Kabaam's explanation makes no sense. An extra path didnt just appear. Somebody wrote the game code to change the graphic and change the way the player interacts with the map. Somebody installed it on that part of the program. And even if your willing to believe it is an accident, it wasn't there last week. Somebody with access to the program went in and changed something over the last few days.
This is just insane. The new Sentinels already make Map 5 much harder and then this "bug". I get that bugs happen all the time, but Kabam seems to be almost too willing to burden their gamers.
I have a good idea for a new node when AQ gets completely refreshed. It’s called the Thanos Node. It would be randomly placed each AQ and whoever happens to cross it has to fight a R10, level 100, 10* Thanos with 500k HPs, 40k ATT. I think that would be a fair challenge 🙃
Someone sabotaged the game. How is it possible that the maps just mistakenly have an extra node 😂 I would think that takes quiet a bit of work on someone’s part
It definitely can happen. What it looks like happened here was that this was changed when the Sentinels were added to the Map, but only on this iteration (there are 3 iterations, one for each mini boss) of Map 5. So, this could have come up last week, or it could have come up next, but it just happened to come around this time.
I wanted to clarify for everyone, the additional node on Path 7 of Map 5 was not added intentionally. We are currently looking into why this occurred but we can confirm that this is definitely not intended and is not an unannounced changed made to cost you more energy.
As we've stated in the past, we do not knowingly make changes to the game without communicating them. Doing so would only cause confusion and frustration and that isn't what anyone wants. Also, please keep in mind, it takes a little bit of time to confirm the existence of an error like this and to communicate it with the community. Please be patient and constructive in posting your concerns.
When we have any additional information about this situation to share, we will do so.
And, as always, even when you are frustrated, the forum rules still apply.
So what you’re saying is because this is a “bug” that affects the players it’s gonna take a while to find out why this happened/who put it there, but if it was a bug that affected your profits it would be fixed almost immediately?
Hmm, I don't see where we said that. We're working on a fix right now. These kinds of assumptions don't really help anybody, and really only make this a more hostile and aggressive space, when there really is no need.
Although put forward in an aggressive manner he's not wrong. We've seen it time and time again that when there's an issue or glitch that effects gameplay it takes weeks/months and in some cases basically never to fix it but when it effects profitability the game is shut down and the issue is delt with immediately. I get it you're a company and you're out to make money but there's a good way to do that and that's definitely not the way kabam does it.
Guys this is just a bit of a refresh not a significant change. You will all just need a bit of time to adapt to it. LOL now you don't need a Mod to respond because they won't say more.
Yep no time to adjust rewards, but we got time to adjust champs and map layout 👍👍
Someone sabotaged the game. How is it possible that the maps just mistakenly have an extra node 😂 I would think that takes quiet a bit of work on someone’s part
It definitely can happen. What it looks like happened here was that this was changed when the Sentinels were added to the Map, but only on this iteration (there are 3 iterations, one for each mini boss) of Map 5. So, this could have come up last week, or it could have come up next, but it just happened to come around this time.
But meant u guys need to giv US a 45 min energy recahce
How is this even possible kabam? If you can somehow "accidentally" add an entirely new node with connecting paths to an AQ map what else can be "accidentally" changed which isn't so noticeable?
Your credibility is heading towards an all time low in recent weeks so I really hope there is some miraculous explanation for what has transpired here.
I wanted to clarify for everyone, the additional node on Path 7 of Map 5 was not added intentionally. We are currently looking into why this occurred but we can confirm that this is definitely not intended and is not an unannounced changed made to cost you more energy.
As we've stated in the past, we do not knowingly make changes to the game without communicating them. Doing so would only cause confusion and frustration and that isn't what anyone wants. Also, please keep in mind, it takes a little bit of time to confirm the existence of an error like this and to communicate it with the community. Please be patient and constructive in posting your concerns.
When we have any additional information about this situation to share, we will do so.
And, as always, even when you are frustrated, the forum rules still apply.
So what you’re saying is because this is a “bug” that affects the players it’s gonna take a while to find out why this happened/who put it there, but if it was a bug that affected your profits it would be fixed almost immediately?
Hmm, I don't see where we said that. We're working on a fix right now. These kinds of assumptions don't really help anybody, and really only make this a more hostile and aggressive space, when there really is no need.
Just saying what seems to be the truth. Whenever there is an issue such as underpriced crystals (just an example) it always seems to be fixed within minutes but we have had issues in game such as Captain Marvel’s sp2 for months that still hasn’t been fixed yet.
You guys seriously complaining about one extra tile? Will you guys not **** about anything?
