[iOS] Lag and Performance Investigation



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  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    Vossler77 wrote: »
    Thx for the info.
    Iphone 5s and Iphone 7
    Ios 11.3
    Wifi and cellular.
    Game version 17.2
    Suffering from lag issues and battery draining/overheating in every aspect of the game. This started with the release of the game version update 17.2 and the ios 11.3.
    All champs are affected. Menu is non responding or super slow. Chat is also affected. Thing were working better before the update.
    Updated to version 18.0. Same results as above. Dissapointing.
  • FydaneFydane Member Posts: 7
    iPhone 6
    iOS 11.2.6
    Wifi and cellular.
    Game version 18.0.0
    Suffering from lag issues and battery draining/overheating in every aspect of the game. This started with the release of the game version update 17.2.
    All champs are affected. Menu is non responding or super slow.
  • Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Member Posts: 306 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    It's been over 2 weeks and another release since this was opened... any updates?

    Device and Model: iPhone 7+ and iPad Pro (Brand new)
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: I never play this game on anything but wifi and it's 200Mb service.
    Game Version Installed: Running 18.0 now but this has been occurring on every version since 15.0 IIRC
    Game Mode: It can happen in any game mode but is particularly bad in advanced content like last chapter of Tom/Chadwick challenge (really bad!), Day 4-5 Map 5 AQ, mini and boss fights in AW, Uncollected final map, etc.

    Description of the Issue: Since 16.0 version I have had the same issues but seems to have gotten progressively WORSE across 17.x and now in 18.0 version. In AQ/AW and ESPECIALLY in the last chapter of the new Tom/Chadwick challenge (on both 17.2 and 18.0), backswipes and blocks are just randomly dropped and champ just stands there and gets crushed. The WORST is when my champ literally FREEZES IN PLACE when the AI throws a heavy and in the challenge, this just happens to occur when I've built up a high combo and are crushing them. I've tried this last chapter of the tom/chadwick challenge a dozen times and with many different champs and on any given fight this random input drop and champ freezing will and DOES occur. All of that is ON TOP of laggy/glitchy animations where frames in animations, especially the opponent's just skip way ahead and you end up getting clocked. Trying to keep up an intercept tactic is impossible as the AI is moving at normal speed but everything I do is a fraction delayed and I just get wrecked. I clean screen between every fight and I'm on 200Mb wifi so I covered my bases. Very frustrating!!!

    EDIT: Forgot about DUNGEON'S! Above issues are EXTREMELY prevalent in Dungeon's.
  • PFunkPFunk Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2018
    Device: iPhone 7plus
    iOS: 11.3, still had issues on the last iOS too.
    Using both cellular and WiFi
    Game version: 18.0, but started on 17.2
    Game mode: aq, aw, arena, and dungeons
    Description: at the start of fights both players slow down and it looks like frames are missing. Also happens in the middle of fights too. Also experienced when I try and swipe back my champs(happens to all that I’ve used that I can tell) they will either just stand there or start holding a heavy attack( granted it’s not every time, but happens 4/10 times roughly), I’ve found tapping on the screen 2-3 times regains control. I’ve also had my champs just stop in the middle of 5 hit combos, usually on hit 4. The swipe back issues is most prevalent against cable’s l1, where you start to let his bullets hit you, then swipe back. It use to allow you to evade the remaining l1, but now you just get hit by it. Also experienced stark spidey and ant mans l1 not connecting after a 5 hit combo(seems to be a spacing issues). Other issues I’ve noticed since 17.2 have to do with the ai and blocking specials. I’ll do a 5 hit combo and go immediately into a special but the ai already has its block up and blocks the attack(most noticeable in arena).
  • Maverick03820Maverick03820 Member Posts: 159
    Device/Model: iPhone 6
    Device OS: iOS 11.3
    Cellular/WiFi: WiFi & Cellular
    Game Version: 18.0
    Game Mode: AQ/AW/Event Quest/Dungeons/Arenas - every place there is a fight or menu

    Was having problems before, but after the new update it is even worse. After 5 minutes my phone gets extremely hot and 75% of my battery is drained. During that time the game becomes more and more laggy and basic things like blocking and parrying become unreliable. Menus are also moving slowly and are unresponsive at times.

