Just verifying that Domino is "working as intended"...



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  • DaddyDDaddyD Member Posts: 75
    Il_JooO wrote: »
    Kabam should just nerf her, that's it.
    Don't know, even removing her should be a good solution

    Absolutely not. Just R4d my 5*
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  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    So, if someone has a zero or even negative percent chance to trigger something, that doesn't matter; because if it's specifically listed, Domino's code reads it only as a percentage and then triggers her proc regardless? Two scenarios, in one it's an issue with her coding, in the other it's an issue with both heroes code.

    So, GR WOULD proc MLLLM IF sig was a specific value; combo occurs, proc if; but sig value isn't there, it doesn't Proc, right? However Domino still reads it as "Initial proc condition met = Proc critical failure %" meaning she completely ignores the fact that nothing actually occurred because a secondary condition wasn't met - Ghost Rider, AA, etc...

    So she procs critical failure regardless.

    Her condition is triggering because something COULD proc, not because it did.

    Or, even worse... GR, AA, Stark... their effects DO proc regardless; rather, the game counts them as having proc'd, because the code says they should prco (if) - then, as a secondary effect the game takes into consideration the negative value and instantly cancels out/negates the occurrence, but because it 'procd' Domino still procs critical failure?

    It's lazy coding regardless of how you look at it - whether it's on the heroes with a chance to proc or on the hero who procs based off their application.

    She's not proc'ing critical failure based off their application, she's proc'ing based on the simple chance that they have a possibility (even a negative one) to activate. If the game runs a code, regardless of whether the end result is 0 or negative, her code runs and a chance for her to proc occurs - even if nothing happened to trigger it.

    Well done. How was this not tested?
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 682 ★★★★
    What’s the status on this inquiry? Degen for almost every game mechanic is not something I look forward to.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    DrZola wrote: »

    Here’s my guess:

    Critical hits have an 80% chance to lacerate. They don’t, hence he gets damaged.

    I know, I know...if the hit doesn’t connect, it has a 0% chance to lacerate. But that’s the beauty of Domino. She takes all the conspiracy theories about getting screwed by RNG that have abounded over the years and actually personifies them in plain sight.

    Just a theory though. I have no real clue about how or why she works like that.

    Dr. Zola
    Ok, this is why I don’t think that theory is right. If you watch closely you can see that, literally the second the special is activated critical failure also triggers. Seatin hadn’t even begun his evade yet. So that means if Seatin had not evaded and let Black panther hit, and hypothetically crit, panther would have still suffered critical failure. Regardless of whether Seatin evaded or not, critical failure still triggered. The game could not predict that seatin was going to evade and therefore that panther would “fail to crit”, as far as the AI was concerned, it was just launching a special.
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    If a champ can damage you for basic stuff like blocking then that needs a fix asap cause that's such a stupid ability. Game breaking really! Why doesn't this stuff get checked before release? Does quality assurance and testing not go by the game team?

    The community can agree that testing and content checks before release is not being done and that's just stupid and unprofessional tbh and constructive.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    If a champ can damage you for basic stuff like blocking then that needs a fix asap cause that's such a stupid ability. Game breaking really! Why doesn't this stuff get checked before release? Does quality assurance and testing not go by the game team?

    The community can agree that testing and content checks before release is not being done and that's just stupid and unprofessional tbh and constructive.

  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,471 ★★★★★
    Ok, this is why I don’t think that theory is right. If you watch closely you can see that, literally the second the special is activated critical failure also triggers. Seatin hadn’t even begun his evade yet. So that means if Seatin had not evaded and let Black panther hit, and hypothetically crit, panther would have still suffered critical failure. Regardless of whether Seatin evaded or not, critical failure still triggered. The game could not predict that seatin was going to evade and therefore that panther would “fail to crit”, as far as the AI was concerned, it was just launching a special.

    May be right—it’s all just guesswork here.

    The key question to ask is what abilities actually get proc’d the instant you trigger a special. I suppose that’s critical rate? Anything else? Does the damage process because the first hit was determined by RNG not to have the potential to crit?

    Honestly, no idea. Broken, broken, broken.

    Dr. Zola
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    My theory is that the server is responsible for the RNG, so it triggers the second the potential procs, before the Animation follows. Basically, the RNG sends the information to Crit, and her Abilities depend on RNG as well. It seems instantaneous. Just a theory.

    maybe...but i highly doubt the game is sending data in while you are fighting. there's been a few time my internet connection goes out and it brings up that signal saying you connect to the internet, mid fight. i'll pause, wait for it to reconnect and then carry on about my business. that's been my history of it at least.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    My theory is that the server is responsible for the RNG, so it triggers the second the potential procs, before the Animation follows. Basically, the RNG sends the information to Crit, and her Abilities depend on RNG as well. It seems instantaneous. Just a theory.

    The actual pRNG would have to be running on the device use to play. If it was done at the server, every would move, every action would have to wait on communications with the server making the game unplayable.

    The server's role in this would be at the start of the fight setting the seed which would then be used for the fight itself. It would send the parameters to the device and the device would then process the fight, and then send the results back. (The whole loading screen you see where you can get disconnected).

    Keep-alive and non essential data would be going back forth during the fight itself.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,987 ★★★★★
    I've had a theory that there is a back-and-forth as well as before and after. It's an idea anyway.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    @DrZola @GroundedWisdom
    Did some testing with my domino against black panther and I think the theory is right now.

