Darkhawk ridiculous overpowered,even in master

Ridiculous overpowered. Even in master he kill a max 5 star in a couple of hits. The commands just dont respond when he is invisible. Spend 800 unid to kill him ones
Not even thanos was this overpowered and was fannto play against.
Not even thanos was this overpowered and was fannto play against.
I try with quake, corvus, Spidey, Medusa... nothing seems to work. The parry is with a delay,is hard to get the timing correct
Uncollected is actually a bit easier since you don't have to bait as much.
I'm no master in the game, a lot to learn.but this is just beyond that. I know how to bait,but there is times that the opponent don't want to launch the special...with this champs it seems like all the time
I had trouble with that too.
It can be done. There is a lot of videos on YouTube of people taking him down first try. Seatin did it with a daredevil 4* rank 3
But that is gurus of the game,for simples mortals is not that easy
Once it didn’t glitch in master and it was down. But ither than that, that slight glitch does me in.
Anytime any new boss comes out that people haven't fought before they complain because they don't know how to fight it properly. If people would take time to figure out how to fight new encounters and not waste units when they don't know what they're doing yet (remember how long EQ's run for) there would be far less complaints in the first place
Anytime any new boss comes out that people haven't fought before they complain because they don't know how to fight it properly. If people would take time to figure out how to fight new encounters and not waste units when they don't know what they're doing yet (remember how long EQ's run for) there would be far less complaints in the first place [/quote]
There is a degree of validity to that assessment, but it can't be denied by anybody with a discerning mind that as each month passes, Kabam is increasingly testing the water to see just how much b.s. they can get away with to squeeze item and unit use out of the players.
Didn't they very recently post something about their intent to focus more on skill-based, surmountable challenges instead of unavoidable damage and unfair mechanics that just pisses us off?
I'm looking at you, elektra.....
Except he won't Bait. Once or twice, if you can manage to down him in one shot. Otherwise, the AI is all over the place. Timing in Master is not the same as UC, and almost always in both, if you die before you kill him, he refuses to Bait.