Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    This is the current list of my champion reworks:

    Iron Fist
    Black Panther

    That's good. Now I can get round to looking at your Colossus again without digging through so many pages. I glanced before, but fancy taking a proper look.

    And presumably, next time I need to make my URL links in colour, too?

    Lol. You don't NEED to but it does help make your posts stand out.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    This is the current list of my champion reworks:

    Iron Fist
    Black Panther

    That's good. Now I can get round to looking at your Colossus again without digging through so many pages. I glanced before, but fancy taking a proper look.

    And presumably, next time I need to make my URL links in colour, too?

    You don't have to, but I do so that it's clear how the classes are stacking up. If moderators are passing along that a lot of Cosmic Champions really suck right now, maybe they'll do something about it. If they're seeing that it's still Science, maybe they'll do something about that...

    But, the color-coding really helps to break up walls of text, so it makes them easier to read and evaluate.

    Best wishes!
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    BTW @Bodhizen @Whododo872 @Magrailothos @XxOriginalxX
    What do you guys think of my colossus rework?
    There is a link to it on page 12 of this discussion.
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    MAGNETO & Iron fist are trash in the game. Magneto is suppose to be the most powerful mutant. He is wayyy too weak, they actually nerfed his sp1 awhile back to where each hit of the two had a chance to proc bleed. Even with that, he was still horrible, but the nerf had to come from people who don’t play the game.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank: Activating an armor up has a 15% chance to activate a fury buff for 7 seconds, increasing attack rating by 415.


    Iron Will: All medium and light attacks have a 15% chance to activate an armor up buff, increasing armor rating by 246 for 6 seconds. Stacks indefinitely. Attacking Colossus has a 17% chance to activate an armor buff, increasing armor rating by 220 for 6 seconds. Stacks to 4.
    These two things coupled together are concerning. All light & medium attacks have a 15% chance of activating an Armor Up buff (75% chance every full combo) for 6 seconds, which then has a 15% chance of activating a 7-second Fury buff for every Armor Up Buff you got. Then attacking Colossus has a 17% chance to activate an Armor Up buff (85% chance/full combo you take), which can activate Fury buffs. Not only are you making it necessary to awaken Colossus for his damage output, but you make it a double-whammy of Defense & Offense potentially triggering together.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen, granting him an armor up buff for 518 increased armor rating for 7 seconds for every debuff applied and removing the incinerate debuff.
    This is going to trigger more Fury buffs on an awakened Colossus. It's also awkwardly worded. I'd recommend wording it as follows: "Inflicting an Incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen. This instantly removes the Incinerate debuff and grants him an Armor Up buff for 7.0 seconds that increases his Armor Rating by 518." I'm not keen on this; just Incinerate immunity would be sufficient.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Conscious Metal: When ever Colossus holds block for 1 second, he shrugs off 1 armor break debuff, which grants him regeneration of 2% health over 2 seconds. Can do this every 5 seconds. Holding his heavy attack for more than 1 second(s) converts 1 armor up buff into 1 precision buff (increasing critical rating by 7% for 7 seconds) and 1 cruelty buff (increasing critical damage rating by 189 for 7 seconds) which activates upon impact on the opponent. If the hit fails, he instead receives +374 physical resistance for 3 seconds.
    Colossus potentially gets Fury buffs whenever he gains Armor Up buffs. This mechanic is awkward, first triggering Regeneration & then converting Armor Up buffs into Precision & Cruelty... Unless the hit fails & he gets Physical Resistance instead. This is overcomplicated & comes across as a "grab-bag of abilities stuffed into a single mechanic".
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 1:
    Has an 70% chance to apply an armor break debuff, decreasing armor rating by 444 for 8 seconds, and a 100% chance to stun for 4 seconds. If armored up, apply a concussion debuff for 6 seconds, reducing ability accuracy by 30%.
    Again, this is awkwardly worded. It seems to say that you Armor Break plus Stun (devastating combination), & if he's Armored Up, you throw on a Concussion debuff as well. Imagine being hit by that. But, that's not even the biggest concern, since Colossus' Special Attack 1 is super easy to dodge, so it doesn't matter how many devastating effects that you throw down. Only the foolish will get caught by them.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 2:
    Has a 80% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 555 for 8 seconds, and 100% chance to apply a stun for 4 seconds. Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 369 for 7 seconds.
    Another devastating combination for much the same reason with the same flaws.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 3:
    90% chance to apply armor break (reducing armor rating by 667.1 (lol) for 8 seconds), and 100% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 30%). Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 474 for 7 seconds.
    Not as devastating a combo as when it was Armor Break plus Stun, but it's still gonna hurt.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    with Juggernaut: All champions gain +217 critical damage rating.
    Standard values are +155.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Family with Majik: Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs. Majik has 5% increased power gain.
    Family is a standard Synergy that grants +5% Health to all Champions at the 4-star level. If you're going to have it do something else, you have to call it something else.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man LoganColossus becomes indestructible if he has 10 armor ups at 20% health for 6 seconds. Wolverine gains +110 attack rating when a regen buff is active. Old Man Logan's heavy attacks do +50% damage.
    Colossus' benefit is clunky & will hardly ever apply. Wolverine's is weak, & Old Man Logan's isn't impressive either. Plus, Friends is a standard Synergy that grants +130 Armor rating to all Champions at the 4-star level.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), Rogue and Nightcrawler: Colossus gains +10% attack for every armor up he has. Cyclops' beam attacks drain up to 6% power from his opponent. Rogue lifesteals up to 1.6% health. Nightcrawler's bamf charges deal +5% damage.
    Colossus' benefit is too large. Colossus has a Max Attack rating of 1159 as a 4-star. If he's got 5 Armor Up buffs, he's now got an Attack rating of 1,866.58; now he's hitting like a 4/55 5-star Champion. If he's got 10 Armor Up buffs active, he's punching at an Attack Rating of 3,006.15! Part of that is the fact that when you increase by percentages & not a static value, the growth is exponential instead of linear, but even if it was linear (at 115.9 Attack per Armor Up buff), you'd be looking at 1738.5 at 5 Armor Up buffs & 2318 at 10. Colossus has several ways of gaining Armor Up buffs, so this isn't unthinkable.

