Account Sharing [Merged Threads]



  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    It will be interesting to see how anything is done.

    Account sharing is against the rules, it always has been.

    I know I saw a lot of "Ideas" on how to detect it but it should be interesting how it is implemented.

    Biometrics for login - That only works if all devices allow for Biometrics.

    Changing IP address based on Geo-Ip/ISP - That does not account for bouncing between different networks. My office has several routes all over the country and world I may go out at any given time. What about the bounce between a cafe, cellular, office, home wifi? Those of us that have to various VPN connections and tunnels? How about those that use things like TOR to get past various firewalls?

    Device ID/Multiple Logins from the same devices - That kills families that have several people that use one or two devices to play between them. We have a father/son/mom group that play together and everyone tries to wait for the better device to available. (Iphone), but also sometimes use their regular device.

    It will be interesting to see how things will be handled.
  • MÀD_SNAKEMÀD_SNAKE Member Posts: 9
    It’s confusing!! What about people that owns more than 1 account? Is it considered piloting to log in and out to a 2nd, 3rd or more accounts for the same person??
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,933 ★★★★★
    They already addressed this too many times in the past. Its also answered in another thread like this one created yesterday
  • Ricardo3485Ricardo3485 Member Posts: 2
    Quer dizer se comprar uma conta essa não é sua vão punir esse jogo tem nas contas compras que não sei o que arrumar esse merda não arrumaram mas ficar inventado tão parabéns kabam
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,933 ★★★★★
    Quer dizer se comprar uma conta essa não é sua vão punir esse jogo tem nas contas compras que não sei o que arrumar esse merda não arrumaram mas ficar inventado tão parabéns kabam

    Conpra e venda de contas é ilegal e resulta no banimento de ambos os envolvidos
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,933 ★★★★★
    Kahadz wrote: »
    If you create an environment that encourages rule breaking, it will happen.

    How is the energy in aq/aw something that makes players's breaking the rules? That's just a dumb excuse.
    If you're alliance has members that can't login to play aq or aw, then those players simply don't have time for such content, which means they will somehow ending up "hurting" the entire alliance.
  • KahadzKahadz Member Posts: 30
    People sleep and work. That's 16 combined hours of not being able to log in. I play at 3pm to about 11pm. I wake up and use my energy around 7am before work.

    We had one guy who had to work 12 hour shifts for a while. Since he couldn't log in, he doesn't need to be in any alliance or play this game? He is not worthy of AQ or AW cause he has a job?
  • Philly3974Philly3974 Member Posts: 360
    MÀD_SNAKE wrote: »
    It’s confusing!! What about people that owns more than 1 account? Is it considered piloting to log in and out to a 2nd, 3rd or more accounts for the same person??

    I know people who have 5 accounts that they play...having more than one and playing on more then one device is not considered piloting...what is considered piloting is if say you live in New York and sign into your account and then you sign out and 5 mins later you log into another account (ally member) that's played by someone in India..I'm sure its tracked by either IP address (or something similar) or mile radius..that's what raises a red flag..I'm sure kabaam logs playing locations/areas so they know what discrepencies to look for..
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    I want to start of by saying that I don't agree with somebody playing another person's account when something is too difficult and they can't handle it on their own.

    Let's be incredibly honest here, this is really only an issue at the very top where you have 1-2 people running entire alliances. For the most part everybody else is playing by the rules so make the real culprits suffer.

    Life happens and moving for someone in AQ or AW once in a blue isn't something that 29 people should be penalized for. At the higher levels of this game when you're doing Map6/5 you pretty much need all 30 people to all be on at the same time which just doesn't happen sometimes.

    If I go on vacation to a time zone change and can't make the start/end of AW, should I leave my alliance while I'm gone?
    If there are extenuating circumstances i.e. funeral, hospital, family event, seeing a freaking movie should I leave my alliance?
    If I lose my phone and it takes a day or 2 to replace are my alliance mates just supposed to wait on me?

    What can mitigate needing to share a login is reduced timers in AQ and AW. The amount of time you have to be on to play this game sometimes doesn't jive with real life. People have jobs, lives, kids and believe it or not there are some instances where you can't set aside 6+ hours day to play a mobile video game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,487 ★★★★★
    Yes, people are supposed to wait for you. It's a game. Account Sharing is not allowed. There's no such thing as a "kind of, sort of, maybe" situation. Excuses are the reason we are where we're at.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Hey gang -

    Went ahead and merged a few threads together about piloting and account sharing. Please keep in mind that when sharing feedback we aren't calling out any players, this is a violation of forum rules. We appreciate your feedback on all of this.

