Is this supposed to be funny?

I literally just spent 20 minutes on a fight against DP in Trial of Heart. Now, I’m not going to complain about DP’s Regen or say he needs a nerf or anything, I’m gonna say that the AI is WAY TOO DEFENSIVE! On more than one occasion, he literally just blocked as soon as Overload wore off, and CONTINUED to block until either he proced ANOTHER Overload, or I tried to Heavy him, in which case he’d attack me, and then go back to just sitting there and blocking. It was almost impossible for me to bait his specials too. He’d be at two bars of power and wouldn’t use his special until Overload had triggered MULTIPLE TIMES. Now, I’m going to counter a few arguments BEFORE they’re brought up:
You: You’re just not good enough at the game!
Me: I’ve been playing for over two years, I rarely spend money on the game, and I’m only three quests away from being Uncollected. I’m not a pro, but I’m good.
You: You just need better champs!
Me: So GP, SW, Quake, Wolvie and Medusa isn’t a good team?
Kabam, it’s not just Deadpool, it’s almost everyone in Trial of Heart, and ONLY Trial of Heart. NONE of the others. Just the one where everyone has Overload. Are you kidding me...
You: You’re just not good enough at the game!
Me: I’ve been playing for over two years, I rarely spend money on the game, and I’m only three quests away from being Uncollected. I’m not a pro, but I’m good.
You: You just need better champs!
Me: So GP, SW, Quake, Wolvie and Medusa isn’t a good team?
Kabam, it’s not just Deadpool, it’s almost everyone in Trial of Heart, and ONLY Trial of Heart. NONE of the others. Just the one where everyone has Overload. Are you kidding me...
I rely very heavily on Void and Archangel on Wednesdays, even though they aren't typically in my main questing team.
I tried using Quake. The problems with champions randomly attacking and dropping blocks did not help
Agreed. She absolutely dismantles the AI in these Trials because they're so passive.
SW nullifies all those annoying Overloads as well.
Quake can stop Overload from triggering at all, SW almost always nullifies it for me. My champs arent the problem. The problem is that I can’t hit them
The only other one that really sucks for me is King Groot. Luckily Switch makes short work of him.
Actually, I've used Gwenpool in Trials of the Heart. Unless you're facing bleed immune like King Groot she can damage fast enough to kill in between arc overloads, and she has power lock which can allow you to spam attacks without pausing to bait specials AND if she is awakened she can survive a special three attack if you need to just blitz into the target knowing you are going to push to three bars.
But the most underappreciated champ for this trial seems to be Dr. Voodoo. Too many people are focused on heal block. Dr. Voodoo can, if you play slow and carefully, stack an unlimited amount of poison on the target. But you don't need unlimited. You just need a couple. Once you get to three stacks of poison the target stops healing. Poison reduces the strength of all heals. Two stacks of poison are enough to neuter arc overload. Three stacks of poison is essentially heal blocked completely. Particular good against King Groot.
But even against poison immune, Voodoo can often deal enough damage to eventually win, by keeping power burn up with SP2. The power burn damage is high enough to kill in between arc overloads.
Void is the best character for this quest and is the best counter to gg imo. I use him in wars against 5* and 6* ggs all the time
I tried that. It worked in the end, but the bugs where champions will randomly attack or drop their blocks did NOT help. I had to revive her multiple times, which is why I tried using other champs and encountered this problem
Really? It seems like lots of people have been having this problem (some more than others)
I hear some people use him very effectively.
He makes god-tier champs look like child's toys.
I'm with you, but still, good luck with King Groot, Cable, and Ultron!
SL dealt with cable and AA dealt with x-23 and Deadpool.
If I'd had kg like past weeks then I took Voodoo to deal with that
I'm not sure what you mean by "that logic." I presented two different ways to counter this day. I first mentioned Gwenpool because:
He mentions using Gwenpool. I know Gwenpool works, so I'm presuming the problem isn't the champ but rather the tactics. If you play Gwenpool conservatively she doesn't work, because she can't overcome the healing. But if you play aggressively, she can. In this case, I'm not recommending using stronger champs, I'm recommending using the champs I know the OP has, but in a different way.
I also mention Voodoo, because Voodoo is explicitly at least as good if not better option than heal block without simply outdamaging the opponent's heals. People seem to consistently fail to realize (because it isn't well documented) that poison was changed a while back to reduce the effectiveness of healing. Once you get poison on the target, you can ignore the targets heals for the most part and kill them at your leisure. In fact, a sufficiently skilled player could use 3* Voodoo to bring down any non-poison immune node on this map. But it doesn't take nearly as much skill with a 4* Voodoo.
I usually bring AA as well, but my first node was Ultron. I ended up using Stark Spidey since his L2 has extra mojo vs robots.
How does Magik do anything useful against regen?