Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Can someone review my Joe Fixit one from a while back?
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,142 ★★★★★
    Okay! Overall I think it's a fun rework. I'll give some general feedback; although not going to micro-manage exact numbers (this is only a suggestion thread, after all)
    Signature ability: One More Roll: Joe has a 100% Chance to active one more of his “Hit the Slots” buffs/passives this effect lasts until Joe uses a special attack.
    I'm a bit unclear - is this intended to be a one-time-only, till first use of a Special attack ability? Or does he re-roll when he uses a Special?
    Hit the Slots!: At the start of the fight, Joe hits the slots and selects two out of seven potential buffs/passives:
    • Fury: increases attack by 25.1 per hit on the combo meter. (Max 100)
    • Regeneration: Joe Fixit is inspired when he hits fifty in a row, regenerating 1,777 health over 3 seconds, after each increiment of fifty hits on the combo meter.
    • Combo shield: Allows Joe to retain his streak 3 times before breaking, each charge lasts 3 seconds once struck, and Joe regains one Combo charge every thirty hits (Max 4)
    • Precision: increases critical rating by 15.37 per hit on the combo meter (Max 100)
    • Cruelty: increases critical damage rating by 15 per hit on the combo meter (Max 50)
    • Class: Joe retains his classy demeanor even when he loses. Whenever struck and the combo meter is reset to zero, Joe gains a passive 400 attack, 350 crit rate, and 200 critical damage rating. This can be triggered one time per fight.
    • Rage: Joe loses it, allowing his basic attacks critical hits a 7% chance to lacerate the opennents body, dealing 300 bleed damage over 7 seconds
    I like this idea - it's an interesting rework of his original 'four suits' design.

    Regeneration - I see what you've done; and it fits with the combo-based design, but on balance I prefer his passive constant regeneration. Maybe he could get passive regeneration, with a shrug-off ability based on combo?
    Combo Shield is very powerful. As it is, it'd be easy to go the whole fight without losing his combo - maybe he should either have a maximum of one charge at a time; or start with three, but not regain them?
    Class - kind of fun, but a one-off? How about "Joe's classy demeanor refreshes each time Joe reaches a Combo of 30. This ability cannot occur alongside Combo Shield."
    Fury, Precision, Cruelty: All good. Probably should all top out at 100 hits; the exact numbers may need re-balanced; especially a small reduction in Fury.
    Rage is the only one I don't like - he's not got claws or knives. Leave bleed to his Tommy-gun Specials! My recommendation, such as it is, would be to base this on his existing Spades ability, with stacking Weakness/Fatigue debuffs.

    Synergies all look good; although probably giving Ghulk 100% SMASH attacks is OP: Maybe give him a surge of Crowd Excitement at 10% Health?
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Iron Fist
    Based on a 5/50 4 star with max signature level.
    Sig Ability: Passed Shao Lao's Trial:
    Start the fight in Iron Fist Mode with a reduced cool down of 10 seconds (scales with sig).

    Raging Tiger:
    On a well-timed block, Danny activates a Rage Charge that increases his attack by 90.4. This charge is spent when Danny next uses his medium attack. Stacks to 4.

    Kung-Fu Master (passive):
    Every time he has Class advantage, he starts the fight with a fury buff, increasing his attack rating by 214.3 for 10 seconds.
    Every time he has Class disadvantage, he gains +153 physical resistance for 15 seconds.

    Mantis Strike:
    All medium attacks have a 15% chance to apply an armor break, reducing the opponents armor rating by 131 for 6 seconds. If in Iron Fist Mode, the hit instead has a 10% chance to apply a reduced power debuff, reducing power gain by 15% for 4 seconds.

    Shao Lao's Trial:
    Dashing back and holding block for 1 second activates Iron Fist Mode. Every hit has a 50% chance to be critical and deals energy damage instead of physical. Landing a heavy attack nullifies one buff from his opponent and has a 15% chance to apply a shock debuff, dealing 121 damage per second for 4 seconds. He can convert 40% energy damage received to 10% of his power meter (30% to 5% when blocking).
    Effect lasts 10 seconds, with 15 second cool down.

    Special 1:
    (if not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Applies 3 armor breaks, reducing armor rating by 200 for 6 seconds each.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply 2 armor breaks, reducing armor rating by 200 for 6 seconds, and activate a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 123 for 7 seconds.

    Special 2:
    (If not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Applies a concussion debuff, reducing ability accuracy by 25% for 6 seconds, and an armor break, reducing armor rating by 165 for 6 seconds.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply a concussion debuff, reducing ability accuracy by 25% for 6 seconds, an armor break for 6 seconds, reducing armor rating by 165, and a cruelty buff, increasing critical damage rating by 300 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    (If not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply and armor break, reducing armor rating by 750 for 8 seconds.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Activate a shock debuff for 500.3 damage per second for 5 seconds.

    with Black Panther and Wolverine:
    Iron Fist gains +7% chance to shrug off a poison debuff. Black Panther gains a 8% chance to shrug off stun debuffs. Wolverine gains +12% resistance to poison damage. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    Mystic Masters with Doctor Strange:
    Iron Fist's Iron Fist Mode lasts 2 seconds longer, and its cool down decreases by 2.5 seconds. Doctor Strange's power gain mode has 7% increased power gain. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    Friends with She-Hulk:
    All champions gain +5% armor rating.