    Cyclops' benefit is fine. Rogue's is worded so that you don't know how it activates or how it works. She Lifesteals on basic attacks? Only on Specials 1 & 3? On heavy attacks? Is it capping her Lifesteal at 1.6% of her health or her opponent's? Is it supposed to be an additional 1.6% of her health or her opponent's?

    Then Nightcrawler... Bamf is a passive that happens whenever he dodges back. So, every time he dodges back, he deals an additional +5% damage? His dodge back does 0 damage. If your intent is to have him deal 5% of his Attack every time he Bamfs, that's only 59.15 damage, but it's damage every single time he dodges back. You gift Nightcrawler the ability to slowly kill his opponent simply by dodging back.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force: Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack. Deadpool gains +13% regeneration. Deadpool X-Force inflicts 2 bleed debuffs when he would normally inflict only one.
    This furthers the problems with Colossus gaining Fury or other buffs whenever Armor Up activates, since he gets Armor Up buffs on Special Attacks now as well.

    Deadpool's regeneration becomes more insane. I only have a 3-star Deadpool, & he gains 2161.06 Health when he drops below 20% health (now boosted to 2442) & his Healing Factor will go from regenerating 6821.33 Health per minute to 7,708.10. A 4-star is bound to be even stronger than that. Since a 3-star Deadpool has 5801 Health, he regenerates his full health meter every 45 seconds. Deadpool's regeneration is insane, & it doesn't really need any sort of a boost. I suspect that's a reason why Deadpool's Synergies never increase his regeneration.

    Finally, Deadpool (X-Force) doubles his Bleed. Again, I only have a 3-star (so this is going to be weaker than what a 4-star can accomplish), but it bumps his Direct Bleed Damage on SP2 from 1225 to 2450, & his SP3 goes from 1421 to 2842. Since your average 3-star only has around 6,500 Health, you're basically letting the Bleed wipe out more than a third of your opponent's Health.

    All-in-all, your ideas are hit-or-miss. Some of them are really great, but the implementation is often too much. If I were to give you my best advice, I would recommend that you look at the values of the Champion's Attributes (Attack rating, Health rating, Critical rating, Critical Damage rating, Armor rating, Block Proficiency) before deciding how much to buff each Champion. I'd also recommend comparing to other top-tier Champions to see how much they've got & try to fall somewhere within that range. I think that if you look at how you can abuse what you want to give to a Champion, you can tone things down to a level where I'd look at that & say, "That looks like a ton of fun to play! There's still a challenge to play that Champion, & it's not a terror to play against. Great job, friend!"

    Best wishes!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Cranmer00 wrote: »
    MAGNETO & Iron fist are trash in the game. Magneto is suppose to be the most powerful mutant. He is wayyy too weak, they actually nerfed his sp1 awhile back to where each hit of the two had a chance to proc bleed. Even with that, he was still horrible, but the nerf had to come from people who don’t play the game.
    So, how would you fix them, friend?
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111

    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank:
    Activating an armor up has a 10% chance to activate an armor up passive, increasing armor rating by 215.
    Armor passive takes 8 hits to remove.


    Iron Will: Whenever Colossus loses 5% health, he gains an armor up, increasing armor rating by 115 for 4 seconds.
    Note: Only one armor up will activate if he loses multiples of 5% health in one hit.

    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen. This instantly removes the incinerate debuff, and grants him an armor up buff for 6 seconds that increases his armor rating by 115 for every debuff applied.

