[Android] 19.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Issues Investigation



  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    In-Game Name:
    Device and Model: Alcatel One Touch 7041X
    Device Operating System: Android 4.2.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 19.1
    Game Mode: Any game mode
    Description of the Issue: While Charging the phone and after 20 minutes of playtime, the phone stops charging and instead starts to drain battery. Removed the cable, put it on again, and the charging icon only appears for 1 second. After that it disappears and the battery keeps draining. I can only charge my phone 5 minutes after closing the game.

    Crashing at the beginning of the battles with rando champions (this time there are no specific champions that crash the game, but instead random ones).
  • sandman96sandman96 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: corey84181113
    Device and Model: Motorola Nexus 6
    Device Operating System: 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. T-Mobile
    Game Version Installed: 19.1.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests(crashing and lag), Event Quests(crashing and lag) , Alliance Quest(lag), Alliance War(lag).
    Description of the Issue: Lag that gets progressively worse the longer I play, in any game mode. When doing story or event quests I get the same lag until the game freezes and goes black. I have to force close the game and reopen it. I'm lucky to get 5 fights in a quest before this happens.
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  • AncientTouchAncientTouch Member Posts: 24
    Motorola Moto G5 Plus
    Android 7.0
    Issues in both cellular and wifi
    19.1.0 version

    My main issue is Crashes which happens everywhere and alot in monthly quest
    Apart from crashes there are alot of lags but crashes really sets the mood off and makes us don't open game again.
  • ChuckNorrisChuckNorris Member Posts: 104
    Name game: Darth vadєг
    mobile phone model: samsung j7 (j700m)
    Systen op: 6.01
    Problems occur connected on wifi and also on 3G
    Version game: 19.1
    Problem occurs in all game modes, arena, aq, war and missions
    Defects: freezing, locking, slowness, delay in strikes, and exit
  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    Wow, not even one mod response. Can we please know what's being done to rectify this. I'm losing arena fights due to crashing, eventually I'll lose my streak. What's going on ppl??
  • Kybeans777Kybeans777 Member Posts: 14
    OnePlus 3. Android 8.0 Oreo. In game name kybeans777. Both cell and wifi. Game version 19.1. Game mode event quest.
    The game froze up mid fight and actually froze my entire phone. Had to reset phone and do a hard reset, deleting app and reinstalling. When I went back in, I was surprised to see that the previous fight against cap infinity war had the option to resume fight. But he was back to full health (so was I with blade). Phone was not functioning for 5 minutes. Non responsive. Mcoc has never done this to me. Cheers.
  • Seshan_SekarSeshan_Sekar Member Posts: 9
    A lot of Motorola devices were affected by this update 19.1(including me). Please fix this ASAP
  • quy_beuquy_beu Member Posts: 47
    quy beu
    htc butterfly II
    android 6.0.1
    both wifi and cellular
    all game mode
    lag, jerk in fight -> miss combo, but still deal damage
    especially when activate sp, crit hit, scene transition
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    Info on war rivals freezing game

    Reporting problem here as instructed.

  • VaZKeSVaZKeS Member Posts: 13
    Name VaZKeS
    Xiaomi redmi 5A
    Android 7.1.2
    Versiom 19.1
    After 20-30 minutes, crash and an overheating issue is everywhere
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  • 54patriots1254patriots12 Member Posts: 126
    In-Game Name: 54patriots12
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S6
    Device Operating System: 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. But I mostly play on Wi-Fi. I use US cellular for a carrier.
    Game Version Installed: 19.1
    Game Mode: almost exclusively in Alliance Quest and Alliance War. Most frequently noticed is during the most important fights. Many boss and boss fights.
    Description of the Issue: this problem is not new for me. It's been happening for months and getting worse. Most of the time I'll be halfway through fight and suddenly there's extreme lag, and I lose control of my Champions, I attempt to block and my Champion just stands there and takes damage.

