New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • DoonxDoonx Member Posts: 182
  • SuperCiscoSuperCisco Member Posts: 1
    IPhone 7 Plus, IOS 11.4
    I'm unable to get past initial screen. Game stuck in loading screen. icon on lower right spinning but nothing happens. I'm able to use phone internet and play other games so I know it's not my internet connection. Been trying to play for hours with no success.
  • Goku727Goku727 Member Posts: 1
    Phone freezing and restarting during arenas. 4 times since update.
    iPhone 7 Plus
    iOS 11.4
  • DoonxDoonx Member Posts: 182
    Goku727 wrote: »
    Phone freezing and restarting during arenas. 4 times since update.
    iPhone 7 Plus
    iOS 11.4

    I agree. I was playing arena when my iphone crashed.
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★
    Iphone 5s IOS 11.4

    The phone gets extra hot more so than the last few months. The fights are VERY framey when I fight. You can SEE the frames as they happen and it's not smooth at all. Last month or two have been relatively ok but after the update, oh boy even a restart won't do it. The Video that @Jackd1989 posted sums it up but in my case it's worse.

    I really don't get why at this point there's not an option for players to choose their level of detail, quality, background effects, "bloom", etc etc like other games yet. I could care less how pretty the game looked if it meant better game play and frame rate.
  • CherryBombTMCherryBombTM Member Posts: 2
    Iphone 7 plus

    After update game has been very unstable and interfering with other apps. During an arena match, my phone did a reset by itself. Also battery life is extremely poor, went from 80% to 11% in just 20 arena matches. Phone seems to be overheating. Requesting help for arena fights is pretty much impossible for me at this point, it's not only very slow (5-7 seconds per request to go through) but also in some instances it doesn't recognize I'm hitting the plus sign to request help.
  • 920Mark920Mark Member Posts: 1
    iPhone 7
    IOS 11.4

    Phone starts overheating after about 5 minutes. Was playing arenas. No issues before update to version 19.
  • GeisønGeisøn Member Posts: 39
    It's super warming up and locking my iphone 7 too.
  • LoordRafaelllLoordRafaelll Member Posts: 2
    Ios 11.04
    7 plus
  • LoordRafaelllLoordRafaelll Member Posts: 2
    Ios 11.04
    Ipad air 2
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    Phone got hot and battery drained from 80 to 22 in only half the fight against LoL SL. All of a sudden game froze and crashed my phoned, forcing restart on it.

    After installing 19.0, I opened the app and it only downloaded about 15 mb (usually downloads around 500 mb on every update)

    After downloading, I noticed my phone offloaded my line app, facebook and wassap apps and who knows what else. Then started downloading them as I opened them.

    Game is also laggy and parry timing is off. Please fix this asap.

    iPhone 6s plus running ios 11.3.1
  • Solrac_2Solrac_2 Member Posts: 497 ★★
    Several members of my ally have reported this, all with iPhones.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Mine can't boil an egg yet from the outside (on the casing), but the heat is certainly hot enough to warm my hands or laps inside cold air-cond room. I played many games on my h/p, some are 2.5D or 3D and graphic intensive too, none cause over-heating, only MCoC earns the title of toaster oven on phone. Way to go!
  • PFunkPFunk Member Posts: 111
    Since I did the update today on iPhone 7+ my phone will go black and restart itself typically right after a fight in arena and story mode. It gives the spinning wheel then eventually comes up with the log in screen. I’m running the most current iOS. When I go back into the app it starts from the very beginning. Never had this happen since I’ve owned the phone, and it’s happened 3 times since updating to 19.0. It’s only this app that I’ve had this happen to
  • StokesXCStokesXC Member Posts: 38
    I have had similar issues to the ones posted.. my aw fights were skipping frames and black screens... I don't know that any other apps or aspects of my phone were affected but I downloaded the game a few hours ago after playing all day on the previous update. Noticing weird things.
  • HomemmultiversoHomemmultiverso Member Posts: 1
    iPad 2
    IOS 9.3.5

    Since i updated my MCOC its being completely impossible to fight, before there was already Lag, but it was endurable, now i definitely cant move my champ. I Play MCOC since the start, but is the first time this happen. Please fix this
  • MischabästMischabäst Member Posts: 20
    Same problem here....
    Its only mcoc that Does This to the phone. No other games.
  • JLLH117JLLH117 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018
    iPhone 5s
    IOS 11.2.1

    After the update, fights have become incredibly glitchy and unresponsive, just yesterday it was working incredible. Also, it's warming my phone quite a lot.
  • project314project314 Member Posts: 67
    iPhone 6s Plus, overheats more quickly and more intensely. Battery drains more quickly as well

    Same with my iPad
  • WiMakWiMak Member Posts: 359 ★★
    edited July 2018
    Totally agree, there should be an option to choose your graphics quality, level of detail, or shut off/tone down effects...

    I am assuming this isn’t the reason for this particular problem; just in general
  • Zayo_278Zayo_278 Member Posts: 264
    Phone heating up very quickly after update. moving in AQ takes about 5 times the normal time because it keeps showing network connection error. If you swap to another app and come back to the game you’d have to reload the game. Screen freezing. Laggy performance. Phone not charging properly. Charges properly when you exit the game and do a hard reset. Something is seriously wrong with this update!

    Phone: iPhone SE
    OS: iOS 11.3.1
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    edited July 2018
    Phone overheats. Laggy and unresponsive. App crashes and takes super long to restart. drains battery in 5-10 mins of play. Ios 11.4
    This is bad.
  • Shroud1969Shroud1969 Member Posts: 78
    Just happened. Had to hard reset.

    iPad Pro
  • Camarofanatic90Camarofanatic90 Member Posts: 38
    I’m having crashing issues I’ve never had I’ll be playing game then screen goes black with whit circle rotating in middle and only hard reset reboots phone. Running game on most current version of iOS on an iPhone 7+
  • ProtoixProtoix Member Posts: 9
    Been having issues with my phone overheating, app is force closing, and the phone will not respond to any buttons on the phone but the game is playable until it force closes. Similar issues with my iPad 2017 except the overheating.

    iPhone 7 & iPad 2017
    iOS 11.4
  • NeyNey Member Posts: 5
    AFTER Version 19.0 update today, alot of problems start occurring on my iphone:

    Iphone 7 Plus
    IOS: 11.4

    Problem: Hanging in game, in fights, crashed in & out of the game, exit game hang on home screen, cannot open other applications and also crashing all other functions of the phone.
  • MaidrilMaidril Member Posts: 288
    iOS 11.4
    Several months old iPhone 7 128gb
    On WiFi with full bars

    Game has gone black several times as I enter fights and forces me to the lock screen. Playing for 20-30 min causes the phone to feel like it’s overheating. I’ve had the game occasionally drop before, but never this exact issue.

    Would be nice to see AQ and AW not take half your health when the game kicks you every time.
  • ScottLangScottLang Member Posts: 149
    On an iphone 7 plus with ios 11.4, been experienceing overheating similar to when playing transformers future fight. Sometimes when i back out of the app it locks me out of all apps they all show the logo screen but never go past it. Ive had to restart my phone quite a few times since this update
  • DoonxDoonx Member Posts: 182
    Definitely very huge problem with ios. Hope this would be fixed asap. I am not opening this game since having the black screen with loading circle thing earlier. I am so afraid that it might destroy my phone. Pfff
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