Yes, I think we will most definitely complain about a change in AQ that was unannounced and appears to be a bug. I do not see any issue complaining about bugs in the game.
I wanted to clarify for everyone, the additional node on Path 7 of Map 5 was not added intentionally. We are currently looking into why this occurred but we can confirm that this is definitely not intended and is not an unannounced changed made to cost you more energy.
As we've stated in the past, we do not knowingly make changes to the game without communicating them. Doing so would only cause confusion and frustration and that isn't what anyone wants. Also, please keep in mind, it takes a little bit of time to confirm the existence of an error like this and to communicate it with the community. Please be patient and constructive in posting your concerns.
When we have any additional information about this situation to share, we will do so.
And, as always, even when you are frustrated, the forum rules still apply.
So what you’re saying is because this is a “bug” that affects the players it’s gonna take a while to find out why this happened/who put it there, but if it was a bug that affected your profits it would be fixed almost immediately?
Hmm, I don't see where we said that. We're working on a fix right now. These kinds of assumptions don't really help anybody, and really only make this a more hostile and aggressive space, when there really is no need.
Although put forward in an aggressive manner he's not wrong. We've seen it time and time again that when there's an issue or glitch that effects gameplay it takes weeks/months and in some cases basically never to fix it but when it effects profitability the game is shut down and the issue is delt with immediately. I get it you're a company and you're out to make money but there's a good way to do that and that's definitely not the way kabam does it.
But it's actually not correct. Different bugs take different lengths of time and effort to address. Some bugs are much simpler, and can be fixed server side, while others take more time to investigate and implement a fix for in the code. If a bug requires engineering time, that means it will take much longer than those that do not.
This also ignores the plethora of issues that come up and are fixed right away, and is really nit picking on facts. We've fixed many bugs that are negative for the player pretty quickly. Some of them have been fixed minutes after being discovered because they're something that can be fixed server side.
We don't let any bug stay in the game longer than it has to. We want to get every bug fixed as soon as we can.
I wanted to clarify for everyone, the additional node on Path 7 of Map 5 was not added intentionally. We are currently looking into why this occurred but we can confirm that this is definitely not intended and is not an unannounced changed made to cost you more energy.
As we've stated in the past, we do not knowingly make changes to the game without communicating them. Doing so would only cause confusion and frustration and that isn't what anyone wants. Also, please keep in mind, it takes a little bit of time to confirm the existence of an error like this and to communicate it with the community. Please be patient and constructive in posting your concerns.
When we have any additional information about this situation to share, we will do so.
And, as always, even when you are frustrated, the forum rules still apply.
So what you’re saying is because this is a “bug” that affects the players it’s gonna take a while to find out why this happened/who put it there, but if it was a bug that affected your profits it would be fixed almost immediately?
Hmm, I don't see where we said that. We're working on a fix right now. These kinds of assumptions don't really help anybody, and really only make this a more hostile and aggressive space, when there really is no need.
Just saying what seems to be the truth. Whenever there is an issue such as underpriced crystals (just an example) it always seems to be fixed within minutes but we have had issues in game such as Captain Marvel’s sp2 for months that still hasn’t been fixed yet.
Fair enough, but you're comparing something that takes a couple minutes to change on the Server, to something that requires time from an Animator to realign and re-examine all of the metrics, then redo the animation to fit that, and then somebody to implement it to the character, and then into the game. It's like comparing an apple and crate of coconuts. It's very different!
We really do try to address every bug as soon as we can.
Someone sabotaged the game. How is it possible that the maps just mistakenly have an extra node 😂 I would think that takes quiet a bit of work on someone’s part
It definitely can happen. What it looks like happened here was that this was changed when the Sentinels were added to the Map, but only on this iteration (there are 3 iterations, one for each mini boss) of Map 5. So, this could have come up last week, or it could have come up next, but it just happened to come around this time.
So why wasn’t it picked up in testing, it seems like a pretty big thing to miss. I don’t get how something like this slipped by the entire game team.
Fair enough, but you're comparing something that takes a couple minutes to change on the Server, to something that requires time from an Animator to realign and re-examine all of the metrics, then redo the animation to fit that, and then somebody to implement it to the character, and then into the game. It's like comparing an apple and crate of coconuts. It's very different!
We really do try to address every bug as soon as we can.
To be fair, this new node on Morningstar map is server side isn't it? We didn't get an update from the app Store...
If you guys are worried that one extra node there is gonna cause y’all not to be able to finish AQ then your alliance has bigger issues. Take a chill pill and let them fix this.
