Map 5 Minibosses with 9000+ Attack values

What happened here? Since when does Green Goblin has 9000+ attack?
I'm going to guess that when Kabam discovered that the 250% champion boost wasn't being applied correctly they fixed it without realizing that it would be activated before the upcoming change to AQ that converts the 2 boosts into one 450% health boost.
No noticeable difference in difficulty... haha, nice one Miike!
Yeah but that's because it was "recently discovered" (despite the fact that players had pointed it out months and months ago, and were likely ignored)
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'm taking this to the team right now to get their eyes on it. We'll update you all as soon as we have more information.
We run map 3 on our final AQ day, here is a 9000k attack rating on a cable with no linked nodes on map 3
Depends on your prestige (and thus also which day, since prestige and difficulty rises as you complete maps during the week), but miniboss number one is usually around 2800ish for us on day five. I just fought GG on miniboss node one at 8662. With a +30% boosted 5/50 Voodoo and no unblocked hits I ended up timing out with him at 14% health and me at 19% health. I probably would have beaten him if I didn't have to fight super conservatively to prevent him from ripping my head off.
Without the +250% attack map 5 is doable with 5/50s, although more is always better. But you do need the right champs for the minibosses. If you go into GG with something that cannot block heal and doesn't have really high special damage, you probably won't do enough damage.
If you are interested in doing Map 5, I recommend dipping your toes into Map 5 on day one when difficulty is the lowest, and pick a day when the miniboss is something you feel comfortable fighting. I personally think Morningstar is the easiest to fight, but some think Goblin is much easier. It mostly comes down to which one you can better control the specials for.
The biggest potential problem a lower tier alliance might run into when moving up to map 5 is that all three stages have eight paths with links. So all eight generally have to come down. You need everyone running paths and not dying (or at least not dying and not reviving). You don't have as many spare attackers, and everyone must be coordinated to clear paths without one guy stalling everyone else because he doesn't clear the link.
That’s what I love about this community. We can and will meme everything
Fixed 😂😂😂😂. Yeah that’s why map 3 mini boss is equivalent to map 5s mini with a little more health. But they fixed this bug you say.
Looks like when we released 19.0, we fixed the bug that was causing the Miniboss's 250% Attack Boost to not activate correctly. We're reverting this fix right now, and your Minibosses should be back to normal very soon!
We're very sorry for the inconvenience and the confusion.