    Defenders with Daredevil, Daredevil (Netflix), and Luke Cage:
    Iron Fist, when in Iron Fist Mode, deflects bullets back to the opponent when blocking, at a 7% chance, causing bleed at 12% of the opponents base bleed damage and for 12% of the duration. Daredevil can now evade basic attacks at a 7% chance. Daredevil (Netflix) gains +115 physical resistance. Luke Cage's indestructible charge cool down is decreased by 8%. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    @Bodhizen @Magrailothos @Whododo872
    What do you guys think? I can leave out the synergies for a cleaner post (synergies are not my strong suit).
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Iron Fist
    Based on a 5/50 4 star with max signature level.
    Sig Ability: Passed Shao Lao's Trial:
    Start the fight in Iron Fist Mode with a reduced cool down of 10 seconds (scales with sig).

    Raging Tiger:
    On a well-timed block, Danny activates a Rage Charge that increases his attack by 90.4. This charge is spent when Danny next uses his medium attack. Stacks to 4.

    Kung-Fu Master (passive):
    Every time he has Class advantage, he starts the fight with a fury buff, increasing his attack rating by 214.3 for 10 seconds.
    Every time he has Class disadvantage, he gains +153 physical resistance for 15 seconds.

    Mantis Strike:
    All medium attacks have a 15% chance to apply an armor break, reducing the opponents armor rating by 131 for 6 seconds. If in Iron Fist Mode, the hit instead has a 10% chance to apply a reduced power debuff, reducing power gain by 15% for 4 seconds.

    Shao Lao's Trial:
    Dashing back and holding block for 1 second activates Iron Fist Mode. Every hit has a 50% chance to be critical and deals energy damage instead of physical. Landing a heavy attack nullifies one buff from his opponent and has a 15% chance to apply a shock debuff, dealing 121 damage per second for 4 seconds. He can convert 40% energy damage received to 10% of his power meter (30% to 5% when blocking).
    Effect lasts 10 seconds, with 15 second cool down.

    Special 1:
    (if not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Applies 3 armor breaks, reducing armor rating by 200 for 6 seconds each.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply 2 armor breaks, reducing armor rating by 200 for 6 seconds, and activate a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 123 for 7 seconds.

    Special 2:
    (If not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Applies a concussion debuff, reducing ability accuracy by 25% for 6 seconds, and an armor break, reducing armor rating by 165 for 6 seconds.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply a concussion debuff, reducing ability accuracy by 25% for 6 seconds, an armor break for 6 seconds, reducing armor rating by 165, and a cruelty buff, increasing critical damage rating by 300 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    (If not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply and armor break, reducing armor rating by 750 for 8 seconds.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Activate a shock debuff for 500.3 damage per second for 5 seconds.

    with Black Panther and Wolverine:
    Iron Fist gains +7% chance to shrug off a poison debuff. Black Panther gains a 8% chance to shrug off stun debuffs. Wolverine gains +12% resistance to poison damage. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    Mystic Masters with Doctor Strange:
    Iron Fist's Iron Fist Mode lasts 2 seconds longer, and its cool down decreases by 2.5 seconds. Doctor Strange's power gain mode has 7% increased power gain. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    Friends with She-Hulk:
    All champions gain +5% armor rating.

    Defenders with Daredevil, Daredevil (Netflix), and Luke Cage:
    Iron Fist, when in Iron Fist Mode, deflects bullets back to the opponent when blocking, at a 7% chance, causing bleed at 12% of the opponents base bleed damage and for 12% of the duration. Daredevil can now evade basic attacks at a 7% chance. Daredevil (Netflix) gains +115 physical resistance. Luke Cage's indestructible charge cool down is decreased by 8%. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    @Bodhizen @Magrailothos @Whododo872
    What do you guys think? I can leave out the synergies for a cleaner post (synergies are not my strong suit).

    The synergies are good, don’t sweat those. They’re balanced, and they aren’t completely useless. All good

    As for fist himsef, this is a pretty solid rework. I like how a lot of Iron Fist mode is a timing thing, where you might want a big shock, so you time it to line up with the L3, and other things like that. That makes a unique and fun playstyle. And even though values aren’t really my thing, I did some math just to make sure, and nothing is game breaking.

    This makes him a decently heavy hitter with a good armor break, and a bit of power controlling utility. Solid work! I wouldn’t be super bummed pulling a fist if these changes were implemented.

    If I could say one thing, though, I wouldn’t take armor break potential away from the light attacks. His armor break would be much more reliable if every hit in the combo had a chance, especially with a proc chance of 15%
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Iron Fist
    Based on a 5/50 4 star with max signature level.
    Sig Ability: Passed Shao Lao's Trial:
    Start the fight in Iron Fist Mode with a reduced cool down of 10 seconds (scales with sig).

    Raging Tiger:
    On a well-timed block, Danny activates a Rage Charge that increases his attack by 90.4. This charge is spent when Danny next uses his medium attack. Stacks to 4.

    Kung-Fu Master (passive):
    Every time he has Class advantage, he starts the fight with a fury buff, increasing his attack rating by 214.3 for 10 seconds.
    Every time he has Class disadvantage, he gains +153 physical resistance for 15 seconds.

    Mantis Strike:
    All light and medium attacks have a 15% chance to apply an armor break, reducing the opponents armor rating by 131 for 6 seconds. If in Iron Fist Mode, the hit instead has a 10% chance to apply a reduced power debuff, reducing power gain by 15% for 4 seconds.

