[iOS] 20.0 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • WhyWasIHereWhyWasIHere Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Jekkra
    Device and Model: iPhone 6S
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both, AT&T
    Game Version Installed: 20.1.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests including Danger Room and Uncanny Danger Room. Unable to test in Alliance Quest or Alliance War yet.
    Description of the Issue: after the October update, my phone is overheating in MCOC. Fights definitely make it worse. Cannot battle for more than 5-8 minutes in one session before my phone is hot enough to worry me. For example, in Master level Uncanny Danger Room, my whole team died against Emma Frost, and then I revived one champ twice before finally defeating her. Before the last two fights, I took my phone out of its case and cooled it a bit — if I hadn’t, it would have gotten too hot to hold. I think it’s worse when using WiFi, but still too warm over cellular, and battery is draining quickly. Phone cools down if I’m not in MCOC, even if it’s still in the background.
  • Sumitarora8275Sumitarora8275 Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2018
    In-Game Name: SumitArora
    Device and Model: iPhone XS
    Device Operating System: iOS 12
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 20.1.0
    Game Mode: Arena
    Description of the Issue: Game crashes and closes between arena fights. It gives me a scare, what if game chooses crashes and closes between AW or AQ. Please fix. the crashing and closing is new behavior that i noticed after October update.
  • SKOutsiderSKOutsider Member Posts: 117 ★★
    iPhone 7 Plus
    Current IOS
    Cellular or WiFi
    Most recent game update
    Game mode:all

    My phone is overheating similar to 2-3 patches ago.

    It truly burns up my phone and 30 minutes of game play or more causes my phone to release an insane amount of heat.

    This is far worse for me than even the fabled ‘fire patch’.

    I’m legitimately concerned once again for the state of my phone and of this game.
  • XanderFlyXanderFly Member Posts: 8
    iPhone 6s+
    11.4 iOS
    WiFi and cellular
    Most recent update
    All game modes

    Here we go again... deja vu... played 5 fights in AQ and played 2.5 maps in masters level event quest and the lag got so bad the game is unplayable and my phone is so hot it’s difficult to hold onto. All other apps were closed and no other issues with any other app. Even have Game Center completely shut down and all in game chats turned off, as these “fixes” have been reported to make a difference previously. Please address this issue Kabam, please🙏🏻. I thoroughly enjoy your game but it’s difficult to play at a high level with these issues and I will not jeopardize the health of my phone for the game. Thank you for your time.
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  • ArrsssArrsss Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2018
    iPhone XS
    iOS 12.0
    ATT Cellular & WiFi
    Mcoc version 20.1.0
    Champs randomly become unresponsive or unable to use specials. Occurs most often in Arena but has happened a few times in other modes. Also game will randomly exit a quest or arena matchup and go to the Unit Store.

    Phone is new and has no issues outside of the contest
  • SILVEReeSILVERee Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2018
    It seems perfect that the LAG has been eliminated for the most part, but it is still in the section of crystals and in the sands, the game runs perfect in fights and interface but when getting into those sections it returns to the same as last month. I have an iPhone 8 and it is not possible for that to happen
  • Philly3974Philly3974 Member Posts: 360
    In-Game Name: Philly3974
    Device and Model: iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: iOS 12
    Cellular or WiFi: Both Wifi and Data (Xfinity Mobile)
    Game Version Installed: 20.1.0
    Game Mode: In all game modes, including AQ and AW
    Description of the Issue: The "please check your connection" error message pops up every 5-10 mins while playing whether I'm on Wifi or Data. It freezes the game for a few seconds when the message appears which is especially troubling during AQ/AW fights.
  • Dale_DobacDale_Dobac Member Posts: 42
    In-Game Name: Dale Dobac
    Device and Model: iPhone X and iPad Air first one.
    Device Operating System: Both newest iOS.
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi (300+ MBPS) and cellular LTE
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Danger modes, opening crystals. All aspects of the game.
    Description of the Issue: lagging, choppiness, in game freezing. It’s basically unplayable and has cost me resources at this point.
  • BelaPichBelaPich Member Posts: 89
    edited October 2018
    Game crash on my iphone6 ios 11.2 several time when starting a match in arena and story mode and event alliances quest
  • mijrahimijrahi Member Posts: 12
    Let me add my voice to the throng:

    In-Game Name: Mijrahi

    Device iPad Air 2

    Operating System: iOS 12

    WIFI (I don’t game on the cellular network)

    Game Version Installed: 20.1.0 version 861636

    Game Mode: This mostly happens in Arena fighting and occasional in story quest.

