Assassin Assignments and Merc Missions Discussion Thread



  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    nelly22 wrote: »
    Kabam!!!! Merc missions are not starting in my alliance.

    Our alliance hasn’t seen a Merc mission since day 2 of them.
  • Knu3Knu3 Member Posts: 15

    For some reason I did not get any rewards for Merc mission completion for master, heroic or normal last round. I’m sure I had gotten completion rewards before.
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    where are the merc mish? MIA musch?
  • darshakiyodarshakiyo Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2018
    I must say this is the worst event ever...
    Extremely boring, time consuming and very poor rewards. helps me stay away from the game.
    Kabam may loose a lot of focused players because of this.
  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    Loot bag icon on the home screen is often there for me and my Alliance members but it does nothing. Does not trigger any new events..... Despite "qualifying" for a Merc Missions on a daily basis we have not been able to play one..... in-game compensation would seem to be in order.
  • LightYagami85LightYagami85 Member Posts: 9
    @Kabam Miike it’s been said and written in game that the first 15 players to join any merc Mission will get 100 extra five stars shards.
    I would assume they get to us by ingame Message once the merc quests are ended.
    Because I checked to see it’s not getting instant paid on our accounts.
    Now there is an ingame message and there is no extra shards in it.
    Where are those 100 extra shards. We don’t get them. I asked around a little in my alliance and other alliances. Seems that’s wrong. Can u check that please?
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Not going to lie, these side quests are garbage.
    • Way too time consuming when compared to previous events. Get tedious really quickly.
    • Timers force you to skip real life stuff to complete them. Serious things like work and sleep. Players can go days without seeing one if they have a regular job.
    • The frequent Merc Mission pop-ups without actually having one available need to be fixed.
    • Energy requirements and time commitments are higher than they should be for the rewards (when compared to previous events). These require ~15 minutes per level to explore, which is even more problematic if you can't really "step out for a few minutes" to do it if one procs during work.

    To be honest, the Mad Titan events were the perfect balance. Plenty of time to complete them to allow players with real life stuff to be able to play as well. Awesome rewards. Good balance between effort, energy, and payouts. They genuinely made shards more available to everyone.

    These current ones are only for those who have the ability to be online at any time. If I have to wake up for work at 6am, I sure as hell won't be waking up at 1am to do one.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    In an effort at constructive feedback, let me suggest this:

    (1) Timed events are fine, but when they are around for less than a 12 or 24 hour period, you inevitably disadvantage someone somewhere in a game that’s played globally. Events that open for only 4 hours at 2AM somewhere are dumb.

    (2) Sliding scale for time/effort versus rewards—if it’s quick and easy, rewards ought to be lower. If it’s more time consuming and/or takes more resources, rewards should be higher. Players tend to have long memories about events and rewards and effort required.

    (3) “Triggered” events need to have a trigger more like Domino’s abilities—which is to say a frequently-firing one. All you do is create frustration when players are waiting for some alliance member somewhere to magically trigger the right RNG sequence to open a special event and it never happens.

    (4) Give players a reason to run all difficulties, at least once in a while. Trials did that, as have other events.

    You guys always ask for constructive feedback. That’s what this is.

    Dr. Zola
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    After a great month for the Infinity War release, Kabam's event quests really disappointed me this month. Trials of the Titan had a comparable energy cost to this, but only allowed one difficulty to be played daily, besides day 7. This is often twice a day, 4 difficulties, 2 paths. If you want to chase X-Force shards, you're using about a whole energy refill per assignment.

    Monthly event quest has the same issue. One map has a spiral with something like 7 nodes in a row with nothing on them. I don't expect every month to be like 3.2 Thanos, but the quests on either side of that one have used obnoxious level design that is aesthetically unappealing and wastes energy.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    For days now I will see the notice that a bounty mission is up and then it itsn't there. Don't really care as the rewards are garbage but it's obviously glitched right now.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    My ally hasn't triggered a mission on 2 days with many doing each assignment. God I hate these stupid "chance to trigger" events. That's a whole lot of shards to be sacrificed to RNGesus. Really puts the "lucky" alliance ahead of the "unlucky".
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    My ally hasn't triggered a mission on 2 days with many doing each assignment. God I hate these stupid "chance to trigger" events. That's a whole lot of shards to be sacrificed to RNGesus. Really puts the "lucky" alliance ahead of the "unlucky".