    Shao Lao's Trial:
    Dashing back and holding block for 1 second activates Iron Fist Mode. Every hit has a 50% chance to be critical and deals energy damage instead of physical. Landing a heavy attack nullifies one buff from his opponent and has a 15% chance to apply a shock debuff, dealing 121 damage per second for 4 seconds. He can convert 40% energy damage received to 10% of his power meter (30% to 5% when blocking).
    Effect lasts 10 seconds, with 15 second cool down.

    Special 1:
    (if not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Applies 3 armor breaks, reducing armor rating by 200 for 6 seconds each.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply 2 armor breaks, reducing armor rating by 200 for 6 seconds, and activate a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 123 for 7 seconds.

    Special 2:
    (If not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Applies a concussion debuff, reducing ability accuracy by 25% for 6 seconds, and an armor break, reducing armor rating by 165 for 6 seconds.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply a concussion debuff, reducing ability accuracy by 25% for 6 seconds, an armor break for 6 seconds, reducing armor rating by 165, and a cruelty buff, increasing critical damage rating by 300 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    (If not in Iron Fist Mode)
    Apply and armor break, reducing armor rating by 750 for 8 seconds.
    (If in Iron Fist Mode)
    Activate a shock debuff for 500.3 damage per second for 5 seconds.

    with Black Panther and Wolverine:
    Iron Fist gains +7% chance to shrug off a poison debuff. Black Panther gains a 8% chance to shrug off stun debuffs. Wolverine gains +12% resistance to poison damage. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    Mystic Masters with Doctor Strange:
    Iron Fist's Iron Fist Mode lasts 2 seconds longer, and its cool down decreases by 2.5 seconds. Doctor Strange's power gain mode has 7% increased power gain. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    Friends with She-Hulk:
    All champions gain +5% armor rating.

    Defenders with Daredevil, Daredevil (Netflix), and Luke Cage:
    Iron Fist, when in Iron Fist Mode, deflects bullets back to the opponent when blocking, at a 7% chance, causing bleed at 12% of the opponents base bleed damage and for 12% of the duration. Daredevil can now evade basic attacks at a 7% chance. Daredevil (Netflix) gains +115 physical resistance. Luke Cage's indestructible charge cool down is decreased by 8%. Unique synergy, does not stack with multiple synergies.

    @Bodhizen @Magrailothos @Whododo872
    What do you guys think? I can leave out the synergies for a cleaner post (synergies are not my strong suit).
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Fixed it @Whododo872. Thanks for the review.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Okay! Overall I think it's a fun rework. I'll give some general feedback; although not going to micro-manage exact numbers (this is only a suggestion thread, after all)
    Signature ability: One More Roll: Joe has a 100% Chance to active one more of his “Hit the Slots” buffs/passives this effect lasts until Joe uses a special attack.
    I'm a bit unclear - is this intended to be a one-time-only, till first use of a Special attack ability? Or does he re-roll when he uses a Special?
    Hit the Slots!: At the start of the fight, Joe hits the slots and selects two out of seven potential buffs/passives:
    • Fury: increases attack by 25.1 per hit on the combo meter. (Max 100)
    • Regeneration: Joe Fixit is inspired when he hits fifty in a row, regenerating 1,777 health over 3 seconds, after each increiment of fifty hits on the combo meter.
    • Combo shield: Allows Joe to retain his streak 3 times before breaking, each charge lasts 3 seconds once struck, and Joe regains one Combo charge every thirty hits (Max 4)
    • Precision: increases critical rating by 15.37 per hit on the combo meter (Max 100)
    • Cruelty: increases critical damage rating by 15 per hit on the combo meter (Max 50)
    • Class: Joe retains his classy demeanor even when he loses. Whenever struck and the combo meter is reset to zero, Joe gains a passive 400 attack, 350 crit rate, and 200 critical damage rating. This can be triggered one time per fight.
    • Rage: Joe loses it, allowing his basic attacks critical hits a 7% chance to lacerate the opennents body, dealing 300 bleed damage over 7 seconds
    I like this idea - it's an interesting rework of his original 'four suits' design.

    Regeneration - I see what you've done; and it fits with the combo-based design, but on balance I prefer his passive constant regeneration. Maybe he could get passive regeneration, with a shrug-off ability based on combo?
    Combo Shield is very powerful. As it is, it'd be easy to go the whole fight without losing his combo - maybe he should either have a maximum of one charge at a time; or start with three, but not regain them?
    Class - kind of fun, but a one-off? How about "Joe's classy demeanor refreshes each time Joe reaches a Combo of 30. This ability cannot occur alongside Combo Shield."
    Fury, Precision, Cruelty: All good. Probably should all top out at 100 hits; the exact numbers may need re-balanced; especially a small reduction in Fury.
    Rage is the only one I don't like - he's not got claws or knives. Leave bleed to his Tommy-gun Specials! My recommendation, such as it is, would be to base this on his existing Spades ability, with stacking Weakness/Fatigue debuffs.

    Synergies all look good; although probably giving Ghulk 100% SMASH attacks is OP: Maybe give him a surge of Crowd Excitement at 10% Health?

    Sig ability is a one off, an attempt to make him effective for shorter fights, as he’d have one more hit the slots buff. Thanks for the feedback, also that hulk synergy is OG hulk not Ghulk, smash attacks all the way would be too strong lol
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,142 ★★★★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Iron Fist

    All-round, much more balanced. Iron Fist mode useful; but less OP and shorter. He'd definitely be a champion you could play with; without becoming a demigod/god-tier.