    Conscious Metal:
    When Colossus holds block for 1 second, he converts an armor up into a fury, increasing attack by 115 for 6 seconds.
    Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
    Charging his heavy attack for more than 1 second converts 1 armor up buff into 1 precision buff (increasing critical rating by 7% for 7 seconds).

    Special 1:
    Has a 100% chance to stun for 4 seconds.

    Special 2:
    Has a 70% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 555 for 6 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 115 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    70% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 20%) for 7 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 215 for 6 seconds.

    with Juggernaut:
    All champions gain +155 critical damage rating.

    Siblings with Majik:
    Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs.
    Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man Logan:
    +130 armor rating for all Champions.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), and Rogue:
    Colossus gains +75 attack for every armor up he has.
    Cyclops' beam attacks drain up to 6% power from his opponent.
    Rogue's basic attacks lifesteals up to 10 health per hit.

    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force:
    Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack.
    Deadpool's bleeds deal +40 damage.
    Deadpool (X-Force) power flood activates twice, once when at 60% health and once at 30%.

  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »

    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank:
    Activating an armor up has a 10% chance to activate an armor up passive, increasing armor rating by 215.
    Armor passive takes 8 hits to remove.


    Iron Will: Whenever Colossus loses 5% health, he gains an armor up, increasing armor rating by 115 for 4 seconds.
    Note: Only one armor up will activate if he loses multiples of 5% health in one hit.

    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen. This instantly removes the incinerate debuff, and grants him an armor up buff for 6 seconds that increases his armor rating by 115 for every debuff applied.

    Conscious Metal:
    When Colossus holds block for 1 second, he converts an armor up into a fury, increasing attack by 115 for 6 seconds.
    Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
    Charging his heavy attack for more than 1 second converts 1 armor up buff into 1 precision buff (increasing critical rating by 7% for 7 seconds).

    Special 1:
    Has a 100% chance to stun for 4 seconds.

    Special 2:
    Has a 70% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 555 for 6 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 115 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    70% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 20%) for 7 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 215 for 6 seconds.

    with Juggernaut:
    All champions gain +155 critical damage rating.

    Siblings with Majik:
    Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs.
    Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man Logan:
    +130 armor rating for all Champions.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), and Rogue:
    Colossus gains +75 attack for every armor up he has.
    Cyclops' beam attacks drain up to 6% power from his opponent.
    Rogue's basic attacks lifesteals up to 10 health per hit.

    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force:
    Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack.
    Deadpool's bleeds deal +40 damage.
    Deadpool (X-Force) power flood activates twice, once when at 60% health and once at 30%.

    Ok I’m a little confused, some parts of this seem pitifully weak, while others seem grossly overpowered...

    Special 1 always stuns, for 4.5 seconds with masteries. That’s just broken. I like the incinerate immunity. But I feel like the fury and armor are both really weak. Especially since you can only convert an armor every once in a while...135 is a 10% ish fury buff. Which I feel isn’t strong enough. I’d recommend the following.

    Signature ability: Heavy Metal: Getting hit with pure steel hurts. 75% chance that a heavy attack will apply a concussion debuff, decreasing enemies defensive ability accuracy by 20% and lasting 7 seconds. As well as giving Colossus a permanent fury passive, Increasing attack by 74.6 per. (These stack up to 10)

    I feel like this combined with your changes could make Colossus a decent AAR champion and give him some damage potential. Along with two immunities. I’d also change that 100% to a 55% chance if you wanna keep that long stun
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111

    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank:
    Activating an armor up has a 20% chance to activate a permanent fury passive, increasing attack rating by 73.9 per passive.
    Max stacks: 10.
    Heavy attacks have a 75% chance to apply a concussion debuff for 7 seconds, decreasing ability accuracy by 15%.
    Max stacks: 5


    Iron Will:
    Whenever Colossus loses 7% health, he gains an armor up, increasing armor rating by 350 for 4 seconds.
    Note: Only one armor up will activate if he loses multiples of 7% health in one hit.

    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen. This instantly removes the incinerate debuff, and grants him an armor up buff for 6 seconds that increases his armor rating by 350 for every debuff applied.

    Conscious Metal:
    When Colossus holds block for 1 second, he converts an armor up into a fury, increasing attack by 250 for 6 seconds.
    Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.

    Special 1:
    Has a 100% chance to stun for 2.5 seconds.

    Special 2:
    Has a 70% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 555 for 6 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 250 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    70% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 20%) for 7 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 250 for 6 seconds.

    with Juggernaut:
    All champions gain +155 critical damage rating.

    Siblings with Majik:
    Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs.
    Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man Logan:
    +130 armor rating for all Champions.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), and Rogue:
    Colossus gains +75 attack for every armor up he has.
    Cyclops' beam attacks drain up to 6% power from his opponent.
    Rogue's basic attacks lifesteals up to 10 health per hit.

