Black Widow 3% evade!?!?!?!?! [Not A Bug]
Tell me pls. Black Widow has JUST 3% chance to evade! So tell me pls how she always evade so often.
Its just 3%.
3 f****** %. Just 3. Its unbelievable!!!
Pls fix it!
Its just 3%.
3 f****** %. Just 3. Its unbelievable!!!
Pls fix it!
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For example my Ghost Rider has 70% chance to activate regen after heavy attack but sometimes i can do 3 or 4 heavy attacks and Regen doesnt activated. Its unbelievable!!!
This is entirely correct. I can't speak for GR, I don't have him, but everything else is entirely accurate.
Wolverine has a 14% chance to Regenerate per hit. That means a 70% chance per combo. For me, there's usually a period of time in every fight where I land 4 combos with no Regen. Theoretically, there was a 280% chance for it to trigger. That means it should have triggered three times, or at the very least, twice. But no, it happens once if at all.
You already listed an example of AV and his problems, and I already talked about BW. The game is just messed up.
At least you aren't asking for a Nerf this time.
And on attack, I could not get a bleed.
This is worse for me since his clearly states it has a 7 second cooldown but he's hit multiple in combos.
She can evade 5 times out of ten hits and it is still a 3% chance, it just triggered on all of those attacks.
Also, Ultron is the same way. It is purposeful to trip up people fighting her on defense (at least that is why I assume it is in there).
No one is arguing that she has a 3% chance per fight. We're arguing that there is no way we're all getting unlucky enough for it to trigger once every combo four times in a row every time we fight her. The chance is in no way 3%.
Your math is wrong. 14% per hit doesn't accumulate with additional hits. It is a constant. A 5 hit combo looks like this:
Hit 1 - 14% chance
Hit 2 - 14% chance
Hit 3 - 14% chance
Hit 4 - 14% chance
Hit 5 - 14% chance
There is no addition to the percentage because of a failure for prior consecutive hits. So at the end of the 5 hit combo your chance is still 14%.
Now the BW thing. Same thing. 3% chance per attack which could mean it activates 20% of that particular fight but that's just unlucky.
I didn't say that there is an accumulative chance for Regeneration. I said that, as a whole, you have a 14% chance to Regenerate per combo. 14% × 5 = 70%. That's math. I'm not wrong. There's not a 70% chance on that last hit of a combo, and that's not what I said. In the entire combo, you have a 70% shot.
No... that's not how it works, at all. If it worked like that then every 8 hits you'll proc a regen no matter what (14% x 8 = 112%).
This isn't "simple math", it's chance dude.
It is simple math and chance. Theoretically, there is a 70% chance per combo. That doesn't mean it will happen. It's theoretical. If the chance isn't 100%, there will never be a guarantee. Mathematically, he has a 70% chance to Regenerate per combo. That doesn't mean it will happen, and I never said it would.
Then if you flip a coin, it has a 50% chance of getting heads, that means if you flip it twice, it will get heads at least once, which isn't true, at all.
Theoretically you will. It's not guaranteed though. I'm not saying it's guaranteed, because it's not 100%, so a guarantee is impossible. I'm saying that, theoretically, he should Regenerate once every 7 or 8 hits. He doesn't do that. Not even close. Sometimes he should Regenerate after 3 hits. Sometimes he should Regenerate after 15 hits. But it's almost never after 3 and almost always after 15. That's problematic. I'm not saying it's a definite guarantee that he'll Regenerate every 8 hits, but that's what it should average out to. It doesn't seem to do that now.
I have fights where Wolverine doesn't regen after 3 or 4 combos, but I also have fights where he triggers it multiple times per combo over multiple combos. I can lose 90% of my health in one fight in AQ, then gain that all back the next fight. We all have unlucky matches, but that doesn't mean the proc rate is bugged. BW has a 3% chance to evade on every hit, which is roughly a 1/33 chance. Seems low, but when you are looking at those odds in a 5 hit combo, they aren't that terrible. Like Wolvie, I have fought her where she doesn't proc evade for multiple fights, and sometimes she procs it multiple times in the same fight. You may have had a couple bad fights, but these champs aren't broken, not in that regard
In essence, she has a 15% chance of evading ONE hit in a 5-hit combo. (remember, each hit does not guarantee or increase the chance of an evade later in the fight)
She has a 1 in 41 million chance of evading all 5.
That being said, Gwenpool has a 30% chance to inflict bleed with each hit. I am statistically guaranteed to cause a bleed with every 4-hit combo. Obviously, that doesn't happen...
If you flip your coin 5 times, there are 32 different possibilities (HHHHH, HHHHT, HHHTH, HHHTT, etc.) only one of those posisbilities is TTTTT, no heads at all. 31/32 means there is now a 97% chance of you flipping heads at least once.
It's the same with Wolverine. The more you hit, the higher the chance of getting at least one regen somewhere. However, you can't add the 14% and say "70% chance in a combo". The first hit has a 14% chance to proc regen, so does the second. If I hit him twice (throwing the coin twice) the chance of at least one of them procing regen goes up to 26%. By the end of the combo the chance is now 53%. By the end of two full combos, there is a chance of 78% that at least 1 regen proc'd. After 3 combo's that chance is 90%. After 4 full combos (20 hits) 95% and after 5 full combo's there is a chance of 98% that a regen has triggered. The chance will never be 100%, but the longer the fight, the higher the chance of it triggering once gets. In theory, it would be really weird to hit 25 times and not trigger any regens, but there is still a 2% chance of that happening.
Evading on all 5 combos would be: 1/(0.15)^5 => 1 in 13k. Still very steap, but a lot better odds.
Actually, I think it's 14,1266% that she evades at least once in a combo (at least, I counted the chance of multiple evades too). Please correct me if my math is off though, I don't care if it's "too difficult" for the forum, I like precise math.