    I like it; and btw: very positive response to feedback!
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Thank you. And by the way, here is a way to use BBC Code.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Iron Fist

    All-round, much more balanced. Iron Fist mode useful; but less OP and shorter. He'd definitely be a champion you could play with; without becoming a demigod/god-tier.

    I like it; and btw: very positive response to feedback!
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    I posted it because you asked @bodhizen about it before and I didn't see him respond.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111

    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen, granting him up to a 100% chance to receive an armor up buff for 518 increased armor rating for 7 seconds for every incinerate debuff applied and removing the incinerate debuff. Scales with sig.


    Iron Will: All medium and light attacks have a 15% chance to activate an armor up buff, increasing armor rating by 246 for 6 seconds. Stacks indefinitely. Whenever Colossus is attacked, he has a 40% chance to receive an armor up buff, increasing armor rating by 246 for 6 seconds. Attacking Colossus when he has an armor up has a 17% chance to activate a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 110 for 6 seconds. Stacks to 4.

    Conscious Metal: When ever Colossus holds block for 1 second, he shrugs off 1 armor break debuff, which grants him regeneration of 2% health over 2 seconds. Can remove multiple debuffs, when holding block. Holding his heavy attack for more than 1 second(s) converts 1 armor up buff into 1 precision buff (increasing critical rating by 7% for 7 seconds) and 1 cruelty buff (increasing critical damage rating by 189 for 7 seconds) which activates upon impact on the opponent. If the hit fails, he instead receives +374 physical resistance for 3 seconds.

    Special 1:
    Has an 70% chance to apply an armor break debuff, decreasing armor rating by 777 for 8 seconds, a 100% chance to stun for 4 seconds and apply a concussion debuff for 6 seconds, reducing ability accuracy by 30%.

    Special 2:
    Has a 80% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 888 for 8 seconds, and 100% chance to apply a stun for 4 seconds. Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 369 for 7 seconds.

    Special 3:
    90% chance to apply armor break (reducing armor rating by 999 for 8 seconds), and 100% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 30%) and stun for 6 seconds. Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 474 for 7 seconds.

    with Juggernaut: All champions gain +217 critical damage rating.

    Family with Majik: Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs. Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man LoganColossus becomes indestructible if he has 5 armor ups at 20% health for 6 seconds. Wolverine gains +110 attack rating when a regen buff is active. Old Man Logan's heavy attacks do +50% damage.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), Rogue and Nightcrawler: Colossus gains +10% attack for every armor up he has. Cyclops' beam attacks drain up to 6% power from his opponent. Rogue lifesteals up to 1.6% health. Nightcrawler's bamf charges deal +5% damage.

    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force: Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack. Deadpool gains +13% regeneration. Deadpool X-Force inflicts 2 bleed debuffs when he would normally inflict only one.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    edited December 2018

    This is the better one.

    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank: Activating an armor up has a 15% chance to activate a fury buff for 7 seconds, increasing attack rating by 415.


    Iron Will: All medium and light attacks have a 15% chance to activate an armor up buff, increasing armor rating by 246 for 6 seconds. Stacks indefinitely. Attacking Colossus has a 17% chance to activate an armor buff, increasing armor rating by 220 for 6 seconds. Stacks to 4.

    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen, granting him an armor up buff for 518 increased armor rating for 7 seconds for every debuff applied and removing the incinerate debuff.

    Conscious Metal: When ever Colossus holds block for 1 second, he shrugs off 1 armor break debuff, which grants him regeneration of 2% health over 2 seconds. Can do this every 5 seconds. Holding his heavy attack for more than 1 second(s) converts 1 armor up buff into 1 precision buff (increasing critical rating by 7% for 7 seconds) and 1 cruelty buff (increasing critical damage rating by 189 for 7 seconds) which activates upon impact on the opponent. If the hit fails, he instead receives +374 physical resistance for 3 seconds.

    Special 1:
    Has an 70% chance to apply an armor break debuff, decreasing armor rating by 444 for 8 seconds, and a 100% chance to stun for 4 seconds. If armored up, apply a concussion debuff for 6 seconds, reducing ability accuracy by 30%.

    Special 2:
    Has a 80% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 555 for 8 seconds, and 100% chance to apply a stun for 4 seconds. Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 369 for 7 seconds.

    Special 3:
    90% chance to apply armor break (reducing armor rating by 667.1 (lol) for 8 seconds), and 100% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 30%). Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 474 for 7 seconds.

    with Juggernaut: All champions gain +217 critical damage rating.

    Family with Majik: Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs. Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man LoganColossus becomes indestructible if he has 10 armor ups at 20% health for 6 seconds. Wolverine gains +110 attack rating when a regen buff is active. Old Man Logan's heavy attacks do +50% damage.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), Rogue and Nightcrawler: Colossus gains +10% attack for every armor up he has. Cyclops' beam attacks drain up to 6% power from his opponent. Rogue lifesteals up to 1.6% health. Nightcrawler's bamf charges deal +5% damage.

    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force: Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack. Deadpool gains +13% regeneration. Deadpool X-Force inflicts 2 bleed debuffs when he would normally inflict only one.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
  • Tim1234Tim1234 Member Posts: 203
    Hey guys, I completely understand your desire to see some of the older Champions in The Contest, including Iron Fist, made more powerful.

    I have a 5-Star Iron Fist on my own roster and decided not to upgrade him to Rank-2, simply because I have other Mystic Champions who are much more fun to play with. With that being said, Ranking him up is definitely something I would consider doing if he was improved. Personally, I think if he was altered to be able to take more Damage from Opponents and could inflict Bleed/Shock and Stun with Heavy Attacks and Specials, he would be a million times better!