    Can we please get an update about whether anything will be done about these issues?
  • Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Member Posts: 306 ★★★
    edited April 2018

    Today in AQ Map 5, Dungeon (Room 5), and last chapter of Chadwick challenge my input just spontaneously/randomly has the OPPOSITE effect, I back swipe, champ dash attacks, I hit block, champs just jogs toward enemy, I dash attack, champ just flails at the air. I haven't had this much input trouble since the 14.x updates. Relevant specs again below from previous post.

    Device and Model: iPhone 7+ and iPad Pro (Brand new)
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: I never play this game on anything but wifi and it's 200Mb service.
    Game Version Installed: Running 18.0 now but this has been occurring on every version since 15.0 IIRC
    Game Mode: It can happen in any game mode but is particularly bad in advanced content like last chapter of Tom/Chadwick challenge (really bad!), Day 4-5 Map 5 AQ, mini and boss fights in AW, Uncollected final map, etc.
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  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    edited April 2018
    iPhone 6s
    iOS 11.2.2
    Game version 18.0.0
    Game freezes during loading right as i start a fight ever so often. This happens in AQ in Dungeons and in Road to the Labrynth so far. I have to restart the game and it’s caused me to lose health on several occasions.

    Also experiencing the screen freezing up and lag right at the beginning of the fight every so often. Both fighters will stay in place and and when it unfreezes I’m being attacked, so i have to estimate when to block at the beginning of the fight.

    Both instances have occurred while on the Verizon network and on WiFi.

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  • marcusbluemarcusblue Member Posts: 12
    Device/Model: iPhone 6
    Device OS: iOS 11.3
    Cellular/WiFi: WiFi & Cellular
    Game Version: Since 17.2
    Game Mode: AQ & AW story quest and arena. Almost every fight. Story and EQ.
    Whenever start the game it is ok but only after 2 to 3 minutes and the phone will become hot and the game started to lag, it is almost impossible to perform parry or dash back cause the lag will make us unable to react timely. Ever since the update 17.2 the problems has gotten worst, phone temperature keep raising and the game totally unplayable. It was ok before 17.2 although occasionally it will lag but still not that bad, now I can’t even play it continually. Please bring back the smooth and awesome game play experience as before patch 12.0
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    Iphone 8 plus
    Ios 11.0.0
    Game 18.0.0
    Wifi and cellular

    Since 18.0.0 or last server update (04/25)
    Much more network troubles appeared, even on wifi (my connexion is 200 mb/s and I am inside 2 meters from the box without any wall)
    My phone has only MCOC and défaut application installed
    This mean there is a trouble on the server side
  • AbecardosoAbecardoso Member Posts: 1
    Device/Model: iPhone 6
    Device OS: iOS 11.3
    Cellular/WiFi: WiFi & Cellular
    Game Version: 18.0
    Game Mode: AQ/AW/Event Quest/Dungeons/Arenas - every place there is a fight or menu

    Was having problems before, but after the new update it is even worse. After 5 minutes my phone gets extremely hot and 75% of my battery is drained. During that time the game becomes more and more laggy and basic things like blocking and parrying become unreliable. Menus are also moving slowly and are unresponsive at times.

    Same thing with me.
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  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    edited April 2018
    TheBlet wrote: »
    They arent saying anything. I bet iphone 6 will soon be getting the axe.

