The t2 alpha GAP. 9 months to wait for a next 5 star to R4

How many players have finished almost all content in the game to get the t2 alpha catalysts. Expect 100% LOL which difficulty is BS in my opinion compared to the rewards.
I have completed All game content which allows you to get 2t alpha including completion of LOL
I have 4 5stars sitting at rank4. Now my only choice to bring a new 5star to R4 is to complete LoL 100% or to wait 9 months so i can collect t2 alpha shards from the monthly events.
There is another way!!!!! being in the 10% of players who place in the master & platinum in the end season rewards with their alliances....
This is unfair and makes such a big divide in the player base.
We need more ways to get t2 alpha.
I have completed All game content which allows you to get 2t alpha including completion of LOL
I have 4 5stars sitting at rank4. Now my only choice to bring a new 5star to R4 is to complete LoL 100% or to wait 9 months so i can collect t2 alpha shards from the monthly events.
There is another way!!!!! being in the 10% of players who place in the master & platinum in the end season rewards with their alliances....
This is unfair and makes such a big divide in the player base.
We need more ways to get t2 alpha.
Don’t think about the next one of yours which is close to happen. Think about the one after that .
What do you think how much time will it take to get 4 t2 alphas starting from 0 ?
I fully expect T2a to be made more available when Act 6 is released because they have to be. I’m guessing the nodes and buffs will be punitive for lesser champs.
Otherwise, you wind up in the scenario you are in—at a rankup dead end, unless you run up your 5*’s to R3 or decide to burn resources on 4*’s, which grow less useful every day and won’t be much help in Act 6. If not, that means game boredom, if you aren’t there already.
Dr. Zola
I’m in the same position as op. 1 t2a and no plans to finish more then one path in LoL. I don’t buy any t2a offers. Will be a long time before any upgrades for r4 happen. T2a shouldn’t be such a bottleneck outside of masters rewards in aw seasons. We are held back by t5bc anyways.
@Kabam Wolf
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Loto
@Kabam Zibiit
Can you pls bring the word to the developers.
No thanks, don't really want to pay an Odin per path at least.
Well let’s suppose i do it, and rank up 2 more to R4
but what after that?? How long have you been dry on t2 alphas? How long do you think it will take you to get 4 t2 alphas after that?
Mid tier alliances are so dry on t2 alphas no matter what they’ll do.
@Arttton I suggested a new way for T2AC shards to be available. It wouldn't make T2AC as available as I think it should be but it would be something:
I would say that Kabam is probably still keeping t2alpha rare (except for those who buy the deals for $100 it so every few weeks) as well as t5basics (which have never been sold) as a way to keep fully ranked champs are “rarity”. Really have to be careful on your rank up choices now since it’ll likely be months before you get another shot.
It’s waaaaaay past time for aq to get a big refresh with rewards that are more relevant to where th game is now.
In addition, the glory you get can get you another 1800-3600 t2a shards every week (depending on how you spend your glory).
Good points, it would be revealing to see how many alliances would be affected if Kabam enforced TOS Violations in AQ like they recently have in AW Seasons
What should happen is for there to be 2 versions of the event, though you can only choose to do one. The first would be the current level of difficulty/rewards, and the other option would be much more difficult, with better rewards (think same rewards, but a star level up). That way growing players still have a shot, but endgame players aren't bored by them.
Same here but sitting on 8 r4s, I'll have Sentinel at r5 after AW Season 2. T2AC isn't as abundant as it should be IMO.
Ps. LOL at the amount of refunds being processed since the big pants bomb, not that it was any way surprising.