Assassin Assignments and Merc Missions Discussion Thread



  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    Yay...random recycled content. Cant wait for this....I think it worked smothly last time. Seriously this game just keeps getting worse and they couldn't care less. Lol.spend that money
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Which champions are going to be in the Ultimate X-Force Crystal? @Kabam Miike
  • ChuckNorrisChuckNorris Member Posts: 104
    @Kabam Miike
    are there any plans to make Deadpool x-force any better ?? like a buf of fury and more bleeding ????
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    LoPresti wrote: »
    Yeah, no thanks. The trials are the perfect sweet spot. Once a day, only 3 fights. Rewards good enough so that you don't want to skip it.

    These Assassin Assignments are just too demanding.

    Well, you're going to get a chance to have 4* and 5* shards daily.

    You can definitely skip it if you want, but it is really good , if you are say stuck and need the last 200 to pull a 4* / 5* , quick work to get those.

    So the 5* can set and wait for tier2 alphas and tier5 basics? We need new ways to get those. Not more champs we cant rank
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    But.. I guess we can spend big money on wars and expect the rest of the alliance to do the same to get those rewards .and if they dont, who cares if you have played with them forever.. kick them for someone who will spend. Lol
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    So it's just the Merc Missions that are alliance based?

    Solo players (like myself) can play the Assassin Assignments?
  • CoderKnight69CoderKnight69 Member Posts: 53
    This is not at all worth...The majority of player base will pass on this for sure.

    Good luck Kabam.
  • AnixaminderAnixaminder Member Posts: 1
    I liked the event last time it came around and I’m really glad you fixed the problem where it was reliant of EQ. I would appreciate if this received a better gold income. 1000 seems so low considering deadpool gets paid more to scare teenagers
  • Nickname207Nickname207 Member Posts: 241
    edited June 2018
    Still no information about the XForce crystal. Tell me it gives a 2* or 3* DP XForce and I'm out.
  • zackb213zackb213 Member Posts: 84
    What do we get from the ultimate xforce crystals and xforce shard crystals
  • Reevesy01Reevesy01 Member Posts: 79
    These assigments/missions whatever they're called appear to have taken a step back of about 12 months, time limited content never sits well with the player base. How many are actually going to bother with this one the rewards are basically meh and really not worth the time or effort. Sorry Kabam but looks like you've dropped the ball again with this one.
  • Jaycray81Jaycray81 Member Posts: 370 ★★
    Worst two events ever. 10 times the amount of fights for half the rewards from trials. Throw these events away and run trials more often. The amount of backlash to the announcement of these two events have got to count for something. You should be giving us content we want to play instead of trash.
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    edited June 2018
    I really don't understand why there's a four hour window with a cool down and not just an 11 hour window.

    Basically I see myself ignoring this quest a ton because it'll pop up when I'm at work or about to go to bed. And with a 13 fight master and an hour time limit (meaning can't start it and come back to it later), it's not an event you can squeeze into a really brief window you have in your day.

    Like the Stark assignments, I see myself doing maybe 25% of them total. Perhaps less. Which is fine I suppose. It'll be a lighter month for me. But it's unfortunate that to maximize rewards, you need to have a bunch of free time or not work a job that is somewhat rigorous.
  • billbillbillbillbillbillbillbill Member Posts: 29
    More time demanding, random proc content with a weird cycle. game keeps getting worse. and the gift i received did not undo the damage that was done during the first week of infinity dungeons.
  • mrTequilasmrTequilas Member Posts: 31
    please KABAAM nooo, we cant arrange our scuedule every time around you, c'mon don't you see that, please cut us some slack
  • KyrieRedKyrieRed Member Posts: 287 ★★
    Those rewards are really bad for the time it will require. Sometimes i feel like this game will just rip you off and i never going to believe those rewards are appealing to an end game player. It just frustrating how this events are just killing my desire to play that game.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    these are gonna be awful
  • ArtttonArttton Member Posts: 59
    edited June 2018
    When you first announced these Assassin assignments you made it look like something special is coming, just to find out that it is a old boring to much of a chore game mode which nobody liked with A new name For the old name.

    How exciting is this old event coming our way, just called differently .... can’t wait to never touch it.
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