What many people get as their first five star?

I am going to open my first five star crystal and I want know whether there is a list or chance of specific five star champions that summoners can get as their first five star.Also share what you got as your first five star.
I dont know about trends for first 5 stars so cannot touch on that myself.
I am very curious to open my first five star crystal. I will get my first five star on 19
Crossbones is worth r3 for sure. Just done go against any mystics in AW and he will smack people around
2.Ghost Rider
3. Dormammu
4. Spiderman miles Morales
5. Groot
6. Mephisto
Only 2 have actually been bad (Groot and Miles) but everyone else is pretty good 😁
And @MildStoneHolder there's not a specific list for your first 5*. It's not like Kabam just says for your first 5* you either get Groot Kamala Khan or Hulk buster 😂😂😂
I wish I had Crossbones.
My first was Venom
Next,Old man Logan,Hulk,She-Hulk(Back2Back Coincidence?)and Loki.
Im'ma open my sixth soon only 800 shards away
Sentinel my last one
Star lord on alt
But since I pulled bp, cable , rouge , Cyc and my favourite doc octopussy
Iron patriot 3 times
Rhino twice
Venompool twice
My first 5* was ip
1. Luke Cage
2. Mordo
3. Morningstar
4. Cable
5. Quake
I should mention I got Luke Cage months before the buff... so it was a very bad pull at the time (I was devastated to say the least...3/4 months of playing lead up to him so it felt really bad, but now he is one of my most useful and favorite champs oddly enough). But even if Luke was not buff my overall 5* luck has been great... but now that is is buffed I have a really good roster considering some people get nothing but terrible champs (which I feel really bad for... luck is not fair).
When she got buffed a few months later I was so happy I pulled her. That’s why I’m not that bothered when I get **** 5* now. My iron patriot that I got may well end up being one of the best champions in the game.
When there were only 10 heroes in the crystal.