, because every one else would be getting the same thing that everyone else was getting even after the fix.

    But that's nonsensical. Any perspective that allows Kabam to decide who is affected by altering which data they edit in the game is obviously a wrong perspective. The right perspective must factor in only what the crystal offered to players and the degree to which that offer was incorrect, and not factor in how the fix is implemented, something that should have no impact on the decision of who to remedy. What the crystal offers is a random chance at certain champions. If you did not pull Sentry, the random chance you were offered is identical to what was intended. If you did pull Sentry, then the random chance you were offered generated a result impossible under the correct crystal. Those people who pulled Sentry were the only ones offered something other than intended. Regardless of whether the crystal was wrong or the crystal contents were wrong is irrelevant to that.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    Slig wrote: »
    Why is a sentry for void swap so difficult? Seems fair. If it’s already duped, just take off 20 sig levels. Shouldn’t be so difficult or contentious.

    As far as I'm aware I was the first to suggest something like that in the thread, and at the time I did not suggest a remedy for champion duping because no one had yet brought it up. We're discussing the problem after days of reflection, but Kabam decided to discuss and implement a fix within a single day. They may have decided that allowing people to keep Sentry was safer than trying to figure out all the ways they would have to account for Sentry swaps as well as building the mechanism for the swap which itself would have to implement all of those options.

    It is easy to second guess how easy or difficult these kinds of changes are to implement, until you're the one that has to do so after only a few hours of thinking through the situation and only one opportunity to get it right and often no opportunity to test your solution carefully. The guy responsible for implementing the Void fix almost certainly has no direct access to the live server data, only test servers populated by limited test data. And in most MMOs I'm aware of the developer that writes the scripts to address problems like this isn't allowed to directly run them on the live servers either: they are required to package them up and give to operations people to run.

    So you have a few hours to think the problem through, and then propose a fix that management will approve. Whatever they approve, you will have to write in such a way that someone else who knows almost nothing about the code you're running will be able to run this fix against the live servers without your help, and it must work the first time. Under those circumstances, how aggressively will you try to make a complex fix that addresses all possible circumstances?
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Qualoz those crystals weren’t affected and sentry was in the sub featured champs, that’s why you won him. That wasn’t a mistake, he was supposed to be in there
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    And as stated several times, the issues with swapping sentry are resources used since, awakening stones, sig stones, rank up materials. Gets more complicated Than throwing that tiny portion of people a bone, (lazy solution maybe correct, but it’s really not a big deal, others should not be offended that a tiny amount of people get thrown a bone.) ‘compensation’ maybe because they went days with being frustrated and annoyed with their terrible pull after realising what had happened. If the wrong champ had been a well sort after champ it may have been a different outcome or at least would have had a bigger uproar, it’s sentry, he’s probably the worst champ in the game,
  • QualozQualoz Member Posts: 28
    Look plain n simple that 5 star featured crystal was messed up and it was their fault. I Don't care if that crystal was released 2 years ago the time frame doesn't matter . Any One that got a 5 star sentry from this recent void sentry backwards mess crystal last week's void sentry backwards crystal should be rewarded both 5 star versions of these champs and as many duplicates of those champs. Everyone will argue their side but taking kabbams side from a players perspective when they are dead wrong is outrageous.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    People still moaning about this?!

    The issues been sorted! Let it be
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★
    MattMan wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike I pulled Sentry on the first crystal I formed, then tried two more time for Void when I would have stopped at the first. How can I get my 30k shards back for the two crystals I wouldn’t have formed otherwise?
    @Kabam Miike

  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    MattMan wrote: »
    MattMan wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike I pulled Sentry on the first crystal I formed, then tried two more time for Void when I would have stopped at the first. How can I get my 30k shards back for the two crystals I wouldn’t have formed otherwise?
    @Kabam Miike

    Uh you get nothing. If you pulled 2 more sentrys then you would get a total of 3 Void. What is there not to understand

  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    MattMan wrote: »
    MattMan wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike I pulled Sentry on the first crystal I formed, then tried two more time for Void when I would have stopped at the first. How can I get my 30k shards back for the two crystals I wouldn’t have formed otherwise?
    @Kabam Miike

    Score in top 10% in featured aren 75 Times. Piece of cake.
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  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    People still moaning about this?!

