The debate. Who’s better Void or CapIW

AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
My opinion is CAP. Dude has more utility,more Tanky and can reverse healing like void. Please vote and leave your opinion! CapIW has won me over. Love the both of them so not hating on either.

The debate. Who’s better Void or CapIW 214 votes

DNA3000GroundedWisdomTacoScottyGamerBigPoppaCBONERagamugginGunnerdanielmathShrimkinsRawInstinctsamalasravanBendyAntony687LoPrestiZENSmokinSurfermilomikeI_ZERO_IMhykkeFinalflash8INTEGRAL 111 votes
Captain America Infinity War
SnakeEyes69Jkw634Mr_PlatypusDrOctavius2_2Willjackson16Hulk_77FreakydCapWW2gatra_hpKDoggg2017DragonfeiPcc880xenu12TerraMagrailothosStar_Lord_StfckrSUBHnameplasGNASTY 103 votes


  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    Captain America Infinity War
    Cap is far easier and faster to use. However his debuffs wear off a lot faster. I mostly play arena and EQ; but I have a feeling that in longer fights, Void will really shine in those fights a heavy-hitter struggles in. Like Rhulk in this month's EQ.

    However, having just taken down Uncollected Kang with a single hit (SP2 obviously) from my 4* CAIW, I'm feeling the love for him right now.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    I actually just watched Seatin take out that Rhulk with a 2* Cap which inspired this poll
  • DrAwkwardPhDDrAwkwardPhD Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Both are so good it’s hard to determine which is better. Cap (especially awakened) is better for short bursty fights. Void is the answer for a lot of longer fights.

    Similar to the Proxima/Corvus comparisons. Both are extremely useful, but 1 is clearly better than the other depending on the situation.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    Both are so good it’s hard to determine which is better. Cap (especially awakened) is better for short bursty fights. Void is the answer for a lot of longer fights.

    Similar to the Proxima/Corvus comparisons. Both are extremely useful, but 1 is clearly better than the other depending on the situation.

    See I don’t think so,CaIW is still great in long fights as well. His Sp2 damage is on point
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    Void is easier to use on long fights tho.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    This really isn't a debate. CapIW isn't the best at anything.

    Ok if you call one of the very few champs with 0 damage block and massive L2/L3 damage not the best, then yeah I guess not.
  • scxoxoscxoxo Member Posts: 109
    Cap is far easier and faster to use. However his debuffs wear off a lot faster. I mostly play arena and EQ; but I have a feeling that in longer fights, Void will really shine in those fights a heavy-hitter struggles in. Like Rhulk in this month's EQ.

    However, having just taken down Uncollected Kang with a single hit (SP2 obviously) from my 4* CAIW, I'm feeling the love for him right now.

    ok man i need to get me a 4/5* caiw i can only play around with my 3* (who still has better sp2 damage when he crits than some of my 4*s)

    to be honest though i have void as a 4/40 awakened i’m not feeling him yet since i don’t really have long fights, though he is pretty awesome, but i’m loving my 3* caiw and would be hyped to get him as a 4* at least

  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    Void has better power/heal reversal. Corvus and Ghost have better SP2 damage.

    I have CapIW at r5 and barely use him (thanks rank up gem) because he's good but not the best.

    Cap is the best at nullifying Unstoppable.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    You cant really ask if One champ is better than another champ. Each champ has there own abilities and uses.
    Void can reverse healing and do high damage
    CAIW can nullify stuff, has high block proficiency, and good damage
  • KamalaWantsToPlayTooKamalaWantsToPlayToo Member Posts: 112
    Captain America Infinity War
    You cant really ask if One champ is better than another champ. Each champ has there own abilities and uses.
    Void can reverse healing and do high damage
    CAIW can nullify stuff, has high block proficiency, and good damage

    Honestly not trying to be a smart***, but that’s why it’s a debate asking for opinions.
  • Jkw634Jkw634 Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    Also note that duped with a cosmic cap can armor break. Becoming big hear days. He can also negate bleed converting a kinetic charge. So fight a ms parry heavy she bleeds you it converts still do good damage.
  • RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
    I need void so bad
  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    I only have Void as a 3*. I'm sure he's as amazing as he looks when BG and Lagacy play him.
    But my 4/55 Cap works everywhere I take him. And his awakened sig is so underrated. Just his tech synergy adds so much to Vision's power control and gives Ghost an added advantage.
    IW Cap may only be tops in block proficiency, but he's top 10 in about a dozen other categories. He truly is a utility god with sustainability, and high damage output. He truly is unique among all of the champions
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    I have a 6* CAIW, unduped. I have a r3 5* Void, sig 85, will be r4 in roughly a month. They are both awesome in different ways. Void melted UC Rulk. CAIW was like Unstoppable lolwut? with UC Diablo.