    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force:
    Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack.
    Deadpool's bleeds deal +40 damage.
    Deadpool (X-Force) power flood activates twice, once when at 60% health and once at 30%.

    Other Champion Reworks:
    Iron Fist
    Black Panther
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Alright time for another one, these are just too much fun. Today we’ll be visiting a class that has a few really strong champions, and a lot of...not good ones. Skill. And the champion at bat?


    All stats are based on a signature 99 5/50 4* champion


    Signature Ability: Recon assist: Falcon gets some assistance from his buddy redwing, who scouts out the enemy before the fight, giving a bonus to all teammates based on the class being fought against.
    When fighting a non avenger skill champion: Gain 15% more effective Damage over time debuffs.
    When fighting a non avenger science champion: Basic attacks ignore 80% of all resistances
    When fighting a non avenger cosmic champion: Whenever an enemies buff expires, gain an unstoppable buff for 1.5 seconds
    When fighting a non avenger tech champion: Armor Break abilities are 30% more effective and Shock effects deal 20% more damage
    When fighting a non avenger mystic champion: Gain 25% non damage over time debuff duration
    Redwing cannot analyze mutant champions.

    Passive: Seeing through Redwings eyes allows Sam to have an advantageous viewpoint on the battlefield. Whenever activating a special attack, Falcon gains a True accuracy passive for the duration of the attack, and lasts for 4 seconds afterwards. True accuracy negates all evade, Autoblock and Invisibility effects

    (Notes: yes I’m doing this again, quick note, the invisibility will apply to Darkhawk and Hood, not Ghost’s phase, that’s a little different. And yes this is different from proxima’s true accuracy.)

    Well Timed Blocks: Falcon blocks with his electrified wings, placing a shock on the opponent, dealing 330 damage over 2 seconds.

    Heavy attack: refreshes any currently active armor break for half its duration

    Special 1: Places a Bleed on the opponent dealing 891.3 damage over 3 seconds, of the opponents armor is broken, the duration of this bleed is doubled. This attack has a 10% chance to place an open wound on the opponent, giving all of falcons basic attacks a 5% chance to bleed the opponent dealing 278 damage over 1 second, these bleed have their duration doubled if the opponents armor is broken

    (Notes: sounds complicated, but think punisher but less reliable, the armor break will appear soon)

    Special 2: Places an Armor break on the opponent. Decreasing armor rating by 350 for 40 seconds. This can stack up to two. This attack also shrugs off any damaging debuffs on falcon.

    (Notes: pseudo immunities, he has to build up to a special two, and it’s unreliable, but it’s a fallback.)

    Special 3: Places a bleed on the opponent dealing 1,354 damage over 7 seconds, this bleeds duration is doubled if the opponents armor is broken. This attack also does double damage to villains of the avengers. (Ultron, Ultron AOU, Thanos, Thanos IW, Loki, Kang, Taskmaster and Green Goblin.)
    (Notes:Let me know who I missed lol)


    Birds eye view: Hawkeye
    Falcon: Bleed effects are 10% more potent
    Hawkeye: special attacks gain true strike, ignoring resistances, Evade, autoblock and invisibility.

    Mantle Bearer: Captain America, Captain america WW2, Captain america infinity war
    Falcon: Well Timed Blocks have their damage reduced to 0.
    Captain America: Perfect Blocks reflect back 40% of the damage that would’ve occurred back on to the opponent. This is capped at 500
    Captain America WW2: Bleed effects last 2 seconds longer
    Captain America IW: Bleed effects are 25% more potent

    Earths mightiest Heroes: All Avengers
    Avengers: Gain 10% crit rate against all villains.

    (Notes: im kinda getting more into it, my inspirations for this redesign were quite clear I think, I took elements from CAIW, Heimdall, Punisher and to an extent Domino. Hope y’all like It and feedback is always welcomed
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    I'm going to take another crack at this. :smile:
    Nairvehl wrote: »

    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank:
    Activating an armor up has a 20% chance to activate a permanent fury passive, increasing attack rating by 73.9 per passive.
    Max stacks: 10.
    Heavy attacks have a 75% chance to apply a concussion debuff for 7 seconds, decreasing ability accuracy by 15%.
    Max stacks: 5
    So, every time that you activate an Armor Up, now you get permanent Fury buffs. He's going to get one every time he loses 7% of his Health (seen below, and I did catch the caveat about multiples), so he can gain up to 14 of them per fight (capped at 10), raising his Attack from 1159 to 1898. He's hitting pretty darn hard there for a 4/55 5-star... As a 4-star. I get that he's only going to get this 20% of the time, but that's as high as it can go. He's probably not going to trigger more than 3 (barring Ability Accuracy increases), so he'll still be throwing down at 1380.7. It's a mediocre increase that could potentially be overwhelming.

