Extra node added into AQ, path 7 right side [Under Investigation] [Merged Threads]



  • Tigerfang1_1978Tigerfang1_1978 Member Posts: 1
    They could simply fix it by lowering energy cost this go around
  • Christian899Christian899 Member Posts: 88
    edited April 2018
    Go into emergency maintenance and then give us 30 minute timers. Isn’t that the most obvious and most ethical thing to do?
  • TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★
    Just a guess, its a development map they were working on for next seasons AQ. Its one single added node so far possibly on next seasons map. I dont really see it as a big deal myself. However mistakes happen, we all make mistakes.
  • PolderpommiePolderpommie Member Posts: 68
    I really appreciate you taking the time to explain what other steps need to be taken to fix this. It makes things a lot clearer, and understandable. Please keep that up, it’s a massive step in the right direction to get us to understand what happens to make this game work!

    Having said that, I do think some form of easement would be welcome. 30 minute timers is an easy option, and has a lot of precedent (which is why a lot of people are asking for it, I’d assume). There may well be other options. Expecting us to simply shrug it off is probably doable for most of us, but for those alliances that have to scrape over the finishing line, timewise, this feels a bit harsh. I would assume this is still going to be addressed?
  • Taserface597Taserface597 Member Posts: 87
    They added the extra node and testing to see how it’ll work out.
  • OwGssOwGss Member Posts: 82
    In any business quality control exists for these reasons... your maintenance and testing teams should have caught this but now that it’s pointed out, maybe reflect on your practices rather than just traditional responses. Community is upset because this is not the first or second time a mistake has been noted.
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  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    So we get stuck using an extra energy and no reduction of timers or anything. Tonight is maintenance I believe. Couldn’t fix it then? I guess I didn’t expect any other outcome.
  • Abracadaver12Abracadaver12 Member Posts: 24
    This was an accident? right....
  • Gorilla508Gorilla508 Member Posts: 24
    Markjv81 wrote: »
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    We are working on a resolution for this issue and our goal is to have the extra node removed before the next series of Alliance Quests begin next week. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    Your goal should be to run the NC mini boss map that doesn't have the extra node until its fixed.
    So basically we’re stuck with this extra node no one knows what happened and yet here we are being kascammed again and again y’all are the best. You don’t change stuf in game without notification yet kascam changes the energy in the event quest last 2 EQ all so they can fill their pocketbooks lovely eff the players kascam is perfect great job losers
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  • B4C0NB4C0N Member Posts: 8
    You know what would help to make up for this.....30 minute timers.
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    We are working on a resolution for this issue and our goal is to have the extra node removed before the next series of Alliance Quests begin next week. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    I gotta ask why would this take a week to fix? why dont you just do an emergency maint. and fix it up? reduce timers too while youre at it or something.

    I think compensation is needed for everyone to rectify this mistake.

    OH and please fire the guy who let this mistake slip!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    It was a bug, they've acknowledged it, and explained the process. It's not really helping to scrutinize the process. Things come up when it goes live. with something such as AQ that needs to be live to test and analyze, things can happen. The game itself is on the server. From what I gather from comments, they have another server that's offline for testing, but that won't prevent all possible issues when things go live. What I'm trying to say is it can happen. People are free to voice what they want, but it's not logical to expect there to be no problems whatsoever. That's just the nature of the business. No game comes without problems. It makes logical sense that the AQ cycle of Champs can bring something else up.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    We are working on a resolution for this issue and our goal is to have the extra node removed before the next series of Alliance Quests begin next week. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    I gotta ask why would this take a week to fix? why dont you just do an emergency maint. and fix it up? reduce timers too while youre at it or something.

    I think compensation is needed for everyone to rectify this mistake.

    OH and please fire the guy who let this mistake slip!

    You do understand the reaction that would occur if they stopped AQ right now, don't you? Lol. It's not just a matter of turning off AQ and removing a Node. There would be more work involved. Which means people would have to wait and the situation would escalate.
  • HosemaniaHosemania Member Posts: 18
    The reason people are so pissed is that kabam is making some serious mistakes. Adding an extra node is just adding fuel to the fire.

    This months quest was considerably longer but kabam stated it is just a little longer than usual which is an insult to all of our intelligence.

    AQ changes were not recieved well and a lot of people struggled against the Sentinels. I think you probably should have allowed us to test the new aq rather than just dump it and say here you go.

    The new offers were also insulting. Seriously 60k to get 20 sig stones.

    Mistake after mistake after mistake is having major repercussions. I see a lot of people quitting since the game is getting stale and the community is getting milked. Kabam really needs to start making better decisions since there player base is dropping. Alliances are dropping aq or playing free maps,

    To be honest AQ has always been too long and with no hope for seeing the length of time go down is having an effect. AQ should not take 17 hours and to add an extra node to increase the time was not a good idea. The node was programmed in, it did not just appear on its own. Please stop insulting us. Thank you.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Hosemania wrote: »
    The reason people are so pissed is that kabam is making some serious mistakes. Adding an extra node is just adding fuel to the fire.

    This months quest was considerably longer but kabam stated it is just a little longer than usual which is an insult to all of our intelligence.

    AQ changes were not recieved well and a lot of people struggled against the Sentinels. I think you probably should have allowed us to test the new aq rather than just dump it and say here you go.

    The new offers were also insulting. Seriously 60k to get 20 sig stones.

    Mistake after mistake after mistake is having major repercussions. I see a lot of people quitting since the game is getting stale and the community is getting milked. Kabam really needs to start making better decisions since there player base is dropping. Alliances are dropping aq or playing free maps,

    To be honest AQ has always been too long and with no hope for seeing the length of time go down is having an effect. AQ should not take 17 hours and to add an extra node to increase the time was not a good idea. The node was programmed in, it did not just appear on its own. Please stop insulting us. Thank you.