    The Contest isn't the same as real life and Champions aren't always the same as they were in comics. Though, even in this unique Battlerealm, I've always felt that if Punisher 2099 can Stun Opponent's with a Heavy Attack, Iron Fist should be able to do the same. I mean, he does hit Opponents with an IRON fist after all, and I think Bleed or Shock from his Heavy Attacks and Specials would just make sense!

    To help make this discussion as constructive as possible, if there's a Champion you're unhappy with and would like to see them made more powerful, think about including some of the following points in your comment:

    - Name of the Champion you would like to be changed
    - Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why
    - How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    Unfortunately, I can't promise that any of the ideas put forward in this thread will be implemented in a future update but feedback like this is really welcomed by our Game Team. Ultimately, we want you guys to enjoy playing the game as much as possible and a discussion like this one can be really helpful in allowing us to identify specific Champions that you're unhappy with and what exactly you don't like about them so we can consider making the changes you want to see.

    I can’t trust that it can really happen in this game we talk and nothing happens this game is not as interesting as it was before now new champs are way stronger than the old ones and it’s very difficult to get the new champs so how do you expect players to keep up with the higher difficulties in the game ..

    I sugget that we get to choose the champions we want on our rooster because we have an equal chance to get any of them from crystals like the 3, 4, 5 and 6 star shard crystals and this goes without saying that all the old champs need a do over this game can’t go on like this ..
  • TheGamingLifeTheGamingLife Member Posts: 25
    So Miles Morales is arguably one of the least effective spidermen in the game at the present time. We rarely see him in challenges, the harder content, AQ and AW, etc. Suggesting that this is common knowledge throughout the contest on both the player and dev sides of the game.

    I would like to put forward a small improvement where Miles’ damage increases the less evade charges he has. Can be written in the character ability list as:
    “Miles becomes more cautious when opponts use special attacks, gaining 2 evade charges each time, however as he becomes less cautious, Peter’s influence comes through as he gets more confident, increasing his damage by up to (X) depending on how few evade charges he has.”

    Just thought this would make him more viable on defence because if the opponent doesn’t want him so evade, they have to be careful of his high attack, whereas if he has a lot of charges, he will do regular damage, but can evade better.
  • AdityatheaawesomAdityatheaawesom Member Posts: 101
    Hello Everyone,

    I have had a Rogue 5 star for some time now, and I believe the character needs a slight buff. In many instances of the game characters may be too weak and get buffed, and although rogue isn't weak, she is not living up to her full in game potential. Rogue is a character in the comics possessing great strength having the ability to absorb anyones powers temporarily. An instance that comes to mind is when Rogue during exiles, specifically king Hyperion.This instance greatly boosted her strength and made her extremely powerful, as she got many of Hyperions powers. Although I know Kabam must nerf champions greatly so they are hardly similar to comics, I would appreciate if Kabam gave her some credit for her abilities. Now I don't ask that this new (possible buff) make her a Beyond god tier, but a buff to Rogue would be much appreciated. For example a buff that could be added would be that she steals a buff for 7 seconds, and these buffs are all recovered without the sp3, not only would this make rogue a better character, but it would also make her more playable. As now when she steals a buff, she has to be extremely aggressive, which is a very hard thing to do. Another example of improving her would be giving her an increased health pool, or attack rating. Rogues attacks are not very powerful as I have noticed, and they hit like pillows. One other possible buff would be to let her have the ability to steal all buffs, not specific ones. All this and more can be done with the communities support, feel free to add or disagree with me. As I would love to hear what everyone thinks.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Hey mods... It's this thread being ignored, or are there any plans to address any of the Champions reworked in this thread, even if just to say, "We've heard you. We've shared this stuff with the developers. They plan on reworking X in the next Y weeks. Thank you for helping us identify which Champions could use some love, and why they need it."

    Or should we just go back to making individual threads all over the place that will also get ignored? 🤬

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Wolf
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Two days, no response. Apparently, this is the dumping ground for Champion fixes that people ask for.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,142 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    Give them a chance, @Bodhizen! given the issues surrounding the Alchemist quest, I suspect the mods have been a bit busy the last two days!
    Hey guys, I completely understand your desire to see some of the older Champions in The Contest made more powerful...

    Unfortunately, I can't promise that any of the ideas put forward in this thread will be implemented in a future update but feedback like this is really welcomed by our Game Team.

    I think Porthos's response above is as good as we're going to get.

    I'd love more, but I think the best we can view for is the first part of your suggestion above:

    We've heard you. We've shared this stuff with the developers

    We're not going to get promises of particular changes, and are unlikely to get any advance warning of their plans.

    You're obviously feeling ignored; but as a couple of things to consider:

    1 - I still see Porthos directing people to this thread sometimes.
    2 - Whilst the forums aren't intended as a 2-way communication system between us and Kabam, I'm pretty sure this is read by the team; even if it's primarily Porthos's particular hobby. They know we're here. And if the design/development team want suggestions, they know a thread where they're getting concentrated; rather than surfing the Suggestions pages at random.