    Plus, throw down 5 Heavies and you have a great chance to reduce your opponent's Ability Accuracy by 75%. Does that feel like a lot of work for a really huge benefit to you? This ability needs some tweaking.
    Nairvehl wrote: »

    Iron Will:
    Whenever Colossus loses 7% health, he gains an armor up, increasing armor rating by 350 for 4 seconds.
    Note: Only one armor up will activate if he loses multiples of 7% health in one hit.
    As mentioned above, he can get up to 14 of these per fight, but they only last for 4 seconds each. I find this to be underwhelming for a guy whose super-power is armor. I'm not keen on the auto-gain when you take damage mechanic, either. I get that it's meant to make him last longer in fights as he loses Health, but Armor Breaks will strip these right off. However, I'm not convinced that they should be passive Permanents either.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen. This instantly removes the incinerate debuff, and grants him an armor up buff for 6 seconds that increases his armor rating by 350 for every debuff applied.
    This is okay, but I still think he should just have Incinerate immunity.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Conscious Metal:
    When Colossus holds block for 1 second, he converts an armor up into a fury, increasing attack by 250 for 6 seconds.
    Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
    This is going to stack with those passives. Assuming that he's only getting 3 passives per fight, that's going to push his Attack rating up to 1630.7 as a 4-star. Pretty hefty. This ability isn't broken, but it feels like it could be better, especially since it's going to strip 350 Armor off, and there's no reason not to do this as his Armor Ups fall off pretty fast. So, lose some Health, Armor Up, block, convert to Fury, savage your foe. That's going to be his best tactic. Does this make him more fun to play?
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 1:
    Has a 100% chance to stun for 2.5 seconds.
    I don't have a problem with the special effect... But it's still way to easy to dodge, so he's almost never going to stun off of this. The only way to fix this is to rework how the Special Attack hits the opponent.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 2:
    Has a 70% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 555 for 6 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 250 for 6 seconds.
    Armor Break plus Fury is going to hurt... But again, that's only if you connect, which most of the time you won't because this Special Attack is way too easy to dodge. The way it's written, you get the Fury buff no matter what, which is an okay consolation prize.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 3:
    70% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 20%) for 7 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 250 for 6 seconds.
    5 Heavy Attacks, Special 3. Congratulations! You have a decent chance to reduce your opponent's Ability Accuracy by 95% for up to 7 seconds, since nothing says this doesn't stack with the Concussion from your Signature Ability.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    with Juggernaut:
    All champions gain +155 critical damage rating.

    Siblings with Majik:
    Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs.
    Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man Logan:
    +130 armor rating for all Champions.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), and Rogue:
    Colossus gains +75 attack for every armor up he has.
    Cyclops' beam attacks drain up to 6% power from his opponent.
    Rogue's basic attacks lifesteals up to 10 health per hit.
    Colossus and Rogue's synergies seem underwhelming. Cyclops... It says "up to 6%". How does it scale up?
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force:
    Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack.
    Deadpool's bleeds deal +40 damage.
    Deadpool (X-Force) power flood activates twice, once when at 60% health and once at 30%.
    Because Colossus' synergy here doesn't give a time limit, those Armor Ups appear to be permanent, and it doesn't say how much armor he gets, so I assume it's another 350. So long as he can keep throwing off Specials, he can infinitely acquire permanent Armor and short-time Fury. Deadpool (X-Force)'s synergy actually gives him some utility as a possible AW defender on an All-or-Nothing node (provided the attacker is not Bleed Immune).

    Overall, this rework seems a lot more balanced, but I believe that you can make Colossus more fun to play. I really feel strongly about Special Attacks 1 & 2 needing to be completely reworked in how they land hits. They're far too easy to dodge away from, and no amount of added goodies are going to improve them if you never get hit by them. In my (never reviewed) Colossus rework (which looking back at, needs some minor tweaks, particularly to the Organic Steel Passive ability), I reworked how Special 1 & 2 connect, making them more difficult to just step back away from. I'd recommend that you do the same (though you don't have to do it my way).

    Best wishes!
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  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Here are those little tweaks.

    Champion Redesign: Colossus (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    One of the earliest Champions in the Contest, Colossus has been overdue for an overhaul for a long, long time. He doesn't really have much going for him; his powers are incredibly basic, his specials are easy to avoid, he has virtuallly no utility in the game at all... The only thing this Champion really has going for him is the fact that he's Bleed Immune. He's supposed to be a very strong character in the Marvel Universe, but he hits like he's fighting with pillows, even with this damage boost to Special Attacks. As a Champion, he's always been underwhelming, and I think it's well past time to address that issue!

    Lastly, all of the abilities added into Colossus' kit are abilities that have a basis in his powers from comic book canon.