    Note: We won't be sharing investigations into accounts.
  • BobbumManBobbumMan Member Posts: 1
    Isn’t it possible not all piloting is the result of abuse, but the result of people holding down jobs, and not having the ability to log in as regularly as alliance content requires?
    Also - I did the research, and speaking purely in generalities, people with jobs tend to have more disposable income.
    I went to business school, and day 1 was implement policies to alienate your largest potential income pool. So. I guess my point is thumbs up emoji.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Yes, people are supposed to wait for you. It's a game. Account Sharing is not allowed. There's no such thing as a "kind of, sort of, maybe" situation. Excuses are the reason we are where we're at.

    Not trying to sound condescending but things are different when you're climbing to the top in this game. Being stagnant or barely moving up is a different situation than trying to push as much as you can. When you reach the top 1-2% you need people on all the time. That's the only way you stay up there or progress. I'm not exactly sure where you stand in this game but if it's the same place I'm in I'm sure you'll at least agree with that.

    There are 30 people in an alliance and each of them have their own lives and commitments. There will be times where people have things to deal with. Nobody is taking out bosses or doing everything for that player in these cases. Most of the time it's placing a defense or taking out a single linked node so others can move.

    That being said, there is nobody on this planet that is always going to be free to play this or any game 6+ hours a day 365 days a year. Things do happen.....

    My previous examples are just a few of when life happens and you need someone to use up your energy in AQ/AW. There are a ton others of when life > MCOC.

    In my eyes a real simple fix is to reduce that timer and you'll see any kind of sharing go down to just the true pilots. There should be no need to share an account if the timers weren't so long. You'd effectively be giving people more time to play.
  • weapon_xweapon_x Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2018
    It’s not that difficult to detect piloting. It’s not about family sharing an iPad at home or someone on vacation with a different IP.

    They can easily flag accounts that started fights (alliance war mode) on same device. If same device was active in a war on multiple accounts that’s piloting. That could also mean that having more than one account in the same alliance will be an issue.

    They will not (and should not) share how exactly it’s implemented because cheaters will look for ways around it.
  • TempestTempest Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2018
    Being at the top is not an excuse to break the rules. If you're not available, your Ally will have to work around it. Nothing justifies having to break the rules. That's the whole problem with the justification. People have been doing it, using AQ and AW as an excuse. It doesn't require being on 24/7. It requires a few Logins in a 24 hour period. If you're not available and your Ally can't work around it, then you need a different Ally that does. Players put the pressure on themselves and blame the game when they break the rules. If people don't have the patience to wait, they need to find someone else to take that Path in the meantime, or organize around it. That's half the problem. Unrealistic demands placed on people by Allies that make Account Sharing mandatory because they care more about staying at the top than playing by the rules. Sorry. The cool down doesn't justify it in my books. People are making gains unfairly while others just play by the rules and accept the fact that their Ally Members have lives and aren't on all day.

    I guess the point of disagreement here is whether this rule is "wrong" in all cases. I believe that harmless/ acceptable account sharing exists, and it should be differentiated from account sharing abuse. One person logging for an entire BG/ alliance to ensure AW wins is, to me, clearly abuse. Especially so if it is done every time/ consistently to get the best AW season rewards at everyone else's expense.

    I know this rule exists because it has the potential to be abused. I get that, and agree that abuse needs to be arrested. But I think that enforcing the rule so that there are no exceptions whatsoever does not make the game more enjoyable (and for many, sustainable) for the majority of the community. And it certainly won't make the game more profitable for Kabam. Sure, I accept your point that those that follow the rules to the letter probably lose out a little bit since they may not be able to move and then get kicked by their alliances for holding everyone up... however, you will NEVER be able to please everyone in a community, especially one as large as this, and as such one must think about the MAJORITY of players. And the fact is, the vast majority of players have to get covered every now and then to keep the alliance moving, and when an alliance is not stuck, everyone in that alliance is happier.

    Even a relaxed alliance requires movement, and if you already have limited time in the day to play because you have a real social life and job, then I am sure you would be frustrated if during that available time you have, that you cannot actually play since someone who is busy at that moment is holding you (and everyone else) up.

    So yes, I don't believe life is black and white where there are either the rule-followers or the rule-breakers, and the rule-breakers are ALL equally evil. I think life is full of shades of gray. The worst rule breakers are the abusers, and I am fine with Kabam looking into that data and making an objective, reasonable call on which cases are abuse, while allowing some flex for people to cover for each other during emergencies and conflicting life situations. I am sure that despite what so many people say, that Kabam employees and mods are compassionate, reasonable people who will make the right call. It should be very easy to figure out if one person is logging for multiple people in AW on a regular, routine basis.