    Even if Kabam isn't feeding back, we can do it for each other! Who's next on your list?
  • GerbilGerbil Member Posts: 50
    Superior Iron Man... His suit is supposed to be practically a symbiote... So perhaps his skillset should be closer to IWIM than to IM & IP.
  • AndTavAndTav Member Posts: 261
    I also suggested some things for DD Netflix, see if you also agree.
    adqqedfyvr wrote: »
    Daredevil netflix needs a revamp (copied this from an old discussion of mine):

    Improved evade: compared to og daredevil this is pretty useless. Surely, with his heightened senses, he needs a spiderman-style evade.

    Bleed: critical hits should have a high chance at bleed. This doesn't need to be anywhere near gwenpool's, but should be decent. Specials should cause 1 or 2 bleeds.

    Stun with special 3: just seems to make sense.

    Deflect ability and bleed resistance: with his specially designed suit, I'd love to see some sort of bleed resistance (like beast). Also, all bullets could have a chance to deflect off of his armour and cause a bleed on the opponent. E.g. Winter soldier uses special 2 on DD and each bullet has a chance to rebound and hit ws causing a bleed on him. This could be an interesting new ability. Also knives and sword attacks could have a small chance to miss.

    Guaranteed stuns with specials.

    New heavy animation: spinning kick to the face. This fits more with the netflix character than a slow backflip.

    Fury: Murdocks always get up. As the fight progresses and/or as Matt loses health he can gain a permanent fury charge.

    Synergy: add a synergy with both iron fists, similar to the one with Luke Cage. Also a new synergy with kingpin which maybe makes his attack rating increase with combo meter might improve him.

    Hope you like my ideas and maybe Kabam will consider any kind of update to daredevil netflix

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,142 ★★★★★
    AndTav wrote: »
    I also suggested some things for DD Netflix, see if you also agree.
    adqqedfyvr wrote: »
    Daredevil netflix needs a revamp (copied this from an old discussion of mine):

    Improved evade: compared to og daredevil this is pretty useless. Surely, with his heightened senses, he needs a spiderman-style evade.

    Bleed: critical hits should have a high chance at bleed. This doesn't need to be anywhere near gwenpool's, but should be decent. Specials should cause 1 or 2 bleeds.

    Stun with special 3: just seems to make sense.

    Deflect ability and bleed resistance: with his specially designed suit, I'd love to see some sort of bleed resistance (like beast). Also, all bullets could have a chance to deflect off of his armour and cause a bleed on the opponent. E.g. Winter soldier uses special 2 on DD and each bullet has a chance to rebound and hit ws causing a bleed on him. This could be an interesting new ability. Also knives and sword attacks could have a small chance to miss.

    Guaranteed stuns with specials.

    New heavy animation: spinning kick to the face. This fits more with the netflix character than a slow backflip.

    Fury: Murdocks always get up. As the fight progresses and/or as Matt loses health he can gain a permanent fury charge.

    Synergy: add a synergy with both iron fists, similar to the one with Luke Cage. Also a new synergy with kingpin which maybe makes his attack rating increase with combo meter might improve him.

    Hope you like my ideas and maybe Kabam will consider any kind of update to daredevil netflix

    Love some of those ideas. I'm not sure about bleed - Daredevil is all about subduing his opponent rather than killing them. Definitely an occasional bullet recoil though. How about:

    Armour -
    • Grants +250 Physical Resistance
    • Any attack with a bullet has a 10% chance to bounce back at the opponent and hit them for them same damage it would have done. This chance increases to 20% when blocking.
    • Bleed effects have a 25% chance to be prevented. This does not prevent Double Edge.

    Signature ability - World on Fire - Matt's determination only rises as his opponents try to bring him down. Any time opponents afflict him with a debuff or he loses more than 5-10*% of his base health, he gains a determination passive.
    Determination passives are permanent and stack up to 5-20*; but do not persist between fights. They cause the following benefits:
    Increase Critical rating by +100*
    Increase Evade chance by a flat +2%
    Increase block proficiency by +40*
    *Adjusted by Sig level

    Heavy attack - animation borrowed from Gamora/Storm

    SP3 - 80% chance to Stun for 3 or 4 seconds.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, I'm sorry to hear some of you are feeling ignored because we haven't commented on this thread for a while. I know it can be frustrating if you don't see a comment from us for a longer period of time than you would like but rest assured, that does not mean we're ignoring any of your feedback. There have been many amazing suggestions put forward in this discussion and I've been reading along with enthusiasm at some of the ideas you've shared. This game was created for you all to play and enjoy, so it goes without saying that to help us provide a more enjoyable experience, our Game Team regularly reviews the feedback received in these Forums.

    I still can't promise that all of your suggestions or even some of them will be implemented in a future update of the game. However, as I touched on before, this thread is something our Game Team can review if they're ever stuck for ideas about which Champion/s to improve next or which changes to make.

    Previously, Champion improvement suggestions were spread across dozens or even hundreds of threads, and unfortunately, this can lead to some great ideas getting lost in the midst of thousands of other discussions. Thankfully, with everyone sharing their new suggestions in this thread, all of the feedback is organized in one place, and this has led to much more engagement and constructive conversation.

    It's easy when you're dissatisfied with a character in the game to just say "they need a buff" or "they need a nerf". However, statements like those aren't constructive unless they're accompanied by some form of reasoning such as "because I don't like when they do X" or "because, if they could do X, it would make them much more effective" or even the good old fashioned excuse of "it just makes sense because X". Going into great detail and providing reasoning for each suggestion is something that everyone has been doing really well here and I really appreciate all of the time and effort you guys have put in up to this point to help make this discussion so productive.