    Signature Ability - Osmium Steel: Piotr's organic steel form allows him to achieve great feats of strength.
    • Colossus gains an additional 57.95 Attack Rating for every Armor Up Buff he has.
    • After charging a Heavy Attack for 1.5 seconds, Colossus' gains an Osmium Steel counter for 5.0 seconds. This Osmium Steel counter increases his Critical Hit Rating on Special Attacks by 1500.
    • Colossus gains a 15% chance to bat projectiles (such as rocks or grenades) aside, perfectly blocking the attack.

    Impenetrable Armor (Passive): In his armored form, Colossus can withstand ballistic penetration, and he can survive temperature extremes from 70 degrees Fahrenheit above absolute zero (-390 degrees Fahrenheit) to approximately 9000 degrees Fahrenheit. Impenetrable Armor provides full immunity to Bleeding, Incinerate, Coldsnap, and Frostbite.
    Persistent Charge: At the start of the fight, if Colossus has a Persistent Charge, he consumes one, re-activating all of his Armor Up effects that were active at the end of his last fight as permanent Passive Armor Up effects.
    • At the start of the fight, if Colossus has 0 Persistent Charges, he will randomly receive between 3 and 6 Persistent Charges.
    All Attacks: When attacked and when attacking, Colossus has a 9% chance to gain an Armor Up Buff. Armor Up increases Armor Rating by 413.11 for 5.0 seconds. Against Skill Champions, Colossus also inflicts an Armor Break if he is attacking, reducing the opponents Armor Rating by 500 for 7.5 seconds. (max stacks: 1)
    • Dodging back and allowing Colossus to idle for 1.0 seconds allows him to convert a temporary Armor Up Buff into a permanent passive effect.
    • Colossus can convert a maximum of 5 permanent Passive Armor Up effects in a fight. Armor Up effects from previous fights do not count towards this limitation.
    • Colossus cannot convert his passive Armor Up effects while fighting if he has 15 or more permanent passive Armor Up effects active.
    Vibranium Weakness (Passive): Attacks that employ vibranium weapons against Colossus (such as Black Panther's claws or Captain America's shield) ignore his Armor Rating.
    Organic Steel (Passive): By Dashing Back and holding Block for 1.5 seconds, Colossus gains an Organic Steel counter, reducing damage from Special Attacks by 20% (max stacks: 3)
    • When Colossus is struck by a Special Attack, all Organic Steel counters are removed.

    Special Attack 1 - Sit Down! Colossus launched himself forward, catching his opponent with a powerful uppercut, then follows up with a punch to the stomach, and one more than knocks his opponent to the ground! This attack has a 45% chance to inflict Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 950 Armor Rating reduction for 8.0 seconds.
    Special Attack 2 - Intimidating Slam: Colossus lets out a terrifying roar, leaping up into the air toward his opponent and smashing down into the ground with shattering force!
    • This attack has a 100% chance to inflict an Intimidate debuff for 4.0 seconds. Intimidate lasts 50% longer against Villain Champions.
    • Dodging back and allowing Colossus to idle for 1.5 seconds allows him to flex his muscles and frighten his opponent, refreshing an active Intimidate.
    • Opponents that are Intimidated have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% lower chance to activate a Special Attack.
    Special Attack 3 - Fastball Special: With a little bit of help from Wolverine, Colossus launches a devastating attack by throwing his friend at his opponent, then finishing the job by stomping on his fallen opponent.
    • This attack has a 100% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 1228.54 Direct Damage over 4.0 seconds. Against Bleed Immune Champions, this attack has a 100% chance to inflict Enervate, preventing opponents from gaining Power for 8.0 seconds.
    • This attack has a 100% chance to inflict an Intimidate debuff for 8.0 seconds. Intimidate lasts 50% longer against Villain Champions.
    • Dodging back and allowing Colossus to idle for 1.0 seconds allows him to flex his muscles and frighten his opponent, refreshing an active Intimidate.
    • Opponents that are Intimidated have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% lower chance to activate a Special Attack.
    Developer's Note: Intimidate debuffs are great for pushing an opponent past the point where they'd activate an Enhanced Special Attack 1 and to the point where they would activate Special Attack 2, which might be easier to avoid. They're also great for allowing you to defeat an opponent on their last few percentage of Health before they can activate a devastating Special 3 Attack!