    Lastly, I want to add that I agree that the stakes for AW are higher given seasons rewards. So I do agree we need to be more strict in this game mode and disallow "piloting", or logging in for someone else to fight for them in AW. But I do think some flex should be built in for other game modes such as AQ. After all, AQ is mostly a faceroll... we need to make the game sustainable for people as we need to accept that people have lives outside the game and that life is important and should take precedence over being joined at the hip to MCOC 24/7. If Kabam forced everyone to choose between real life family/work and keeping their game account afloat, people will choose real life every time. I enjoy the game, a lot, but if I can't stay with it because I feel bad for constantly holding my friends/ ally mates back... then I guess I have to give it up.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,487 ★★★★★
    I disagree. I've never had to give my Account Information to anyone to move me, and I have a life. It's not acceptable, and that fluidity is exactly the reason people are so shocked when it's addressed. It's always against TOS. If you aren't available, you can't move. Sometimes people have to accept facts rather than look for ways to justify bending the rules. It's not fair to people who are playing by the rules. You have more than one person running Accounts, doing double-time, when there is a natural occurrence that is meant to happen when people aren't around. Moving on the Map is not an excuse. The game will still be there when you get back. If the Ally can't understand that, then they care more about Rewards than Players. That's my view.
  • boss6390boss6390 Member Posts: 35
    I disagree. I've never had to give my Account Information to anyone to move me, and I have a life. It's not acceptable, and that fluidity is exactly the reason people are so shocked when it's addressed. It's always against TOS. If you aren't available, you can't move. Sometimes people have to accept facts rather than look for ways to justify bending the rules. It's not fair to people who are playing by the rules. You have more than one person running Accounts, doing double-time, when there is a natural occurrence that is meant to happen when people aren't around. Moving on the Map is not an excuse. The game will still be there when you get back. If the Ally can't understand that, then they care more about Rewards than Players. That's my view.

    Try playing map 6 at 10k prestige and see if moving is absolute necessary and you have to be dead on time.
  • KyrazmomKyrazmom Member Posts: 159
    I’m glad to hear the rules will be enforced. I hope they extend it to AQ as well. If you can’t play your own account in AQ/AW, then sucks to be you. Go to an alliance that runs something you can handle, whether it’s a time problem or a skill problem. This should have been implemented a long time ago.
  • GreenstrokeGreenstroke Member Posts: 291
    Hey All,

    Account Sharing is against our terms of service, and always has been. We understand that this might come as a shock to some players, but this is something that many players have been discussing since the beginning of Alliance Wars Season 1, if not long before. It is not fair to allow some players to break the Terms of Service, while others that are playing legitimately are at a disadvantage.

    You are allowed to have more than one account, and as long as you are playing your own accounts, you do not have to worry. If you're not breaking the Terms of Service here, you shouldn't be worried.

    Why state this when nothing will not really happen?
    Its like saying "Stop that right now" to a kid, but if he/she doesnt obey you immidietly youll just stop an be like "o well, whatever". Kids aint stupid and they know what string to pull.
    Why do you think that we are stupid?

    You have stated something like this a million times, yet nothing has changed.
    People aint that stupid, they have seen that you are bluffing so they wont stop. Until action is taken, i aint beliving this that you will actually do something...

  • Tiago1980Tiago1980 Member Posts: 34
    I think Kabam can not understand what happens with the game.

    I have seen the topic about account sharing and I found it incredible how they simply want to punish those who play in multiple accounts and do not seek to identify and mainly to address the causes that lead to this.

    The first question would be: Why can not a player keep only one account?

    The second question would be: Why does he need to have multiple accounts and play on multiple accounts?

    When Kabam is concerned about answering these questions, she will actually work to improve the game and not just bother punishing those who use more than one account.

    The answer to the two questions is unique.

    Because the game does not allow the development of a player in the short and medium term, the awards system is wrong and unfair for years and creates distortions between players.

    The player who starts playing today and soon has his team of 5 heroes competitive enough for the events, even if:
    - Play more hours a day than others who already have many heroes;
    - Even though it is more efficient than the others that already have many heroes;
    - Even if you get more elusive, apply more punches, win fights faster in an event than others that already have many heroes;
    In the end you will receive a much lower reward.

    This discourages many players, even if the person does it for months, it will continue to be inferior because the game does not reward justly for performance, rewards for moral or antiquity, is wrong.