    I'll continue to keep an eye on this thread to ensure the conversation is staying on topic and continuing to be constructive. Lastly, I just want to express my hopes that this thread continues to flourish with bright new ideas which have the potential to help make the game even better.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,142 ★★★★★
    Thanks Porthos.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Hey guys, I'm sorry to hear some of you are feeling ignored because we haven't commented on this thread for a while. I know it can be frustrating if you don't see a comment from us for a longer period of time than you would like but rest assured, that does not mean we're ignoring any of your feedback. There have been many amazing suggestions put forward in this discussion and I've been reading along with enthusiasm at some of the ideas you've shared. This game was created for you all to play and enjoy, so it goes without saying that to help us provide a more enjoyable experience, our Game Team regularly reviews the feedback received in these Forums.

    I still can't promise that all of your suggestions or even some of them will be implemented in a future update of the game. However, as I touched on before, this thread is something our Game Team can review if they're ever stuck for ideas about which Champion/s to improve next or which changes to make.

    Previously, Champion improvement suggestions were spread across dozens or even hundreds of threads, and unfortunately, this can lead to some great ideas getting lost in the midst of thousands of other discussions. Thankfully, with everyone sharing their new suggestions in this thread, all of the feedback is organized in one place, and this has led to much more engagement and constructive conversation.

    It's easy when you're dissatisfied with a character in the game to just say "they need a buff" or "they need a nerf". However, statements like those aren't constructive unless they're accompanied by some form of reasoning such as "because I don't like when they do X" or "because, if they could do X, it would make them much more effective" or even the good old fashioned excuse of "it just makes sense because X". Going into great detail and providing reasoning for each suggestion is something that everyone has been doing really well here and I really appreciate all of the time and effort you guys have put in up to this point to help make this discussion so productive.

    I'll continue to keep an eye on this thread to ensure the conversation is staying on topic and continuing to be constructive. Lastly, I just want to express my hopes that this thread continues to flourish with bright new ideas which have the potential to help make the game even better.

    Thank you very much, sir. This is all that I was looking for, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I can't speak for anyone else, but I take quite a bit of time to review Champions, to look at what powers they have in comic book canon, and to try to write up Champions that would be fun for the community to play with while at the same time suggesting updates to Champions that the community has agreed are not good Champions or fun to play with.

    I want these ideas to flourish, but I also want them to bear fruit. The theorycraft is fun for me on a personal level, but the notion that we're contributing here without anyone ever doing anything about it is frustrating, to say the least.

    Thanks again, and best wishes!
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    It’s good at least that we can be read, if our feedback at least makes them think about possible ways to buff champions, even if it’s just a unique mechanic or something. Then at least we’re being listened to a little bit. I might try to think of a buff for another character that’s bad but not remembered to be bad...
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    I haven’t done a rework in a while. This is a forewarning, I’m getting started on writing one right now. It’ll be up soon!
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited January 2019
    Champion rework: Civil Warrior


    Signature Ability: Past Regrets
    - Steve’s past drives his hopes for the future, and begins the fight with 1 permanent armor charge
    - Armor effects are up to 30% more effective, grant up to 40% special attack damage resistance, and reduce offensive ability accuracy by up to 15%

    Base Kit
    - Civil Warrior’s MK II armor grants him immunity to armor break effects
    - 5% of power drained by Civil Warrior converts to direct damage
    - Attacking, or being struck has a 10% chance to gain an armor up for 8 seconds. Blocking doubles this chance, and well-times blocks have a 10% chance to gain 2 armor ups instead of one. These armor ups grant 200 armor
    - Upon using any special attack, 2 armor ups may be consumed to change into an armor passive (1 conversion per special attack). These passives grant 400 armor, 75 critical resistance, and increase power gain rate by 6% (these stack up to 7)
    - Reaching 3 passive stacks grants Civil Warrior bleed immunity. 5 stacks grant poison immunity. 7 stacks grant nullify immunity
    - Heavy attacks inflict a 7 second heal block
    - Upon landing a special attack, any active heal blocks are refreshed for double their duration.

    Special Attacks

    Special 1
    - Grants 4 armor up buffs (identical to the other ones)
    - Opponent power gain is reversed for the duration of this attack
    - Inflicts a reduced power debuff, reducing opponent power gain by 60% for 11 seconds
    - If this attack does not land, gain an autoblock shield for 5 seconds. Upon being hit with this active, Civil Warrior will autoblock. This can trigger parry.

    Special 2
    - Drains up to 60% of the opponent’s power
    - The final strike of this attack cannot be blocked
    - If this attack doesn’t connect, activate autoblock shield (same as SP1) for 6 seconds

    Special 3
    - Drains up to 90% power. If power is drained to 0, inflict a 20 second power lock
    - Gain 2 armor charges (can exceed the maximum) for 15 seconds
    - If Civil Warrior is at a lower health percentage than his opponent, this attack gains +20% attack
    - Activates autoblock shield for 8 seconds


    Regrets: With Iron Man (OG)

    Civil Warrior: Autoblock shield lasts 1.5 seconds longer

    Iron Man: Grants autoblock shield during arc overload. This can trigger parry

    Better than I once was: With Captain America (OG and WWII)

    Civil Warrior: +20% block proficiency

    Cap OG: Well-timed blocks are always Perfect blocks

    Cap WWII: +15% stun ability accuracy

    Upgraded Technology: With Superior Iron Man, Hulkbuster, and Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced)

    Civil Warrior: Start the fight with 1 permanent armor charge

    Superior Iron Man: +20% Arc Overload potency

    Hulkbuster: Special Attacks grant indestructible for 5 seconds

    Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Dash back and hold block for 3 seconds to activate his special attack evasion (the 70% or whatever it is chance to dodge) for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds

    Goal was defense here, obviously. Autoblock, armor, crit resistance, ability resistance, and a big boy batch of immunities as the fight goes on. Yet, nothing that can’t be worked around. Please, dispute my values if they need to be disputed, but the abilities themselves are the big thing I’ve worked on. Let me know if you’d change anything, or just what you’d change altogether if you were to rework this man!
  • Terminator1107Terminator1107 Member Posts: 11
    Adding bleed ability to HELA
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    edited January 2019
    Here it is: my newest champion rework! Learned a few things from the Joe Fixit one so let’s give it a shot!