    • Enemies with Juggernaut: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Family with Magik: All Champions gain +5% Health.
    • Friends with Old Man Logan or Wolverine: All Champions gain +155 Armor Rating.
    • X-Men Second Team with Cyclops (Blue Team), Cyclops (New Xavier School), Nightcrawler, or Storm: Colossus: When attacked or when attacking, Colossus gains an additional 2% chance to gain an Armor Up Buff. Cyclops (Blue Team) and Cyclops (New Xavier School): Armor Break debuffs reduce Armor Rating by an additional 8%. Nightcrawler: When Nightcrawler successfully Evades an attack, he gains an additional +5% Critical Damage Rating until his next Critical Hit. Storm: When damaged by electrical based attacks or when electrical-based damage over time effects trigger on Storm, Storm gains a Power Gain Buff for 3.0 seconds, granting 10% of a Bar of Power. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • X-Force with Iceman, Domino, or Psylocke: Colossus: Intimidate debuffs last for an additional 0.7 seconds. Iceman: Critical Hits have an additional 5% chance to place a Frostbite charge upon his opponent. Domino: Damage from Critical Failure is increased by +20%. Psylocke: Psylocke starts the fight with 1 Psi-Charge. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Raging Russians with Omega Red: Colossus: Intimidate debuffs reduce the chance for an opponent to activate a Special Attack by an additional 10%. Omega Red: Opponents have their Power Rate reduced by 3% for each Death Spore they have on them. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Spider-Gwen
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Hulkbuster
    6. Iron Fist
    7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    8. Falcon
    9. She-Hulk
    10. War Machine
    11. Superior Iron Man
    12. Colossus
    13. Black Panther
    14. Gamora
    15. King Groot
    16. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    Has a dev ever dropped into this thread? Have they picked any suggestion from this thread?

    Porthos has said they acknowledge its existence
    No rework had honestly taken ideas from the thread as far as I’m aware, though
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    You're hard to please @Bodhizen
    Hope this one is better. lol
    BTW, I wanted one of his immunities to give give some added benefit other than being immune. That's why I'm keeping the Hardened Steel ability.
    I changed the wording of Iron Will. Hardened Steel will not add buffs above that allowed by Iron Will.


    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank:
    Activating an armor up has a 40% chance to activate a permanent fury passive, increasing attack rating by 39.3 per passive.
    Max stacks: 10.


    Iron Will:
    Whenever Colossus attacks or gets hit, he has a 10% chance to gain an armor up, increasing armor rating by 250 for 7 seconds.
    Max stacks: 5.

    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen. This instantly removes the incinerate debuff, and grants him an armor up buff for 6 seconds that increases his armor rating by 250 for every debuff applied.

    Conscious Metal:
    When Colossus holds block for 1 second, he converts an armor up into a fury, increasing attack by 250 for 6 seconds.
    Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.

    Special 1:
    His animation would be changed to a left hook followed by a flying knee.
    Has a 100% chance to stun for 2.5 seconds.

    Special 2:
    Animation changed to a shoulder push followed by two elbow hits.
    70% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 50%) for 7 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 250 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    Has a 70% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 515 for 6 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 250 for 6 seconds.

    with Juggernaut:
    All champions gain +155 critical damage rating.

    Siblings with Majik:
    Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs.
    Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man Logan:
    +130 armor rating for all Champions.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), and Rogue:
    Colossus gains +110 attack for every armor up he has.
    Cyclops' beam attacks drain 8% power from his opponent.
    Rogue's basic attacks lifesteals 50 health per hit.

    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force:
    Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack, increasing armor rating by 350 for 7 seconds.
    Deadpool's bleeds deal +34% damage.
    Deadpool (X-Force) power flood activates twice, once when at 60% health and once at 30%.

    Other Champion Reworks:
    Iron Fist
    Black Panther

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    You're hard to please @Bodhizen
    Hope this one is better. lol
    BTW, I wanted one of his immunities to give give some added benefit other than being immune. That's why I'm keeping the Hardened Steel ability.
    I changed the wording of Iron Will. Hardened Steel will not add buffs above that allowed by Iron Will.


    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank:
    Activating an armor up has a 40% chance to activate a permanent fury passive, increasing attack rating by 39.3 per passive.
    Max stacks: 10.


    Iron Will:
    Whenever Colossus attacks or gets hit, he has a 10% chance to gain an armor up, increasing armor rating by 250 for 7 seconds.
    Max stacks: 5.

    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen. This instantly removes the incinerate debuff, and grants him an armor up buff for 6 seconds that increases his armor rating by 250 for every debuff applied.

    Conscious Metal:
    When Colossus holds block for 1 second, he converts an armor up into a fury, increasing attack by 250 for 6 seconds.
    Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.

    Special 1:
    His animation would be changed to a left hook followed by a flying knee.
    Has a 100% chance to stun for 2.5 seconds.

    Special 2:
    Animation changed to a shoulder push followed by two elbow hits.
    70% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 50%) for 7 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 250 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    Has a 70% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 515 for 6 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 250 for 6 seconds.

    with Juggernaut:
    All champions gain +155 critical damage rating.

    Siblings with Majik:
    Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs.
    Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man Logan:
    +130 armor rating for all Champions.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), and Rogue:
    Colossus gains +110 attack for every armor up he has.
    Cyclops' beam attacks drain 8% power from his opponent.
    Rogue's basic attacks lifesteals 50 health per hit.