    I also have a r4 5* OG sig ~120 Vision on my main quest team for the double immunity/power control, which has synergy with both CAIW and Void, so CAIW has 15% extra attack power, and Void has the instant FotV vs Avengers.

    They are both very awesome, and made me retire my r4 5* LC, who is also awesome.
  • Ultimatesaber32Ultimatesaber32 Member Posts: 742 ★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    Cap is far easier and faster to use. However his debuffs wear off a lot faster. I mostly play arena and EQ; but I have a feeling that in longer fights, Void will really shine in those fights a heavy-hitter struggles in. Like Rhulk in this month's EQ.

    However, having just taken down Uncollected Kang with a single hit (SP2 obviously) from my 4* CAIW, I'm feeling the love for him right now.

    Amazingly true
  • DrAwkwardPhDDrAwkwardPhD Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Ahitlaw wrote: »
    Both are so good it’s hard to determine which is better. Cap (especially awakened) is better for short bursty fights. Void is the answer for a lot of longer fights.

    Similar to the Proxima/Corvus comparisons. Both are extremely useful, but 1 is clearly better than the other depending on the situation.

    See I don’t think so,CaIW is still great in long fights as well. His Sp2 damage is on point

    No doubt. I’m not saying Cap isn’t useful in those longer fights, but I have both as 5* champs, and I will always choose Void in the matchups that I know are going to take a bit more time. Especially if your dealing with Buffet, Masochism, or a node of that nature. Cap is by no means a second option to anybody else in the game, though.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I think void gets the edge simply because he doesn't need synergies or teamates to be good.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    I am loving that a lot of people are voting cap,honestly didn’t think there was gonna be a science champ that could rival void anytime soon. Loving your opinions as well. Sounds like they are pretty even.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    I’m curious. Does Seatin,Brian, That crazy cow fella ever read these forums? Would LOVE their input on this.
  • MaximumCrashMaximumCrash Member Posts: 111
    I just pulled a 5 star CapIW. I have a 5 star science awakening gem that I was saving for void, but who knows when that will be. Is he good enough to use the gem on?
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    I just pulled a 5 star CapIW. I have a 5 star science awakening gem that I was saving for void, but who knows when that will be. Is he good enough to use the gem on?

    A million times,yes. Pump as many sig stones as you can into him as well. I still feel like he’s if not better than void then he’s more useful for sure.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Captain America Infinity War
    I just pulled a 5 star CapIW. I have a 5 star science awakening gem that I was saving for void, but who knows when that will be. Is he good enough to use the gem on?

    It’s all subjective but I would say so as I used mine on him on my alt account. He’s at 5/65 right now tearing it up.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,870 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    I say void as like someone mentioned doesn't need synergy to have utility for applying weakness or petrify unlike void he gets it already void if awakened his fear of void he can pack a punch especially with sp2 crits plus the degen damage it calculates to be very on top of most damage champs as of the degen he does and also he is the king for regen both has uses though but void to me is more better than cap even though played both I still think void comes out on top
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    Gamer wrote: »
    Void is stil better dont need dups for the revser wher cap need dups

    I disagree. I think it’s the opposite. Void really only shines with a dupe whereas CAIW doesn’t really need it to be top tier.

    Also I feel like Void is really only useful if there’s regen or power gain in the mix making him much more niche. CAIW can take on anyone and excel.

    I find Void useful in other situations. For example, if you're fighting something like IMIW that is easy to fight initially but becomes dangerous towards the end of the fight Void's debuffs can make those fights a lot easier. Or say you're fighting MODOK with explosive personality. That's tricky in general because it is dangerous to hit into an autoblocking champ with the EP buff, but Void can simply use heavies to keep pushing the target back and not even really worry about delivering significant damage, while the debuffs kill the target without having to risk attacking much. I even used my Void to clear the full thorns path in the last monthly, simply because I could hit into block for distance (and no thorns damage) while the debuffs killed the target without having to eat significant amounts of thorn reflected damage.

    It is a little difficult to explain, but I see most champions as having strong areas and weak areas that are relatively simple. A champ might be good in all of the situations around here, and bad in all of the situations over there. But Void seems to be very useful in a lot of scattered dots of strength all over the map but not in as many broad strokes of continuous situations like most other champs (heal reversal being one of the few "broad strokes" areas Void excels at). I think if you could pile up all those dots into one single pile, Void's overall strength would be more obvious. But because it is scattered around in smaller specks, he's seen as a more niche champ by many. But the sheer number of niches I've found uses for him continue to surprise me.
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    Its very close. Void wins it foe me as he doesnt require the large number of synergies. Both amazing.
  • RawInstinctRawInstinct Member Posts: 65
    Void for me as well I hate building teams around synergies absolutely detest having a team dictated to me.
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