Resolution scaling iPad Pro 11”

Playing both MCoC and Transformers: Forged to fight on my iPhone 7+ I have no issues. Just purchased the latest model of the iPad Pro 11” with the A12x chip and when I launch either game they are windows to a smaller resolution. This is a fresh iPad and install and I am on the latest iOS version.
Is this a bug with the scaling on the new device or is there anything I can do to fix the issue on my end?
Playing both MCoC and Transformers: Forged to fight on my iPhone 7+ I have no issues. Just purchased the latest model of the iPad Pro 11” with the A12x chip and when I launch either game they are windows to a smaller resolution. This is a fresh iPad and install and I am on the latest iOS version.
Is this a bug with the scaling on the new device or is there anything I can do to fix the issue on my end?
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My Sony Xperia Z2 tablet...
And, this is my new Samsung galaxy tab S2
As you can see, aspect ratio problem here too.
Sounds like it is the game. I have the effects on the maps at times. Just the resolution scaling
This is a performance issue that we'd like to investigate further. The best way to get the proper information we need is by having you head over to the thread below and filling out the template we provided.