    All values are based on 5/50 4* with signature 99.

    Signature Ability: Headstrong, 75% chance that Juggernaut’s Dash attack will be unstoppable and have +835 attack for the duration of the attack.
    Additionally, if Juggernaut is already unstoppable, gain 30% of a bar of power over 5 seconds if the dash attack hits

    (Notes: this may be strange, also no, I’m not removing his ability of unstoppable on specials, it should just be in his base abilities, this makes him more like rhino, while still being somewhat fresh, as for the power gain, it’ll make sp1 spamming easier, or building up to a sp2 or 3)

    Passive: Enemy starts the fight with a stagger effect lasting 20 seconds

    (Notes: this will give Juggernaut a better mystic feeling, without the need of landing a heavy attack, just being in his presence staggers you! Heavies do still stagger though, for 10 seconds and a 100% chance)

    Passive: Juggernaut starts the fight Unstoppable for 3 seconds. Additionally, any unstoppable effects gained at the start of the fight or from specials give juggernaut a Fury buff increasing attack by 307

    (Notes: Basically start the fight with a small fury buff and a slightly shorter unstoppable. This Fury is replacing his old one, and is easier to trigger, though I didn’t want to make it too powerful combined with the awakened ability)

    Special 1: If this attack lands, it places a disorient passive on the oppenent, lowering ability accuracy by 20% this stacks up to 3 and lasts for 15 seconds. Additionally juggernaut is unstoppable for 2 seconds after this attack.

    (Notes: This is one ability I’m not so sure if it’s too weak or too powerful, 60% was what I settled on, was gonna go for 75 but some of his other abilities combined with this would make him almost too good in theory)

    Special 2: If the last hit you landed on the opponent was a light attack, this attack has an 80% to stun the opponent for 3 seconds. If the last hit you landed on the oppenent was a medium, this attack gains 1128 additional crit rate and 500 more critical damage rating. If the last hit you landed on the oppenent was a heavy, this attack has an 80% to stun for 2 seconds and gains 630 additional crit rate. Gain unstoppable for 2.50 seconds

    (Notes: Ok, I loved the Night Thrasher mechanic too much! Landing a heavy and then using this attack is very beneficial, but also situational, in some cases it may be better to go for the medium to hit hard and finish, or the light attack to get a good chance at a long enough stun that you can follow up. I’m unsure if this is a dumb mechanic for this character, but I feel like he needs something to spice him up.)

    Special 3: If already unstoppable, this attack gains 3,568 attack rating. If not unstoppable, this attack makes juggernaut unstoppable for 5 seconds. If the oppenent is stunned when the attack is launched, gain a permanent perfect block chance buff, increasing chance for perfect block by 10%

    (Notes: A situational special, special 1 spam may seem ideal in most cases, unstoppable fury buff plus ability accuracy reduction? This special is either a good damage dealer. A good way to take advantage of the signature ability. Or a tool for longer more annoying fights with hard to evade specials.)

    Unbreakable: Luke Cage, Colossus, Unstoppable Colossus,
    Juggernaut: Fury effects are 20% more potent
    Luke Cage: decrease Tough it Out cooldown by 10%
    Colossus: Gain a 25% Fury after any special attack lasting 10 seconds
    Unstoppable colossus: Gain a 25% Fury after any special attack, unstoppable effects last .5 seconds longer.

    (Notes: unsurprisingly, giving out a mini colossus buff, he needs it, badly, hopefully that should help with the damage, a little boost to juggernauts fury and Luke cages indestructiblity. And a nice touching on UC too.)

    Helmet Hair: Magneto, Magneto Marvel Now, Thor Jane Foster.
    Juggernaut: Against small and medium opponents gain 10% passive fury at the start of the fight
    Magneto, Magneto Marvel Now: Gain a 30% Prowess passive
    Jane Foster: Increase shock duration by 2 seconds and shock damage by 10%

    (Notes: gotta give the magnetos something, they suck rn, some more special damage should help them. Giving juggernaut 10% more damage shouldn’t be the most overpowered thing in the world, and it’s only against small and medium, not large or extra large. Jane Foster just gets a little boost to maybe make her more viable.)

    Brain VS Brawn: MODOK
    Juggernaut: When a champion evades or autoblocks, 25% chance to go unstoppable and unblockable on the next attack.
    MODOK: Master plan gives 100% more block proficiency.

    (Notes: smaller bit of utility for juggs, shouldn’t be game breaking. MODOK, he needs more block proficiency....seems appropriate.)

    TLDR: I don’t have one for you, thanks for reading if you did, spent a lot of time thinking about this one, and I might do another one soon, it’s really fun. Let me know what you think, I’d love some feedback
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