    There’s no reason it should. Game requires iOS 7 and it was working fine before update 17.0 so...???
  • makaighostmakaighost Member Posts: 30
    Device and Model: Iphone 8
    Device Operating System: ios11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version InstalleD: 18.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: for about the last 2-3 weeks I have been experiencing loss of control of my Champs. This is for EVERY character I own. The issue is during a fight my champions will start adding inputs. When I swipe it will instead do a light attack. I’ll block and it will do a medium instead, etc. to the point where if I swipe back and hold block the game will play for itself, and quite poorly I might add. Like a more aggressive but infinitely more dumb version of the auto fight AI. Needless to say this has cost me champions in AQ and infinity dungeons where people as sling on me, solo play Is one thing but this is embarrassing. I’ve tried reinstalling, doesn’t help at all
  • makaighostmakaighost Member Posts: 30
    Sorry for double post, couldn’t find the edit option. It would seem that the issues I’ve been facing are heavily influenced by ANYTHING being plugged in the charge port be it a charger or headphones/aux adapter. When unplugged the frequency and severity of the issues are majorly diminished
  • DnatiousDnatious Member Posts: 1
    Device and Model: iPhone 6+
    Device Operating System: iOS 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 17.2.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, and Arena
    Description of the Issue: The loading time between fights is ridicolous. i have to wait about 2 mins before a fight in story mode and also when Im doing the special quests. Fighting is slow when I try to parry and dash. Timing before hitting is off so I have to time my blocks 2 seconds before i realized I'm knockd out.
  • GumbamanGumbaman Member Posts: 2
    Device and Model: iPhone 6S Device Operating System: iOS 11.3
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and cellular
    Game Version Installed: 18.0.0
    Game Mode: Arena, questing, aw,aq
    Description of the Issue: severe lag. My champions are not responding to my touch. Blocking drops, champs charge fwd by them selves, champ will not parry or use dexterity when I command it to. I lost all my r4 5*'s on the heroic event during completion event. I used almost 1000 units on day 2 of the last aq just to finish my path.
    Severe lag in all aspects of the game.
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  • The_RikerpThe_Rikerp Member Posts: 59
    Device/Model: iPhone 6
    Device OS: iOS 11.3.1
    Cellular/WiFi: WiFi & Cellular
    Game Version: 18.0
    Game mode: Every aspect of play(Arena, Event and Story quest, Dungeons)
    Description: After playing the game for 5 minutes, my device gets very hot, and the game starts lagging or skipping frames, making game-play almost impossible. If I try to play through the bugs, my phone battery drains from 100% to 20% in less than 30 minutes. I have had Apple check my battery, which is the same age as my device(6months). No device problems.

    I have waited to submit this information, since I have submitted 3 reports to support since version 17.2 was introduced. I only received a generic reply to my support tickets. I have left similar feedback on the App Store, and have gotten generic developer responses.
  • The_RikerpThe_Rikerp Member Posts: 59
    TheBlet wrote: »
    They arent saying anything. I bet iphone 6 will soon be getting the axe.

    not Likely, since there are problems with players who have the iphone 8.
  • The_RikerpThe_Rikerp Member Posts: 59
    The_Rikerp wrote: »
    Device/Model: iPhone 6
    Device OS: iOS 11.3.1
    Cellular/WiFi: WiFi & Cellular
    Game Version: 18.0
    Game mode: Every aspect of play(Arena, Event and Story quest, Dungeons)
    Description: After playing the game for 5 minutes, my device gets very hot, and the game starts lagging or skipping frames, making game-play almost impossible. If I try to play through the bugs, my phone battery drains from 100% to 20% in less than 30 minutes. I have had Apple check my battery, which is the same age as my device(6months). No device problems.

    I have waited to submit this information, since I have submitted 3 reports to support since version 17.2 was introduced. I only received a generic reply to my support tickets. I have left similar feedback on the App Store, and have gotten generic developer responses.

    Update: I uninstalled the game 5 hours ago. I just reinstalled it and on my first fight, the game was glitching. My device was on with the game loaded for less than 5 minutes and was already hot. In contrast, I was streaming YouTube on my phone for 4 hours and my device never got hot.
  • RickyskRickysk Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2018
    I cannot login through all my iOS device but only android since 3 hrs before.

    Device: iphone 6s plus & ipadmini 4
    System : both iOS 11.3
    Error: cannot login and report netwrok connection problem
    Reinstall both but still same situation
    I can login to my account by android system device
  • DigitaliciousDigitalicious Member Posts: 25
    Device & Model : Iphone 7+ 128GB
    Operating System : iOS 11.3.1
    Cellular Data : 45mbps download / 21mbps upload
    Game Version : V18 Update

    Game Mode :

    Screen Freezes at make a decision and can not join New Dungeon, have to log out and back in again..

    Also.. i use wolvie & X-23 most times... i have DW @ 5, And Lesser Precision as well as master Precision @ Max... ive gone through an entire fight( a couple of times) without getting one Bleed or regen Buff...( no active nodes preventing or bleed immune defenders - nodes were like Bain of Dalah, unblockable SP2, etc )

    * AW
    Champions Randomly Charges Forward and or stop blocking

    *Game Chat.
    Busy with recruitment, and can not have separate chats... my chat history with last person appears on all contacts...

    *General Play
    -game is exceptionally laggy, have to resort to different tactics to complete harder content... not a fellow that uses Parry, however dash back & intercept does not seem to register in time( lag based ).... and the intercept does not take place, allowing me to get beat up...
    -Screens takes forever to load, joining quests & new fights etc

    Hope this helps :)
  • edited May 2018
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  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Well, I updated to the latest version (18.0.1), and it's even worse. I could barley do anything in AW.
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