    Here, on the first hit there is no critical failure proc’d and when the hit connects it is a crit that triggers bleed.

    And here critical failure triggers instantly and the following attack does not crit.
  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    She can also stop unique synergies to work, like with Hela I don’t start the fight with one fury, but the damages instead, Nice to mention it
  • Ou_YeahOu_Yeah Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2018
    Let's go even further with the 0% thing! My unduped GR has a 0% chance to proc Fury on MLLLM combo (bc he's unduped of course), yet it still triggers crit failure! I've heard that unduped Magik also triggers it when her power bar goes up a bar (bc that's a Limbo trigger if duped). @Kabam Miike , please tell me this is not working as intended.
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  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Ou_Yeah wrote: »
    Let's go even further with the 0% thing! My unduped GR has a 0% chance to proc Fury on MLLLM combo (bc he's unduped of course), yet it still triggers crit failure! I've heard that unduped Magik also triggers it when her power bar goes up a bar (bc that's a Limbo trigger if duped). @Kabam Miike , please tell me this is not working as intended.

    It is working as intended... to knock you out so you have revive and hopefully get you to spend money...
  • Ajjohnsbb8Ajjohnsbb8 Member Posts: 191
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    Took my 6* juggs in considering he has basically no abilities and thought hey should be a use for him......
    Was doin well. Took her down half way easy as pie....


    Then my dexterity failed..... and she hit me for 11k!!!!! Ouch...... but anyway fight was still going......
    I was on 21% and went in to medium hit her and i just dropped dead...... 6.5k damage..... for wat????
    I have no ability... i just died... WTF????



    That's like thanos's death touch
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    My theory is that the server is responsible for the RNG, so it triggers the second the potential procs, before the Animation follows. Basically, the RNG sends the information to Crit, and her Abilities depend on RNG as well. It seems instantaneous. Just a theory.

    That's essentially impossible, because combat can continue even when no network communications is happening. There's zero chance the game was coded in such a way that it waits for RNG rolls from the server, but then does its own if they take too long to arrive. That's simply impossible to make work in any reasonable fashion, due to the complexities involved in synchronizing that kind of thing.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    Incidentally, I now think the odds are higher than 60%.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,987 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    That's essentially impossible, because combat can continue even when no network communications is happening. There's zero chance the game was coded in such a way that it waits for RNG rolls from the server, but then does its own if they take too long to arrive. That's simply impossible to make work in any reasonable fashion, due to the complexities involved in synchronizing that kind of thing.

    Just a theory I've been considering, based on observations. You could be right. I could be wrong. There's more data being transferred than just before and after, I'm almost certain of that. I feel that the RNG is connected somehow. If I'm wrong, so be it.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Just to tell you how broken dominos ability is....
    GR MLLLM combo gives fury judgement but only when awakened.
    Unawakend GR is getting crit failure on a MLLLM combo because he cannot create a judgment.

    It appears the code is like this for GR
    MLLLM = place judgment.
    Sig ability check = no
    Result = judgment fail.

    Needs to be like this
    MLLLM = sig ability check
    Answer = no
    Result = do not attempt judgment
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    It would appear that we've entered the portion of this discussion where players are ignored and left to speculate and argue for a bit.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Menkent wrote: »
    It would appear that we've entered the portion of this discussion where players are ignored and left to speculate and argue for a bit.
    Soo... about generally 5 minutes after any moderator responds?
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    edited June 2018
    A similar thig could be done for all checks.
    Like starks evade

    RN it must be like this:
    Incoming attack > Perorm Evade? > dice roll > y/n = pass or fail
    Fail result is triggering crit failure
    Ability is run by default and either passes or fails

    If it was coded like this:
    Incoming attack > dice roll > if result is >=1 and <=3 perform evade, else do not perform evade.
    The result of the check would always return a positive result and never end in a fail regardless of if an evade was to be performed or not.
    Ability is only run if correct conditions are met and therefore never actually fails.

    If all champs abilities were coded in a manner like this then no abilities would naturally “fail” by itself. Only allowed or dissalowed.
    It would then only be dominos ability accuracy reduction that could cause that to fail.

    Difference is the first returns a pass or fail result on if the ability is allowed or not.
    The second returns a result and then runs the ability or not.

    However this would also require ability accuracy reduction to be applied as a seperate calculation done after not as an adjustment to the original equation.

    Ie: after it has dones the check and returned tue result that atark will evade then another calculation is done that gives dominos aa reduction a chamce to stop it.
  • IrohrIrohr Member Posts: 254 ★★
    Good to know they still can close other threads but won't respond to this thread. For a second I thought they were having connection issues. But they just don't care.
  • THX135THX135 Member Posts: 83
    Everyone, based on info we've been provided it seems Domino is working as intended by the game team.

    Take advantage and use her in LOL. I've tested my R4 awakened Domino in LOL and she makes many hard fights easy now.

    Those with R4/R5 awaken Domino go and clear as many inner LOL paths as you can before Kabam nerfs her.
  • IrohrIrohr Member Posts: 254 ★★
    THX135 wrote: »
    Everyone, based on info we've been provided it seems Domino is working as intended by the game team.

    Take advantage and use her in LOL. I've tested my R4 awakened Domino in LOL and she makes many hard fights easy now.

    Those with R4/R5 awaken Domino go and clear as many inner LOL paths as you can before Kabam nerfs her.

    I would definitely do this if I had her. But I see what you did there. You just lit a fire under kabam to Nerf her. Can't have people destroying LoL.
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