I'm Genuinely Upset - Game feedback [edit for clarity]

I've been a F2P player of this game since February of 2016. I really like this game. I really do. But sometimes, I want to throw my tablet across the room. Here's why.
- Dexterity is unreliable
Dexterity is an essential part of this game, but when it sometimes doesn't respond, or even the simple dash back doesn't work, it's annoying. No dexterity? Ok cool, player error. But when I swipe left and there is no response whatsoever, not even a plain old dash back, it's annoying. And when you have a 4/55 Sparky like me, it's even more annoying.
- The chances in this game (for anything)
Critical hits, buffs, debuffs, crystals, anything and everything in the game seems to have the RNG really messed up.
- Critical Rating and Crit Damage Rating
For a 5/50 Corvus, at four persistent cruelty charges, based on proportions, he should have basic attacks of tens of thousands of damage. But he doesn't. Awakened five star Sparky, at an average sig level, with 10 poise charges should crit on every hit, but he doesn't. Blade's crit rate buff on his L2 should ensure that he crits on every hit, but he doesn't. Why does the math work this way with crit and crit damage rating? Why? I'm a Summoner that does a lot of damage math in this game, and none of the numbers I see add up. Tell me if my math is wrong Kabam, but the proportions I used are very basic math, and your values pertaining to critical rating and critical damage rating do not make sense.
- Gold Problem
The gold problem. You've heard every Summoner gripe about it. So do something about it. With more Summoners ranking up five stars to a high level, and more Summoners acquiring six star champions, there's no way 90% of Summoners can upgrade champions without a huge level of grinding and difficulty. Unless you are a full time arena grinder, gold is a huge problem. Guess what happens next? Summoners are forced to sell ISO-8 for gold out of their desperation, and since the trade from ISO-8 to gold is so bad, it's still a struggle.
- Most Recent Halls of Healing
The most recent Halls of Healing during Summoner Appreciation week (thanks Kabam, it was a good week) was really awful. It was because the ISO-8 yield was nerfed into oblivion. Last time we had Halls of Healing, we got about 18,000 ISO-8 points from every exploration of the quest. Seatin's video is proof of that. This time around, you might get a fifth or a quarter of that.
- Overheating (or rather, just heating)
A few months ago, my iPad Pro and iPhone 7 never even felt warm when I played MCOC. After you fixed the overheating issue, they are not shutting down from super high temperatures, but they are still getting warmer than expected for running a mobile game.
Please. Make the game better. Most of the discussions I see are closed by a Kabam administrator who gives a bad excuse or explanation and then stops the discussion down. Listen to the community. Care about the Summoners, not just the $$$$$ please (Care about both obviously lol, I'm not saying to put the players over the revenue, I'm saying to care about us in addition to the profit).
P.S. Putting out cheaper offers in larger amount and value will generate more overall income (think like Costco)
- Dexterity is unreliable
Dexterity is an essential part of this game, but when it sometimes doesn't respond, or even the simple dash back doesn't work, it's annoying. No dexterity? Ok cool, player error. But when I swipe left and there is no response whatsoever, not even a plain old dash back, it's annoying. And when you have a 4/55 Sparky like me, it's even more annoying.
- The chances in this game (for anything)
Critical hits, buffs, debuffs, crystals, anything and everything in the game seems to have the RNG really messed up.
- Critical Rating and Crit Damage Rating
For a 5/50 Corvus, at four persistent cruelty charges, based on proportions, he should have basic attacks of tens of thousands of damage. But he doesn't. Awakened five star Sparky, at an average sig level, with 10 poise charges should crit on every hit, but he doesn't. Blade's crit rate buff on his L2 should ensure that he crits on every hit, but he doesn't. Why does the math work this way with crit and crit damage rating? Why? I'm a Summoner that does a lot of damage math in this game, and none of the numbers I see add up. Tell me if my math is wrong Kabam, but the proportions I used are very basic math, and your values pertaining to critical rating and critical damage rating do not make sense.
- Gold Problem
The gold problem. You've heard every Summoner gripe about it. So do something about it. With more Summoners ranking up five stars to a high level, and more Summoners acquiring six star champions, there's no way 90% of Summoners can upgrade champions without a huge level of grinding and difficulty. Unless you are a full time arena grinder, gold is a huge problem. Guess what happens next? Summoners are forced to sell ISO-8 for gold out of their desperation, and since the trade from ISO-8 to gold is so bad, it's still a struggle.
- Most Recent Halls of Healing
The most recent Halls of Healing during Summoner Appreciation week (thanks Kabam, it was a good week) was really awful. It was because the ISO-8 yield was nerfed into oblivion. Last time we had Halls of Healing, we got about 18,000 ISO-8 points from every exploration of the quest. Seatin's video is proof of that. This time around, you might get a fifth or a quarter of that.
- Overheating (or rather, just heating)
A few months ago, my iPad Pro and iPhone 7 never even felt warm when I played MCOC. After you fixed the overheating issue, they are not shutting down from super high temperatures, but they are still getting warmer than expected for running a mobile game.
Please. Make the game better. Most of the discussions I see are closed by a Kabam administrator who gives a bad excuse or explanation and then stops the discussion down. Listen to the community. Care about the Summoners, not just the $$$$$ please (Care about both obviously lol, I'm not saying to put the players over the revenue, I'm saying to care about us in addition to the profit).