    People wouldn't be reacting the same if they weren't on one because of the Sentinels. Which is always inevitable when you compound issues. It makes the frustration grow in proportion. It's just a spare move on the Map.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Just to be clear, I'm not trying to minimize anyone's feelings. I'm just suggesting that it helps to look at things individually and in perspective. If we maintain a list of things wrong and add everything to it in our minds, the end result is growing frustration.
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I wanted to clarify for everyone, the additional node on Path 7 of Map 5 was not added intentionally. We are currently looking into why this occurred but we can confirm that this is definitely not intended and is not an unannounced changed made to cost you more energy.

    As we've stated in the past, we do not knowingly make changes to the game without communicating them. Doing so would only cause confusion and frustration and that isn't what anyone wants. Also, please keep in mind, it takes a little bit of time to confirm the existence of an error like this and to communicate it with the community. Please be patient and constructive in posting your concerns.

    When we have any additional information about this situation to share, we will do so.

    And, as always, even when you are frustrated, the forum rules still apply.

    So what you’re saying is because this is a “bug” that affects the players it’s gonna take a while to find out why this happened/who put it there, but if it was a bug that affected your profits it would be fixed almost immediately?

    Hmm, I don't see where we said that. We're working on a fix right now. These kinds of assumptions don't really help anybody, and really only make this a more hostile and aggressive space, when there really is no need.

    Although put forward in an aggressive manner he's not wrong. We've seen it time and time again that when there's an issue or glitch that effects gameplay it takes weeks/months and in some cases basically never to fix it but when it effects profitability the game is shut down and the issue is delt with immediately. I get it you're a company and you're out to make money but there's a good way to do that and that's definitely not the way kabam does it.

    But it's actually not correct. Different bugs take different lengths of time and effort to address. Some bugs are much simpler, and can be fixed server side, while others take more time to investigate and implement a fix for in the code. If a bug requires engineering time, that means it will take much longer than those that do not.

    This also ignores the plethora of issues that come up and are fixed right away, and is really nit picking on facts. We've fixed many bugs that are negative for the player pretty quickly. Some of them have been fixed minutes after being discovered because they're something that can be fixed server side.

    We don't let any bug stay in the game longer than it has to. We want to get every bug fixed as soon as we can.

    >Can i make a simple request? can you guys hire a new game team cause clearly they are not able to fix bugs on time or catch these things before they get put into the game.

    like for the amount of money you guys pull in I dont get why they cant get the job done and yet still take months to fix bugs.

    this is to be TAKEN as constructive criticism cause the customer always knows whats best and with the record profits your company racks in a bug should not take months to fix.

    I get youre the messenger so please do me a favour and send this up to your upper management cause as a customer I have a right to complain to your superiors.

    its sad that a game I love so much can have these many bugs present that affect how we play for this long.

    Im not being rude or anything but your company should be doing a lot better with this side of things and need to connect more with the player base.

    I have not broken any rules and conduct with my post so please dont ban me for speaking my mind in a respectful manner

  • DraenathDraenath Member Posts: 237
    @GroundedWisdom Individualising the consistent mistakes and lack of transparency from a company is pretty hard to swallow.

    Even a recent post about how to address communication around bugs with some very simple and workable solutions is given vague - "we are working n it answers"

    We do not actually receive answers, we get information that does not really address the core issues of; why is this occurring and how can this occur?

    The bug situation is an absolute mess right now for majority of users, there is a thread with over 1.3 responses which has been active since December. Players are right to ask, why are our main concerns not being addressed?
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    We are working on a resolution for this issue and our goal is to have the extra node removed before the next series of Alliance Quests begin next week. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    I gotta ask why would this take a week to fix? why dont you just do an emergency maint. and fix it up? reduce timers too while youre at it or something.

    I think compensation is needed for everyone to rectify this mistake.

    OH and please fire the guy who let this mistake slip!

    You do understand the reaction that would occur if they stopped AQ right now, don't you? Lol. It's not just a matter of turning off AQ and removing a Node. There would be more work involved. Which means people would have to wait and the situation would escalate.

    theyve done it before so nothing new here sir
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    We are working on a resolution for this issue and our goal is to have the extra node removed before the next series of Alliance Quests begin next week. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    I gotta ask why would this take a week to fix? why dont you just do an emergency maint. and fix it up? reduce timers too while youre at it or something.

    I think compensation is needed for everyone to rectify this mistake.

    OH and please fire the guy who let this mistake slip!

    You do understand the reaction that would occur if they stopped AQ right now, don't you? Lol. It's not just a matter of turning off AQ and removing a Node. There would be more work involved. Which means people would have to wait and the situation would escalate.

    theyve done it before so nothing new here sir

    Yes. They've made mistakes before. Computers run by Human Beings are indeed not infallible.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Mcord117 wrote: »
    I can’t see how this can happen by mistake. Why has this mistake never happened before? It’s just too random for me to swallow

    We've had things come up regarding Maps over the years. It's not new. Perhaps not AQ specifically.
  • Brew_SwayneBrew_Swayne Member Posts: 500 ★★
    This is some straight up bullsh*t.

    I want to give constructive feedback, but how do you provide constructive criticism to people who aren't really listening?

    Map 5 is bugged and it is bugged in a way that has a pretty significant impact on the players. I hope, at the very least, that teams running Map 5 today will be credited with full rewards tomorrow regardless if they clear or not.

    Also, once this issue was brought to light, why doesn't Kabam send out a message in game to all the players alerting them of the issue? At least then Leaders/Officers can be informed before starting Map 5 and decide if they want to proceed with it or run another map. Yet here we are 7 hours after the OP and there's still NO communication in game.
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