Add a new Ultron’s Assault Difficulty?

Aside from the (not so great) classic difficulty rewards and the (best rewards in game of all time) Varient Difficulty...Do you think that there should be a middle of the road difficulty for the majority of MCOC players?
Mid tier players have their own content to clear, albeit not new.
we have act 4 completion/exploration, uncollected, act 5 completion and LoL to work on. also if youre not going to put in the effort in grinding for things than you shouldnt even be playing the game, because thats all this game is.
Yes it wouldn’t hurt to cater to the middle tier players who don’t have all the time in the world to sit and spend 3 energy per tile on for exploration of Act 4 and 5. Many of us are way too busy irl to sit for hours doing that stuff. That is why a lot of us prefer Monthly EQs bc they’re quicker (bc energy cost is less and it has consistent overall decent rewards.
Just doesn’t make sense to me that there was no middle tier difficulty added for the throwback Ultron quest. What ever happened to the saying “All for one, and one for all”.
Then you also won’t have time to clear this event if there were one for mid tier players because it’s 3 energy per tile too.
Your argument holds no grounds.
Ultron’s Assult Variant Difficulty is NEW end game content riding on an old quest aimed at end game players. The classic difficulty is added for NOSTALGIA purposes and not meant to give any progress for anyone.
Mid tier players go and finish up the quests that you haven’t finished yet. Don’t be greedy and assume that every single new piece of content must be catered to you.
You do realize it's 3 energy per tile for Ultron's Assault also? Go do ROL, RTTL, and LOL if you want decent rewards for 1 energy per tile.
Also if you don't have time, too bad, that's your fault. The people who are clearing Ultron's Assault made time to clear all the other stuff first.
It is a permanent event, if you aren't ready for it now, then yeah work your way up to it like everyone else had to and stop whining about it. Nobody is accusing you of stealing awards but permanent content is progression based, and it always has been, so go progress instead of wasting time complaining on the forums.
Ive been playing this game for 3 years and I knew it was about grinding, so why would I try to 100% act 4 and every master and heroic quest I can, without knowing what grinding is? I'm also not saying that intermidate should be a walk in the park ever. I would expect the final boss in intermediate to be collector strong which would be easier to do instead of variant with rewards such as 4 star awakening gems, or rank up gems.
Act 4 has been nerfed. 5* and 6* champs are available to newer players in a way that they were never available to current end game players as they progressed. All the content that got the end game players to the end game is already available with better champs for newer players. Why do you need additional content that we didn't have on top of that? And how does it make sense to make new permanent content for previous stages of progression when that isn't how the game has been run at any point?
I have first clear of LoL done, completion of act 5 and UC EQ explored every month.
I could probably do this content IF I were willing to drop units on it but I'm not.
I don't consider myself a top player (some may disagree based on what I've already mentioned) and I agree completely that there should NOT be a middle tier for this content.
It is, and always was, designed for end game players that have everything else in the game 100%.
I really don't understand people being so upset at the thought that they could include a mid tier difficulty that offers much smaller rewards. As far as classic mode, I don't even know why it's there, no one will play it and the nostalgia isn't worth the energy it costs to do it.
This new content is permanent, and meant to be an extreme challenge. If you can't beat it yet (like I can't), wait, build your roster, GET BETTER, and tackle it.
Stop it with these redundant threads.
I’m genuinely curious. No offense to you, but how does one “make time to fully 100% LOL?
P.S: I have already 100% ROL and RTTL.
Answer this. Why have “Classic” which is obviously NOT end game content?
They sheer presence of “Classic” mode undermines the end game argument.
Read the announcement post before you comment. It has already been mentioned there.
Never mind I’ll save you the trouble. Here.
You’re welcome.