Downtime Compensation [Merged Threads]



  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    NikoBravo wrote: »
    What a turd of a compensation package. I have to say, this is getting worse. You can’t keep your fan base happy by doing this. The fact that it took over a week to come up with that is shameful.

    The truth is, this was your plan all along, but didn’t want to piss us off prior to your 4th of July deals because people would boycott you once again and we know you felt that last one.

    You are all walking a diminishing fine line, and probably will feel it again.

    Give me my free shards so I can blow them on a reduced chance at a decent champ.

    Also, a true compensation package would make up for lost rewards, and also a “We’re sorry for f’in up” apology gift for continuous screwups. Your old Collector understood this, did he get fired for being too nice?
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    This proposed compensation is unsatisfactory.
    We dropped nearly 1000 places in AQ as we couldn't finish the maps on day 1.
    This didn't just mean we missed out on our map 5 crystals. We also took a massive prestige hit over the remaining days.
    We missed at least 2 map 6 crystals plus glory. Plus whatever rank rewards we miss.

    My suspicion is that alliance were hit significantly by the downtime events during that week. Although we also experienced downtime, our alliance was able to compensate for that by playing more aggressively and taking advantage of reduced timers, so we ended the week actually slightly higher in points. However, we ended up over four hundred rating places higher, which seemed disproportionately high for our point total to me. My very rough guess is that we placed around three hundred places higher than we would have on a non-downtime week, which suggests many alliances in the 1-1500 expert tier range placed significantly lower than they normally do.

    It is only one data point and it involves mostly judgment on my part, but I don't think it is an insignificant data point.

    This might be a little of topic but I remember this issue in aq a while back. Prestige didn't jump up after day 1. People that paid attention didn't start day 2 right away but came here. Kabam (quickly, I think) decided that since everyone had the same issue it would be fair and prestige stayed the same all week. We all benefited from that in different ways. For high prestige alliance it didn't change much, since their prestige was sort of capt out already anyway, it just made the gap a bit bigger. For lower prestige alliances like myself the difficulty was nice. We had trouble on day 4 and 5 at that point, so a whole week of "day 1" was a welcome change.

    My point to this story, it would have been a fair solution this week. When someone changed the timers they should have disabled prestige from going up and down.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    Someone please post what they expect from Kabam. Everyone is griping about how minimal the compensation package is, and I'm very happy with the return on it. They've given everyone a chance to redo the gold arena. (also Kabam, please don't rerun Ant-Man...rather than expending the energy to rerun him, just find a way to make him relevant). No one is mentioning what it should have been.

    As for @dcw_ you're not nailing anything down. you and anyone mentioning lost time here instantaneously loses any argument. You're playing a video game on your own time....your own FREE TIME. free. your investment into a game is valueless. You've taken a game to the point of addiction if you feel that you're investing in yourself through a video game unless it's your way to make a means. Unless your name is Callum, or Dave, or Bryan, then I mention the digs to snap you and anyone back into reality/wake up. And that's my perspective when I see a bunch of people crowd around a forum complaining about a server outage that's at the fault of a third party. And if you and anyone feels so strongly against this compensation then don't claim it and let it sit there until it expires.

    Also lastly going to mention that to anyone who spent and lost their items is getting 1500 5* and some refills which is about the same as beating master mode 100%. So...there's that too.
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  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    I don’t mind that this compensation sucks, as long as you take the money earned on the July 4th “deals” to buy more/better/satisfactory severs.
  • edited July 2018
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  • LegionDestroierLegionDestroier Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018
    While most things are covered by the compensation. Our drop in AQ ranking for that week has been completely ignored.

    With not completing day 1 we missed out on millions of points points and dropped 650-750 ranks. So @Kabam Lyra where is our missed rank awards? I see no reflection of this in your compensation.

    My suggestion is you award us the rank awards we got the week before as they are a reflection of what rank we would of got if the emergency maintenance never happened.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    Someone please post what they expect from Kabam.

    I did that already. I didn't specifically mention some specific thing I expect from them, because I don't specifically expect some specific reward. In general, I rarely advocate for compensation at all in most cases. But I believe the recent outage is an exceptional case, I believe it is part of a continuum of increasingly common problems and outages since the beginning of the year, and Kabam's overall response to them in general has, with only a few exceptions, been below my own very conservative expectations. What I want is what I always want: I want Kabam to think carefully about how they are choosing to approach this problem as I want them to do so for all problems, and formulate a strategy that will work in the long term to address all aspects of the problem in the most beneficial way for the game as a whole. I don't think the compensation announcement does that in this case.

    You're not going to make everyone perfectly whole, and you can't keep giving out escalatingly higher compensation rewards either. That's why you're supposed to avoid unexpected downtime and operational issues to the best degree possible: it is because you can't just make everyone whole and move on. There's a lesson there: the universe doesn't hand you an unlimited number of mulligans, so you can't operate as if it does. Making things right when you screw up is supposed to be painful, so you try harder to avoid screwing up in the future.

    And I do understand, probably more than most, that there is an external component to the outage that wasn't entirely under Kabam's control. But when a failure like that happens, you can only blame externalities once. After that, you're supposed to be implementing failsafes that will tolerate similar failures in the future. At some point, the problem isn't the vendor, it is your continued use of a vendor in a way that allows them to bring you down. That's hard to address, but it is never impossible.
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  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    In protest, I am going to log off tonight for the same amount of time that the game was down last Friday. That'll show them! (And I get to enjoy my Friday night).
  • LegionDestroierLegionDestroier Member Posts: 101
    The funny thing about all this is all the people that are complaining on here are the ones that thought the July 4th deals were wonderful and bought several of them. Now you are mad that the compensation package isn’t enough. Your words don’t phase Kabam. They are a company looking to make as much as possible while throwing small bones from time to time. Your threats to quit are a joke. If you wanted to hurt them, truly hurt them, you would’ve passed on any deal, no matter how good it was. Instead, Kabam is laughing all the way to the bank. Way to go community.