    Description: The game will be running just fine for a couple of hours and then will start to lag, It takes a long time to load fights and will sometimes pause briefly on the opening fight animation. But the longer I play then the fight animation will totally stop for several minutes and then start up again. Sometimes after the fight ends the screen will just jump to black, like the game or the device has reset, and them come back for the end animation and next fight selection.

    infrequently the game locks up like this and doesn't unlock forcing an app and sometimes even a device reset

    Also after playing for more than an hour my device will become much warmer while operating than it does with any other app that I run long term.

    I'm sure I don't have to mention how completely annoying this is, but I will.
  • Myxkidz77Myxkidz77 Member Posts: 78
    Game is acting way weird logged in to look at war and phone screen went super hot and flashed. I thought this was fixed. Was on 20 seconds! iPhone 7+ all update up to date. Game was fine until a few days ago. Please tell me an emergency maintenance is coming. I can’t afford to buy new phones every time you melt one.
  • PyrocixPyrocix Member Posts: 76
    is your phone still overheating? Cuz mine is. I even got a new battery. Still over heating. It heats up faster during arena but I gets over heated during regular questing as well. iPhone 6s
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    ya old phones don't do very well, gets worse each update as graphics and stuff improves
  • PyrocixPyrocix Member Posts: 76
    You can shout "old phone" from the roof tops but I didn't get the heating up issues from the last patch nearly as bad as this. Not like all the posts I was reading but now it over heats so quickly that I Have to go freezer my phone for 4 minutes to cool it down again before I can plug it back in a continue playing. (cold kills batteries). My phone didn't start over heating until kabam updated AQ.
  • UnstablemanUnstableman Member Posts: 4
    IGN : Unstableman
    device and model : OnePlus 6
    Device operating system : android 9
    Cellular or WiFi : both
    Game version installed : 20.1.1
    Game mode : story quests, event quests, arena, alliance quest, alliance war, crystal tab, champions tab
    Description of the issue : characters images missing, freeze after every fight, 2 min loading screen, crystal tab freeze, in fight white patch appear in health bar and power bar
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  • CaptNoFear13CaptNoFear13 Member Posts: 9
    Ingame: CaptainNoFear
    iPhone 6S
    Current IOS 12
    Cellular or WiFi
    MCOC v20.1.0
    Game mode:all

    My phone is overheating similar to 2-3 version ago.
  • LrrrrLrrrr Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Is anyone aware of issues with iphone 7+? I just upgraded from SE to 7+ and the game has been unplayable. Blocks drop, attack fails, dash fails, dexterity fails, block fails, and parry is nonexistent. Is this something specific to my phone? Or, did these issue just happen to coincide with my phone change? Any help or advice would be appreciated.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    New update yesterday has messed up timing, I can’t evade reliably anymore, newest iOS, Iphone se
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    edited October 2018
    New update yesterday and I cant evade reliably now, timings out, if I evade twice they can hit me in between swipes and when I swipe it keeps parrying them, latest iOS and iPhone se, especially in the lab it’s way off, anybody else having this issue?
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  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Haha yeah sparky shows it up big time, had trouble with this for months, but has been good for last 3-4 months till yesterday’s update
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  • HeretodieHeretodie Member Posts: 126

    iPhone 8
    ISO 12.0.1
    McCo 12.0

    Glitches are hero will parry when I swipe back to dexterity or stand there. Happens more so against hero’s with Multiple buffs and 99% against Sentinels. Happens in all aspects of the game.
  • MPKalaMPKala Member Posts: 40
    Ingame: MP Kala82
    iPhone 7
    Current IOS 12
    Cellular or WiFi
    MCOC v20.1.0
    All modes

    After about 30 mins of continuous play, the game will crash. Usually it’s in the fight screen but it has happened when loading a frame. Phone is pretty hot at this point but not like the July update. When I log back in, there’s noticeable choppiness and increased load times. There are even moments during fights where the game freezes for a second before champions make contact and it happens once per fight.
  • RO53TT1RO53TT1 Member Posts: 325 ★★
    The lag is def back, it got better a couple months ago but now it's back with a vengeance specially when dorammamu or Mephisto aura is on the screen, it's horrible. RO53TT1 in game name
    Playing on a ipad mini 2 that's only about 9 months old.
  • LiquidKnightLiquidKnight Member Posts: 2
    Having same issue as others.. more lag then before update.. Alot of game crashes.. one day i had 5 of them in 5 minutes..game couldnt even get to start of the game..crashed when loading to it.
    Im on a iPhone 7
    iOS 12
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    The lag and freezing is back, it's never been fixed bit it was better than it is now.
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    spice88 wrote: »
    I haven't been able to complete two fights in over 20 minutes in the new quest. This is ridiculous I've spent boosts that I can't get back. This game sucks right now!!! Way to go Kabam.

    same here the fights arent unloading at all when i have boosts on and it just sits there on loading screen forever! all my klyntar starnds are going to waste!
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