You guys seriously complaining about one extra tile? Will you guys not **** about anything?
1 extra node changes the dynamics of a battlegroup's movement by 1 hour. This isn't as petty as you make it out to be.
Its map 5, if it was map 6 i could understand more complaints but this $#!+ really isnt a big deal, woah one more hour for energy gonna throw off everyones gameplan smh
Lol! Some of you are a little too nuts about this. It isn't that big of a deal. This is a game. If it's that big a problem to you, I feel sorry for you.
The community as a whole is starting to get burned out. Making the EQ have excessive energy costs and changing the difficulty of AQ mid season without increasing rewards already had people on edge. This might be a just a simple bug, but it seems like just more of the same to us. I'd suggest Kabam evaluate the current temperature of their player base and seriously consider some of the changes they have pushed lately. You're going to wear your players out.
Fair enough, but you're comparing something that takes a couple minutes to change on the Server, to something that requires time from an Animator to realign and re-examine all of the metrics, then redo the animation to fit that, and then somebody to implement it to the character, and then into the game. It's like comparing an apple and crate of coconuts. It's very different!
We really do try to address every bug as soon as we can.
To be fair, this new node on Morningstar map is server side isn't it? We didn't get an update from the app Store...
Yep, and it's something we'll be able to fix server side. The problem we're looking into is "when" we can do it. It's unlikely we'll be able to do it until this round of Alliance Quests are over, though we're looking into that.
I think if Kabam puts a chest on that node with a million gold in it, a lot of players will call it even.
Watch out for those 4-Star chests that nets you a Tier 2 Basic ISO
It definitely can happen. What it looks like happened here was that this was changed when the Sentinels were added to the Map, but only on this iteration (there are 3 iterations, one for each mini boss) of Map 5. So, this could have come up last week, or it could have come up next, but it just happened to come around this time.
Although put forward in an aggressive manner he's not wrong. We've seen it time and time again that when there's an issue or glitch that effects gameplay it takes weeks/months and in some cases basically never to fix it but when it effects profitability the game is shut down and the issue is delt with immediately. I get it you're a company and you're out to make money but there's a good way to do that and that's definitely not the way kabam does it.
Yep no time to adjust rewards, but we got time to adjust champs and map layout 👍👍
Your credibility is heading towards an all time low in recent weeks so I really hope there is some miraculous explanation for what has transpired here.
1 extra node changes the dynamics of a battlegroup's movement by 1 hour. This isn't as petty as you make it out to be.
Just saying what seems to be the truth. Whenever there is an issue such as underpriced crystals (just an example) it always seems to be fixed within minutes but we have had issues in game such as Captain Marvel’s sp2 for months that still hasn’t been fixed yet.
Extra node on path 6 as well?
Yes, I think we will most definitely complain about a change in AQ that was unannounced and appears to be a bug. I do not see any issue complaining about bugs in the game.
That's always been there.
But it's actually not correct. Different bugs take different lengths of time and effort to address. Some bugs are much simpler, and can be fixed server side, while others take more time to investigate and implement a fix for in the code. If a bug requires engineering time, that means it will take much longer than those that do not.
This also ignores the plethora of issues that come up and are fixed right away, and is really nit picking on facts. We've fixed many bugs that are negative for the player pretty quickly. Some of them have been fixed minutes after being discovered because they're something that can be fixed server side.
We don't let any bug stay in the game longer than it has to. We want to get every bug fixed as soon as we can.
no, that node has always been noted on the map on path 6
No thats always been there. Just checked my map layout pic
Are you sure ? Looking at this map it looks like that node didn’t exist on path 6
Fair enough, but you're comparing something that takes a couple minutes to change on the Server, to something that requires time from an Animator to realign and re-examine all of the metrics, then redo the animation to fit that, and then somebody to implement it to the character, and then into the game. It's like comparing an apple and crate of coconuts. It's very different!
We really do try to address every bug as soon as we can.
Positive. There's always been an extra node after that 90's Cyclops before the Symbioid...not Sentinel.
Others have confirmed the same here.
So why wasn’t it picked up in testing, it seems like a pretty big thing to miss. I don’t get how something like this slipped by the entire game team.
To be fair, this new node on Morningstar map is server side isn't it? We didn't get an update from the app Store...
Its map 5, if it was map 6 i could understand more complaints but this $#!+ really isnt a big deal, woah one more hour for energy gonna throw off everyones gameplan smh
Yep, and it's something we'll be able to fix server side. The problem we're looking into is "when" we can do it. It's unlikely we'll be able to do it until this round of Alliance Quests are over, though we're looking into that.