P.S. Putting out cheaper offers in larger amount and value will generate more overall income (think like Costco)
Post edited by TenebrousTenebrific on
Halls of healing, like the name says, focus on healing items. ISO-8 shouldn't be the main goal of this quests. Also, ISO-8 is really easy to get, so I don't see why anyone would complain about it.
As for gold problems, there is none. Even before they changed arena milestones or introduced gold to other areas of the game (dungeons, aw rewards, etc) there was no gold problems for those who play the game. If you want gold, you need to farm it. Arena is a pretty good spot to do it. I'm also free 2 play and never had gold problems since I started playing in 2015, and I barely open gold crystals at all. Simply because I play the game daily
And also if it was only me that got reduced ISO just by RNG, maybe I'm wrong. but I did not get as much ISO as the last Halls of Healing that is for sure
You are 100% wrong. I have also been ftp for 2 1/2 years and have been playing over 3 1/2 years. Over +700,000 and +7500 prestige. I have missed one 3-4 star/4-5 star arena in the last 6 months. I always do one of those and have been struggling with gold. I do have 3 six stars and those are crazy gold intensive. Obviously if I rarely rank up and then it wouldn't be an issue but the point is that you can be very active and have gold issues as I do.
Also I'm sure you've seen all the major YouTubers make skits about how bad the offers are all the time. I'm F2P, but for a lot of other people and the company too, better offers would be better for everyone!
But the more you play the game, he more champions you get to upgrade, and since you'll probably be in a better alliance, donations will be higher too, so overall the gold gain is low either way
Well I'm not complety wrong, that's for sure. I just play arena everyday for 3 years, 800k rating and never spent a cent on the game. Additionally I play on an old android device, so I can't even do arenas for featured champions, and the proguession is slower due to load times.
I rank up champs every level up event that comes around, and still never had problems with gold, iso-8 or even catalysts.
Is just a matter of dedicate time to the game. I can assure that gold problems aren't a thing for those who play properly everyday.
I don't agree when you said there is no gold problems because it sounds as though you speaking for everyone. Sorry but I don't see why I should go to the most boring mode in the game and "farm" or " grind" for gold. That can't always be the only answer. At the moment dungeons is giving some decent amounts of gold but that ain't permanent. I can't go back to a higher tier alliance because it will require gold donations and you just about make that much back depending on how much you donate and how much you recieved from aq and aw. So my only choice is to slowly build back up a million, get back into the higher tier alliance and not rank up the champions that I want for a while because it will empty my gold currency and if I don't rank them up I can't gain better defenders and attackers.
My bottom line is save save save for what you need, don’t just upgrade for the hell of it.
Think like Costco. I like that thought. I wish kabam would too....
Sorry, but that's just sounds like "I want gold, but I don't want to farm it".
I most definitely play properly every day. I have no issues with iso or catalysts because I farm for them but gold is an issue even though I do arena exceedingly frequently, hitting 1.6 million today while hitting all the milestones (I do this weekly twice a week). This game is at least a part time job if you want to play it properly and I believe that many of the complaints aren't for free hand outs but for Kabam to bring proper balance.
It may sound like that but what it truely meant was why should I spend even more time on the game everyday for gold when there could be a much better way. I don't call arena boring to make fun of it, I really mean it if there was something else permanent that was more fun to get gold in a shorter amount of time then I would certainly not mind going for it. Spending a lot of time on arena is not for everyone. If you want to keep promoting it then that's totally upto you but just because me or someone else disagrees with you about it doesn't mean they are lazy or have no patience. I know you never said that but that's what it sounded like.
Thanks for trying to suggest arena and goodbye for now.
How is arena fighting any more boring than doing regular fights in a quest?
If they took the arena, and put a little dotted line path that you follow in between arena fights, and gave you Goldbattlechips for winning fights that you could use to trade in for special Goldbattle Crystals, and called the mode "Super Ultimate Gold Battle", would you play that?
I just said I find it boring it is simple as that. I don't remember asking for decorated details to make it entertaining, I mean seriously is it against the forum rules to not like something? You like arena good for you, that is awesome. Looks like I need to be careful about saying what I think about something.
I certainly would.
How is arena fighting any more boring than doing regular fights in a quest?
If they took the arena, and put a little dotted line path that you follow in between arena fights, and gave you Goldbattlechips for winning fights that you could use to trade in for special Goldbattle Crystals, and called the mode "Super Ultimate Gold Battle", would you play that?[/quote]
I mean... that’s not a bad idea...
I most definitely would, as that is basically gold realms, which Kabam really needs to put out more. Please we need gold realms
Well hes not wrong. Most players are ranking every champ they have all the time instead of being more strategic with rankings. Being smart with how you spend gold has a lot to do with "playing properly".
Why should I have to play a part of the game I simply dont want to? That's like saying if you want to eat this steak dinner your gonna to have to eat this cow pattie first.
You don't have to play. But if you want gold, then yeh you need to do it.
I use a Note 4 too, it does overheat, but the battery doesn't make the screen pop out, you shoulx try and not play too much on the Note 4