    What happens, players with good accounts begin to leave the game, other people who started and who played several weeks and months and can not evolve to be competitive even having a fantastic daily performance, go and buy the account better.

    There alliances, alliance leaders, players who like the game but want to grow, end up doing what they can not, but because the game is poorly structured in the awards and does not allow the rapid development.

    Not recognizing this is close your eyes to the main problem of the game.

    As long as the game rewards on account rather than performance, the problem will not end.

    It's time for developers to face the problem head-on.
  • InyayInyay Member Posts: 2
    Dear Miike,

    I have been playing this game for more than 2 years now and I have created 2 accounts which I worked hard and even spent money just to make it stronger. And now I only have 1 phone device and I just intermediately log in my accounts. So how can you say Im sharing it when in fact Im the same owner of both? Do you mean to say I must spend and buy another phone or device just to play it separately? You must be kiddin me.I have been playin legally and never used a 3rd party software or whatsoever so having 2 accounta being played on a single device by THE SAME PERSON should not be included on this threat.
  • TempestTempest Member Posts: 295
    I disagree. I've never had to give my Account Information to anyone to move me, and I have a life. It's not acceptable, and that fluidity is exactly the reason people are so shocked when it's addressed. It's always against TOS. If you aren't available, you can't move. Sometimes people have to accept facts rather than look for ways to justify bending the rules. It's not fair to people who are playing by the rules. You have more than one person running Accounts, doing double-time, when there is a natural occurrence that is meant to happen when people aren't around. Moving on the Map is not an excuse. The game will still be there when you get back. If the Ally can't understand that, then they care more about Rewards than Players. That's my view.

    Yes, we disagree. and it is okay to disagree. :) In fact, more of us have to learn how to disagree gracefully. Nothing is ever completely fair in life, that's just the way it is. Is it fair for one person to be born into a rich family and another into a poor family? Tough luck for the kid in the poor family. But if the rich kid can help the poor kid, that's really nice. Even if he helps ONE poor kid. I don't see it as being unfair to all the other poor kids. We should all help each other and enjoy playing together, and not be jealous if someone receives some much needed help. We should be mad at abusers, and we should band together against them, but otherwise I don't see why it should be contentious. I do not expect life to be fair. It cannot be completely fair because different people have different circumstances, many outside of their control. I don't believe in black and white, as I said. If only life was fair, that would be nice.

    I also believe that rules are, or should be, based on certain principles and intents. We should look at the spirit of why rules are created, not just follow them blindly to the letter. If you wanted to be completely fair, then spenders should not get an advantage in the game, but clearly you can spend money to buy an advantage/ resources not available for free to players. Not that I have anything against that, game developers need to pay rent too. I believe this rule in the game is created to prevent abuse, and by that I mean real unfair stuff like stealing all the AW season rewards by extreme piloting. I don't believe it was created to crucify everyone that stuck their toe out because they didn't want to inconvenience their ally. It is abuse that makes things truly "unfair", and ruins enjoyment.

    We each have our own views, and while they differ, thanks for sharing/ discussion. :)
  • Philly3974Philly3974 Member Posts: 360
    that's not account sharing!! its when you log into OTHER peoples accounts to play...if you own those accounts you're fine..
  • SchabeSchabe Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2018
    @Kabam Miike Do you make your play-testers quit their alliances when they, say, take a family vacation or work trip where they will be away from their phone for long periods?

    How about account sharing that is purely to prevent people from having to quit, wait through the rewards barriers, and hope they can get back into their alliances - not to mention force alliances to bring in newbies just for coverage - when they might actually have no means to play?
  • InyayInyay Member Posts: 2
    Philly3974, that is actually a broad information that needs a more detailed description of "account sharing". lets say my brother who also have another account and God forbids, he broke his iPx and requested if he can use my phone to log in his account so he can play, will that be "account sharing"?
  • AlxmorseAlxmorse Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2018
    I have just been issued a warning, yet did not share my account. I switched to my iPad which has the game. I have 3 Ipads and one phone I switch between depending on whether I'm at home or work...

  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,933 ★★★★★
    Alxmorse wrote: »
    I have just been issued a warning, yet did not share my account. I switched to my iPad which has the game. I have 3 Ipads and one phone I switch between depending on whether I'm at home or work...


    Everyone got that message ...
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Alxmorse wrote: »
    I have just been issued a warning, yet did not share my account. I switched to my iPad which has the game. I have 3 Ipads and one phone I switch between depending on whether I'm at home or work...


    @Alxmorse That's not a warning, that's an announcement sent to all MCOC players
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