    You guys’ Merc Missions have been Dominoed.

    Dr. Zola
  • grimsmotegrimsmote Member Posts: 5
    nelly22 wrote: »
    Kabam!!!! Merc missions are not starting in my alliance.

    Same here. Still getting assassin assignments, just no merc missions. PLEASE FIX KABAM!!! I have the swag bag symbol but it doesn't lead to anything.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    grimsmote wrote: »
    nelly22 wrote: »
    Kabam!!!! Merc missions are not starting in my alliance.

    Same here. Still getting assassin assignments, just no merc missions. PLEASE FIX KABAM!!! I have the swag bag symbol but it doesn't lead to anything.

    The bag icon on the home screen will have a timer on it if there is a Merc Mission available. If a Merc Mission is available, the menu that pops up when you click on the icon will also include the username of the member of your alliance who initiated the Merc Mission, as well as a current count of the number of players in your alliance who have completed the Merc Mission so far.

    If there is not currently a Merc Mission available for your alliance, the bag icon will still be there and can be clicked on to get more info about Merc Missions and how to activate them, but it will not have a timer on it and the window that pops up won't have a players's username in it.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    @Kabam Zibiit often when I login there is a pop up saying that a bounty mission is available and then it isn't there. It's got nothing to do with the bag icon. I don't really care because the rewards are meh but something is clearly wrong. Haven't had a merc mission in the alliance in like a week.
  • TreininTreinin Member Posts: 215 ★★★
    I think a lot of people aren't doing the assignments because they are pretty low reward / obnoxious in their spawn times. I've been pretty lax in terms of trying to get into these. If I happen to see one I do it, but I can't be bothered to keep track of the silly 4 hours on 7 hours off garbage schedule. Hope next time this will be more like Modoks lab where it just resets every 12 hours or something.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 666 ★★★★
    Add our alliance to the list of ones not getting Merc Missions. It’s been since Tuesday. I’m getting the pop up when logging in but no Merc Mission is there.
  • DhruvgDhruvg Member Posts: 287
    Just 1 thing , "NEVER BRING THIS EVENT AGAIN".
  • poknjnuuupoknjnuuu Member Posts: 19
    I figure I’ve lost out on at least 1000 5* shards, maybe 2000, from assignments and Merc Missions that simply do not appear for me. When they appear, I always grind em out for 5* shards but I’ve seriously missed out here. I’ve triggered 3 Merc Missions but there’s never enough allies that can even see the mission in order to complete it. Any compensation kabam?
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    This event sucks. Glad I didn't waste time on it, but it is kinda discouraging when you lose motivation because there is nothing to look forward to in the game.
  • Jpany25novJpany25nov Member Posts: 5
    Hello... says here that the assignments will run until July 2nd at 5 pm pacific time... however, the assignment for this afternoon didn’t started... why is that?
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    So what is the deal with some people getting those ultimate x force crystals? Ive done these missions every day all month and not had 1 drop. Wveryone else in my alli has had one tho. Whats the deal
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    @Kade7175 You should be getting shards for them and can open them from the "special" tab under crystals.

    I don't remember getting a full crystal, only shards.
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    @Kade7175 You should be getting shards for them and can open them from the "special" tab under crystals.

    I don't remember getting a full crystal, only shards.

    No thats an xforce crystal sometimes it kicks out an ultimate x force crystal
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    The worst special event quest to date to be honest.
  • Hollywood_Hollywood_ Member Posts: 70
    Another boring month. Will finish by creepy 5* champions, if you done 100% things than you will get more creepy rewards again 😂😂😂 #creepygame #creepykabam
  • BenLucasBenLucas Member Posts: 69
    pls scrap this mode. Another infinity dust type of monthly event could be good though
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