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  • TrackerX55TrackerX55 Member Posts: 45
    Samsung Galaxy S7
    Android v8.0
    Data AND WiFi
    Alliance War
    When attempting to view opponent attacker Health/Info screen in black and game freezes and has to be force closed
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    In-Game Name: Mum.Me
    Device and Model: Google Pixel 2
    Device Operating System: Android 8.1.0
    Cellular or WiFi: WIFI
    Game Version Installed: 19.1
    Game Mode: ARENA, EQ's, pretty much everywhere

    Dropping combos, 2nd-5th hit the combo just stops, I notice a tiny bit of lag, and then I get wrecked

    Lag spikes on parry also. I would think I get a well timed block, but sometimes it spikes on their dash, and I don't get that parry. Which is fine, in some cases, very annoying still.
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    I, Lt. Magnum IG have been suffering from repeated crashing after some fights. This has happened in all game modes. Yet the crashes are extremely random. I play 4-5 hours a day and I crash at least 3 times a day since 19.1 patch. I use a Galaxy note tablet with Wi-Fi.
  • PrometheusMXPrometheusMX Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2018
    In-Game Name: PrometheusMX
    Device and Model: Moto G5 Plus
    Device Operating System: Android 7.0, Security patch level June 1, 2018
    Cellular or WiFi: WIFI
    Game Version Installed: 19.1
    Game Mode: Arena, Alliance Quest, Event Quests

    Symptoms: Game just crash, I have noticed it happens when game communicates with server (that * rounding before pass to next screen) or also during the Loading screen, has never happened in the middle of a fight in any type.

    Just FYI, I also have a Galaxy S8 SM-G950F with Android 8.0.0 that does not show this issues.
  • Vivi3380Vivi3380 Member Posts: 1
    Nom dans le jeux: vivi3380
    Appareil Système d'exploitation: 7.0
    cellulaire ou WiFi: cellulaire Bouygues 4g
    Version du jeu installée:19.1.0
    Mode de jeu: partout sens exception sa plante et quant je revient sa m'a prit de la vie à chaque fois
    Description du problème: je joue sa plante sa redémarre faut pas être precer sa peut mettre jusqu'à 15 min pour redémarrer et se que je gagne à chaque fois c'est qui me prend la moitié de ma vie à chaque alors que j'ai pas jouer mon téléphone et brûlant et c'est même pas la peine de jouer parce que les touche ne réponde pas il rame et tout est décaler et j'ai l'impression de mettre mes doigts sur une casiniere à chaque fois est c'est commence sa partout et je suis obliger d'arrêter de jouer et d'attendre que le téléphone refroidise pour jouer
  • Conrad_JohnsonConrad_Johnson Member Posts: 44
    In-Game Name: Conrad Johnson
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
    Device Operating System: 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Cellular carrier is ATT
    Game Version Installed: 19.1.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests (Monthly Quests), Alliance Quests (Map 3) and Alliance War (started 1 hr ago)
    Description of the Issue: I've been using Magik for current monthly quest (doesn't attack, doesn't respond to parry, does nothing and gets hit, mid combo she auto heavy attacks (at random). Most champs missing last hit in MLLLM combo. Hawkeye missing immediate L1 after MLLLM. Controls for all champs slow to respond especially when blocking, parrying or evading (sometimes can't evade a charging heavy). After other champ starts an attach L or M (dash), lag starts making counter almost impossible if I can even get block up. Other champs randomly heavy attack mid combo around MLLH or so on a MLLLM planned attack. Since 19.0 install, my battery is draining faster than I can charge it (no other apps running).

    I've spent an equivalent 200 units on this already and playing current uncollected difficulty monthly is impossible unless I spend units. These issues have been on an off since 12.0 for Androids. But this latest patch is just awful.
  • Steve_2012Steve_2012 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2018
    Ign: steve20122
    Device: galaxy s8
    Android version: 8.0
    Game version: 19.1
    no crashing here just a little heating but not enough to where it effects my game play maybe a my battery drains a bit faster but that is it note its the same for data and wifi
  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    edited August 2018
    I can't even play for more than 10-15 minutes [removed by moderation], please do something. These crashes are getting ridiculous.

