So... about piloting...

The first season of Aw has just ended and I saw that there is going to be a month of pause... in this month I think it could be a really good idea to address this situation. I know it's dofficult because there seems to be no solution that makes everyone happy: for example if you lock 1 device to 1 account sadly people with more than 1 account can't play them with only 1 device. I don't have a proper solution for this problem but I think it's one of the biggest ones that needs to be tackled and this month is the perfect opportunity!
And it looks like a message about taking some time to review before dispersing rewards was just a message.
Questioning if/when it happens is either true or feigned ignorance, as I've said before.
Now allis that were close to the top and playing fair now know what they need to do to get where they want to go. That's not really a good thing for the big picture.
Don’t know how you do it lol barely have enough time for 1 account lol
Unfortunately this is the truth.
But just remember, you can still beat an ally piloting. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are guaranteed to win.
Someone always tries to throw this in. Geez it’s simple. Plus many folks have admitted piloting in other chats.
Piloting wouldn't be as detrimental to the game if AW tiers were divided by war rating instead of by %. Since AW tiers are divided by %, piloting screws over EVERYONE who doesn't pilot.
Screws me out of what exactly? I still enjoyed my rewards in Gold 1 without all this piloting stuff. I'm not trying to be a pro player or taking this game that seriously to get worked up over my ranking dropping 100 places because some people let their friend play for them. In my experience, I see more people playing for others simply to advance in a timely fashion.
Screws you out of moving up AW tiers. The top .5% of AW rated alliances get 6* shards from AW wins, piloting prevents honest alliances reaching the top .5% because the top .5% is a limited number of alliances (top 400-450ish). My alliance is gold 1, we don't pilot and we're not trying to be pro players either.
If you're satisfied with topping out at your current AW position that's fine. Other players have aspirations of seeing how far they can go in AW by continuing to improve their skills, rosters, and defender placements.
I would never give someone my log in can get screwed big time..what if someone sold all your top champs out of spite and you can't turn to Kabam because you we're violating the rules to begin with
But you will never be able to prove who is piloting and who isn't, so why spend any time or energy on that? If you feel the game is truly unfair and biased in this regard, then move on. I don't understand what you expect to happen here. Sorry life isn't fair, but that's life.
Kabam has the means to determine which players break terms of service by account sharing (piloting). I've gone over this is multiple other threads, I'm not going to here because dogpiling is not constructive. You'd be surprised how simple it is for companies to track user internet and device access, ask someone who has experience with government agencies in fields like information security, computer forensics, and cybersecurity.
Is it cheap? I don't think they want to drag in a forensics team because you got 4k shards instead of 6k
@NutJob_Hero How is it simple? Enlighten me.
I said Kabam is able to fix and prevent piloting themselves. The example I gave was about someone with relative career experience explaining to me how companies (Facebook, YouTube, Kabam, etc.) are able to easily determine who uses their online services and from which devices they use to do so. No forensics team is needed to accomplish this.
Very very competitive at the top level (have you not seen all the drama surrounding top players and alliances?) and they would do anything to win. Unfortunately, half of kabams revenue comes from those whales sitting at the top level so if they kill em, who is gonna pay for everything? People who goes on to forum and complain about free stuff? Nah, I don't think so.
All in all, even if Kabam can do something about it, they are not willing and won't do it. Killing cash cows is bad for business.
Not sure if it has been mentioned, but this wouldnt work either. We have multiple people in an alliance with 2 accounts in the alliance. They play both accounts that they own on the same devices. They shouldnt be punished formhaving the time or more oftern, the money, to have multiple high rank accounts
I don't think they turn a blind eye to any kind of cheating, tbh. I really don't. It's just at some point, the player base does what it does, even if it's ridiculous.
I remember way back when, when Kabam wanted to address concerns of the high-end grind time of Arenas. People were complaining about it consistently.
But then Kabam started making better and better champions, and 5-stars were announced and released. And the player base responded with higher and higher Arena totals for the featured characters.
At some point, there's little more that Kabam can do. If this is the way people are gonna play, and they are paying the freight, what are you gonna do, as a business?
I run a low-intensity, casual alliance. I would never do some of the stuff I hear about.
But other people aren't like that. They just aren't. They are gonna find ways to cut corners and cheat, and at some point, I would rather Kabam make more characters, better characters, buff older characters, and focus on new content.
Ok, but do you think your solution is inexpensive? How is Kabam going to pay for this extra policing, especially when it will lead to some of the top spenders getting banned?
VPN what? Talking device ids. Not up address. Look it up
how are they going to pay for the extra policing? Uh, this game makes millions. It's a matter if they feel like doing it or not.
@New_Noob168 answered this for me. Estimates have MCOC making $150K+ per day (, that $54-55+ million a year. There are always going to be players who spend a lot of $, banning a few won't change that. A certain well known alliance lost close to half their members from the unit fraud scam earlier this year, they refilled their ranks immediately and are still a top alliance.