No point total displayed in 3 day events after reaching peak milestone

My alliance reached the highest milestone in he 3 day completion event, and now it seems there is no way to see our current point total like we used to, short of adding up all 30 scores. It used to be there. I’m just curious how much we currently have, but it’s a bit frustrating that it disappears once you hit the last peak milestone. Thanks.

I also don't understand the design decision to hide names with zeroes.
So now the only way to know is to bring out a calculator and punch in 30 numbers... and to keep using the calculator again and again throughout the 3 days. Isn't this supposed to be a "fun" game and not a chore?
Can we get this fixed?
If you're aiming for transparency, and aiming to give people a balance between the game and real life, these uncommunicative changes are the exact OPPOSITE of Kabam's stated desire to keep their player base informed
I haven’t seen Kabam respond about these 2 issues that changed with Peak Milestones last year. And I’d bet most people here would like to see these changed back to showing current points past peak, as well as 0 point contributors, the way they used to.
((and sorry for pulling up an old post, but it was because there was never any comment from Kabam. And if I had just created a brand new thread, then some would say why didn’t you search for an existing one))