    This is irrelevant, the deals, idea of boycott and logout day have nothing to do with the outage and outage compensation. They were regards the game meta changes happening with 19.0. Please take it to another discussion.
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  • dcw_dcw_ Member Posts: 130
    The funny thing about all this is all the people that are complaining on here are the ones that thought the July 4th deals were wonderful and bought several of them. Now you are mad that the compensation package isn’t enough. Your words don’t phase Kabam. They are a company looking to make as much as possible while throwing small bones from time to time. Your threats to quit are a joke. If you wanted to hurt them, truly hurt them, you would’ve passed on any deal, no matter how good it was. Instead, Kabam is laughing all the way to the bank. Way to go community.

    Hindsight is 20/20. I bought 2 small deals on the 4th and I don’t have any regrets about spending the money, then or now. The 2 things are completely separate, I do think it’s suspect on the timing of the information release coupled with the need they felt to explain how compensation works. However, similar to your statement; it’s completely a subjective view point not based in fact.
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  • ILovePoniesILovePonies Member Posts: 158
    So much activity from kabam mods.. hmm shows they care about our issues..

    Just gonna leave my initial message here looking like a scrap piece of paper because it won’t get answered anyway.


    Hi @Kabam Miike so you have merged my post here.. understandable.. but no message to why?

    so what’s gonna happen to people like me who were at the end of a legend run in lily quest? Just lose out on the items and no legend? No compensation for us? We just the lost cause for trying to be competitive ?

    What will it physically cost you as a company to award the players who were in a legit run for legend and was put to a guaranteed fail for legend due to the downtime? NOTHING. Costs you absolutely nothing to award somebody something like a legend badge.

    Did the other players use 30 percent non farmable boost for various in game stuff? Did they use units to add on suicides? Did they buy units for the legend run?

  • dcw_dcw_ Member Posts: 130
    dcw_ wrote: »
    The funny thing about all this is all the people that are complaining on here are the ones that thought the July 4th deals were wonderful and bought several of them. Now you are mad that the compensation package isn’t enough. Your words don’t phase Kabam. They are a company looking to make as much as possible while throwing small bones from time to time. Your threats to quit are a joke. If you wanted to hurt them, truly hurt them, you would’ve passed on any deal, no matter how good it was. Instead, Kabam is laughing all the way to the bank. Way to go community.

    Hindsight is 20/20. I bought 2 small deals on the 4th and I don’t have any regrets about spending the money, then or now. The 2 things are completely separate, I do think it’s suspect on the timing of the information release coupled with the need they felt to explain how compensation works. However, similar to your statement; it’s completely a subjective view point not based in fact.

    Your dealing with the same company that hasn’t been able to get server issues straightened out in three years, gives certain deals to certain people and not everyone, shady business practices, all while the people that keep them in business are complaining. You can’t complain about outages and compensation while you are still pumping money into them. It’s ignorant and 100% related. They don’t fix the issues and don’t compensate properly because they don’t have to. The money is still flowing. The only time they EVER bent to the community is when the top alliances threatened to stop spending.

    You and I have vastly different definitions of the word ignorant.

    For example I think it’s ignorant to think people should have made decisions yesterday using information gained today. (It’s also impossible)
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  • AlfninjaAlfninja Member Posts: 7
    Since the old ones closed migbt aswell make a new one.
    The compensation for the downtime aka 1500 shards 3 refills and 50k gold is trash.
    What about the boosters and refills i used in arena?we need better compensation.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    Namelez wrote: »
    So I see... Back in October, we got 7500 5* shards just bc of server crashes... What's different this time ?

    I believe I can explain it, although I don't agree with it. Kabam's position seems to be that when the servers crash, there's two sources of problems for the players. First, there's the actual disruption associated with the moment of the crash. Fights get interrupted and/or lost, etc. Second, there's the losses due to the duration of the downtime, when players cannot participate in events. A single crash of any duration has one of the first kind of problem, and one of the second kind of the problem. The first kind of problem is difficult to compensate for: basically all you can do is hand out a bunch of crystals or potions that have some value, but of course it will never be anything but a general attempt to address that loss. The second kind of problem is, as Kabam sees is, contextually easier to address if not always technically. The loss due to being unable to participate in something, like an event, can be addressed by allowing players to try again. Remember: this is my interpretation of Kabam's statements, not my opinion.

    Back around the end of last year we had a large number of short disruptions. That created a lot of losses of the first kind, but not as much losses of the second kind. The compensation thus was weighted towards the compensation they give for that kind of loss: some bag of stuff. But the recent outage had far less of that kind of loss (because it was only one big disruption - I'm setting that statement aside for now even though I know it is not fully accurate) and more of the second kind, which they feel they can address with event reruns however long the outage was.

    That's the source of the difference in approach to compensation, as I'm interpreting Kabam's statements. I'm not defending them, so don't ask me to.
  • LegionDestroierLegionDestroier Member Posts: 101
    edited July 2018
    Made a post before regarding the lack of compensation for aq rank awards stating we dropped 650-750 aq ranks but we actually dropped around 1000.. Makes my point even more valid.
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