    I m practically sitting at home screen, tapping on the screen to stop from going to sleep and the app crashed after 15 minutes, what is going on????

    Moto Z Play
    Android 7.1.1
    Cellular and Wifi
    Post edited by Kabam Porkchop on
  • Sverso7Sverso7 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: sverso7
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Tab S2
    Device Operating System: Android 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. I try with max bars of connection on 4G+ or wifi. No changes.
    Game Version Installed: I have the latest version installed, 19.1.
    Game Mode: In each game mode (Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War)
    Description of the Issue:
    I try a lot of champion in order to avoid the game crash. I try more times to delete and reinstall the game, but the crashes occur each time that I try to start a fight.
    I lost many fight and now I am without an ally because I can't play with all this crash.
    Here a small video of the graphical bugs. When the game start to flickering I understand that during the loading screen of the next fight, the game crashes.
    Please stop to improve or deploy many character and solve all Android bugs and crashes or I think that many players go away.

  • Colossus2017Colossus2017 Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name: WWWplayer
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Tab A
    WiFi: Excellent
    The latest update is the worst so far. Occasionally with white block covering the nodes. The app kicked me out in the middle of the game. Lagging and bad performance in parry and dexterity, really tough to play against strong opponent. I have to stop participating the AW to avoid causing any trouble for the alliance.
  • TerovinoassaiTerovinoassai Member Posts: 1
    Galaxy S2a Tab

    Extreme flickering and crashes, cannot even load matches, AQ and War a disaster, energy halfened every trial to restart after crashes.

    Please do something, I'll be banned from alliance for having damaged my team players.
  • omarcoscoelhoomarcoscoelho Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2018
    In-Game Name: omarcoscoelho
    Device and Model: moto g5s plus
    Device Operating System: 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 19.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: this game now shoud be called "contest of crashs", because crashs all time, silentily, many times on day and night, without any reason but since the 19.0 release, some times in fights no display any images only the texts of the ui and the fighters (no powers bars, no health bar, no buffs), some times all screen stay black with sound but no return, the sintax of this [removed by moderation] is that i'm lost some sequences in arena , my patience and my time here.
    Post edited by Kabam Porkchop on
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited August 2018
    Silenthitman44 & Darkstar4387
    Moto E4 and Moto E4 plus
    WiFi and cellular

    Missing hits, specials misfiring ( taking power bar) or not working, champions don't finish a combo, champions get stuck in block, champions drop blocks, blocks get torn through, slowdowns and lags.

    "Network connection", crashes, champions in the fight screen, black boxes around nodes, tiles, champions do random heavy attacks, some champions have their abilities fail or not work properly.

    For example hoods invisibility expires to fast and getting hit a lot during it in aq, Hyperion regain not working properly timer goes around nothing happens and doesn't work charge drops by one goes back up and repeats this instead of taking them and triggering the regain.

    Some of these are older ones but happening more frequently since the last updates, might be in your best interest to take game down and squash the bugs and issues it because it seems like it's going to get worse if you keep adding more and more content and making changes without fixing and stablizing the game and servers.

  • FineFine Member Posts: 78
    IGN TheFineLine
    Galaxy s9+
    OS 8.0.0
    Wifi and Cellular
    Phone heating. In AQ and AW champions will stop attacking mid combo and stand there. Active block will just stop mid opponent combo.
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    @Kabam Lyra

    In-Game Name: Nihung
    Device and Model: NVidia Shield Tablet K1
    Device Operating System: Android Version 7.0 - Kernel 3.10.96+
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi - however happens on my Sony phone using cellular as well
    Game Version Installed: 19.1
    Game Mode: Happens randomly in all game modes.
    Description of the Issue: the game sometimes lags and frame rate drops. Sometimes the game just crashes without warning. Happens at least 3 times in the day. It's getting to the stage where the game is becoming unplayable.

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