    The issues been sorted! Let it be

    No, someone is moaning because he pulled Sentry out of the crystal when Sentry was actually the featured. When the right crystal containing the right champs was online. He's trying to use this to get a free Void.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    It's so funny how this forum works. The apologists who would (and have) told everyone that they deserve no compensation for whatever legitimate issues they've had in game are all here explaining why people getting an extra champion is the PERFECT resolution to this issue lmao.

    "No it's completely reasonable for these players to be awarded 15k red shards because kabam said so".

    But all they had to do was swap the champs.

    "No, no, no you don't even understand. That would be impossible because *lists made up reasons that almost sound legit, waits for another to move the conversation along in another direction*"

    Idky kabam chose this so-called fix, I'll never know. I'm leaning towards a certain group of players being the main ones affected. That's usually the case when it comes to head-scratchers like this. As for the rhetoric in this thread.. that part I totally get. It's very transparent. The names change but the content remains the same.
  • QualozQualoz Member Posts: 28
    No sorry I opened 6 crystals that said void and of course I thought void would be in them nothing more nothing less.But keep hating and thinking u know what everyone Is thinking. There are actually good honest people in this world and u aren't one of them obviously. As hard as u are trying for me to not get void U are the only wrong one here ☺. But have a good day and god bless.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Qualoz wrote: »
    No sorry I opened 6 crystals that said void and of course I thought void would be in them nothing more nothing less.But keep hating and thinking u know what everyone Is thinking. There are actually good honest people in this world and u aren't one of them obviously. As hard as u are trying for me to not get void U are the only wrong one here ☺. But have a good day and god bless.

    Who is this “you” you’re talking too? Me, Hubris? Maybe tag or quote, it would help.
  • edited January 2018
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  • QualozQualoz Member Posts: 28
    Just because you think I'm lying doesn't make you right. But you are entitled to your opinion. I'm just wondering why you are so concerned about me? I thought it was void in the crystals I opened ok buddy. Kabbam is allowed to make mistakes with by putting out the wrong crystal but a player like my self isn't is what your saying. I'm not going to get him probably I hope that will make u happy. Misery loves company obviously and you seem to have some type of complex of thinking you are always right from what i can see. If you didn't think I was right people like you wouldn't even bother trying so hard to hate on me. I think u really need to find something better to do than spreading your jealously around my post k have a good day ☺
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Qualoz wrote: »
    No sorry I opened 6 crystals that said void and of course I thought void would be in them nothing more nothing less.But keep hating and thinking u know what everyone Is thinking. There are actually good honest people in this world and u aren't one of them obviously. As hard as u are trying for me to not get void U are the only wrong one here ☺. But have a good day and god bless.

    The featured crystal at the moment is called the Maned crystal, yet there is no character called Maned in the game!!

    They need to make one asap. I pulled the featured but I didn't get Maned. I wouldn't have opened any if I'd known Maned wasn't in there!
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Love to strike a nerve w truth.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Qualoz wrote: »
    Just because you think I'm lying doesn't make you right. But you are entitled to your opinion. I'm just wondering why you are so concerned about me? I thought it was void in the crystals I opened ok buddy. Kabbam is allowed to make mistakes with by putting out the wrong crystal but a player like my self isn't is what your saying. I'm not going to get him probably I hope that will make u happy. Misery loves company obviously and you seem to have some type of complex of thinking you are always right from what i can see. If you didn't think I was right people like you wouldn't even bother trying so hard to hate on me. I think u really need to find something better to do than spreading your jealously around my post k have a good day ☺

    You have a twisted view mate. I do agree calling you a liar is uncalled for. As far as I can tell you're very honest about having made a mistake yourself. And yes, making a mistake is human, you're allowed. But Kabam can't and shouldn't help you with this. If they do, it would break the dam. Everybody could message saying they opened the wrong crystal, there wouldn't be an end to it.

    You made a mistake and it sucks, but this is not the thread for you. This thread is about people that pulled a crystal when Kabam put a different one online then their ingame message said. That's not you.

    So I'm asking you again, stop going of topic. Make your own thread about this separate issue. You might find more people in the same situation and that actually gives you a bigger chance of getting help.
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