Kabam, this is unfair

Kabam did it again, the same thing as when the perfect locking synergy, before everyone wore Dr Strange 3*, 4* and Scarlet Witch. And now there's this synergy overpower between Blade, Ghost Rider and Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), (everyone who has these champions are using this synergy, I've seen using Blade 5* r5 with a 3* Ghost Rider on the team, just for to make this synergy) where this synergy makes the Blade "a God" against opponents villains, where villains are the best defenders and most used in defense, the only non-villains who are good at defense are Iron Man (Infinity War), Medusa and Spider-man, this synergy is unfair, do not you think?
I have a Juggernaut 5* r4 in defense, before he kills several attackers, after the Blade with this synergy, until Blade of 4* is passing without giving any death.
Blade without synergy with Ghost Rider and Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), is already a champion overpower, has bleeding with good power gain, special 2 with huge damage and duplicate is practically "immortal."
I have a Juggernaut 5* r4 in defense, before he kills several attackers, after the Blade with this synergy, until Blade of 4* is passing without giving any death.
Blade without synergy with Ghost Rider and Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), is already a champion overpower, has bleeding with good power gain, special 2 with huge damage and duplicate is practically "immortal."
I play this game for 3 years and the only non-villains that give work, are Medusa, Spider-man and mainly Iron Man (Infinity War), Domino I think a reasonable champion in the defense, good step, I'm just going to lose a bit of life in her signature ability.
@Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_
Everyone is using this synergy, to strengthen the Blade, even using Ghost Rider 3*, look at the image.
Because these champions have synergy overpower and the other champions have synergy, you should change this synergy where it makes the Blade even more overpower, this team is already overporwer Blade, Ghost Rider and Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), all three are already among the most tops of the game, so I ask you, why this synergy, where they make even more overpowers these champions, mainly the Blade?
My AW team are Iceman, X23 and Hyperion all 5*.
Do whaaaaaaaaat?!
Bottom line...fight Domino with Blade & see how fast u get wrecked. The new champs will all counter him. Like he counter the Mystics & the years of unfair advantages they had in AW.
Second I’m sorry that it appears this post is bc your 5* r4 juggernaut doesn’t get kills anymore just by people baiting specials and allowing his mystic dispersion and unstoppable to put people in the the corner. Even without blade though, magik handles juggernaut pretty easily.
Third, blade is nowhere near witch level. Witch took literally no skill. Just button mash until you power locked/stun locked the opponent, stack 3 regens kn yourself, and watch your furies/cruelties stack to 5 each before you launch a 40k+ l2. It was a joke.
To be fair, the original post didn't seem to be about Scarlet Witch as much as it seemed to be about the "Perfect Block Synergy". Using Dr. Strange and 2x Scarlet Witch, meant that you had 100% block proficiency provided you had 4 points in the block proficiency mastery. This meant that blocked attacks never damaged your champs. As Scarlet Witch and Dr. Strange were two of the most powerful champs in the game at the time, this was a VERY popular team...especially in Alliance Quest. A team of Black Bolt, Cyclops, and Magneto also shared this synergy, so blocked hits would take zero damage. You could also use Hawkeye and 2x War Machine.
Kabam came out and stated that they reviewed the data and found that too many summoners were taking advantage of this synergy. They claimed that they didn't want to see a "best team" and wanted to encourage using a variety of champs instead of just always picking the same team for every occasion. Kabam then changed the Leadership (block proficiency) synergy made it something else (Perfect Block, I think).
The OP is essentially saying that the existence of a "best team" or "best strategy" was enough to warrant a change a few years ago and feels that there is a new "best team" that doesn't elicit the same reaction from the company.
I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the OP, just clarifying what was written.
That's it, kabam has made all players focus on the ultimate trinity and again because of the synergy.
None of this is true. Kabam never said we were using those champs too much as a justification for the nerf.
The nerf was because those champs broke the game with how OP they were. The trinity was pretty good in AW for awhile but it's slowly losing traction as the meta changes, and it is definitely not game-breaking OP.
I had at the time the perfect blocking team between Dr and Scarlet Witch and I wore on everything, but I was one of the few who wanted to get this synergy, since I only saw everyone using this attack team.
correcting: I was one of the few who wanted kabam remove this perfect lock synergy.
I have 4* trinity and need 5* sparky for 5* trinity. I do not take my 4* (or 3*) to war. i do take blade and GR, but my 3rd champ is also for utility. Started using KM now.
Blade is not the answer for everything the way SW with a crit team or the old block proficiency teams were. leave it alone already.
The trinity may make some stuff easier, but it isn’t the only answer. There’s now over a dozen “top tier” champs compared to 2-4 as before. There’s always going to be a “best team”, the problem is when there’s only 1 team that is viable.