    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force:
    Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack, increasing armor rating by 350 for 7 seconds.
    Deadpool's bleeds deal +34% damage.
    Deadpool (X-Force) power flood activates twice, once when at 60% health and once at 30%.

    Other Champion Reworks:
    Iron Fist
    Black Panther

    I think this looks pretty well balanced. I like the Hardened Steel mechanic (don't take this guy on, Masacre!).

    Actually I think you could have left the concussion on the SP3 myself; but no worries. Looks fun; and like the synergies for DPX and Cyclops make them more useful.
  • FutureDragonsFutureDragons Member Posts: 14
    Kabam i love to see Gamora buffed as she is daughter of thanos but not so much ability like other champ in a game.also i think that’s why people not use her in a quest.may be some people use her for arena but most of them never rank up her.please buffed her so more we can use her.
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Was told to re-post this here from my other thread so here goes:

    This is an honest request for a Bishop buff. Not to make him OP, but just to make him a better character. Similar to Carnage the bones of a really great design are there, but it didn't quite reach the goal. I like what Kabam did with the character, I just want to see him improved into a more cohesive design.

    Why? Because he honestly is a really cool, fun to play character, and he's sooo CLOSE to where he should be. I suggest the following changes:

    1. Have him only degenerate if you stay at special 3 for too long and don't use it. Doesn't need degeneration on both high prowess and power bar. Part of the appeal of this character is to build up really high prowess stacks, and yet the kit actively punishes you for doing so. I imagine this was a safety net in case Bishop landed up being too crazy, but at this point we have Corvus, Proxima, Domino, and Aegon who all do like 5x Bishops damage anyways.
    2. Instead of gaining no prowess against tech, make it at least 1 charge at a time. It would still make him weaker to tech champions, but at least he could use the charges to regen or get rid of a bleed.
    3. Have him gain an extra prowess charge if he evades any attack and comes back in to hit the enemy (similiar to KM). A single extra prowess stack isn't going to make him that much more powerful, but it would reward you for playing well or against stun immune enemies where you aren't gaining stacks by blocking.
    4. The synergies are a nice idea, but they also could use an update. Chronal anchor is cool (anti power gain synergy), but it doesn't make that much sense for Bishop who doesn't otherwise have a way to power control, and it doesn't last long enough to be that much use for Psylocke. What if instead of giving prowess and part of a power bar they gave prowess and then for each conduit you gained power when you gain prowess? So, gaining prowess in the fight would also fill your bar faster per active synergy.
    5. Have the regen be based on his power bar as well, not his prowess. You don't really want to use prowess for anything other than blowing up enemies. Using it for bleed removal, regen, and specials all at the same time means there is never enough prowess to go around or it's not being utilized well. Plus there is no way to control how it is used up, as any special eats the entire stack. If you really want to go crazy with buffs could make it so the regen increases based on how high his power bar is or how many prowess stacks he has, but that might be too much.
    6. The sig ability is a cool idea, but it would make more sense if you got these bonuses as you reached the bar of power (like Angela) rather than before the fight. It's almost impossible to control how many bars of power you will start with every fight, and it takes a lot of planning to make use of the signature ability. For example, have the unblockable specials and high stacks of prowess active, but then the other parts he would only gain as he hits those bars of power for the special. You hit 2 bars you have the incinerate, 3 would be the steady release buff, and then you could actually make use of the ability accuracy/stun immunity buff because you could stay within 1 bar of power (use your special just before special 2, then repeat to stay around special 1 and keep that specific buff).

    Am I going to far? I feel like Bishop has a cool design, good match ups, but just isn't quite there due to the way his kit interacts with itself and his extremely low crit chance.
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Also, here's an Iron Fist suggestion:

    Iron fist charges up for 7 seconds if he hasn't been hit by the enemy and his hands begin to glow and he gains a buff of the same name. While it's active he has true strike and 300% block penetration (the invade node, but on a buff).

    Damaging Iron Fist or putting a Fatigue/Weakness debuff on him will end the affect, requiring him to charge up again.

    While holding block Iron Fist focuses his chi regenerating a small % of health, and if he can focus for at least 2 seconds he cleanses shock, bleed, and poison debuffs.

    The above would make sense because as a character Iron fists premise is that he charges up and then activates his ability, but once it is active basically can decimate anything with his fists aka the true strike. The second part is because he has also shown an ability to use his chi for healing both in the TV series and comics. This is also similar to Karnak who shares a similar concept, where he build up focus to get critical strike. If Kabam ever makes a hybrid character Iron Fist would be a good contender for Skill/Mystic (they almost did it with Karnak and UC).

    Btw, Kabam let me know if you need another character designer I'll apply!
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Also, an Abomination suggestion:

    Instead of having poison on Abomination it would probably make more sense to re-use Omega Reds mechanic, but rather than "Death Spores" this champion would have radioactivity. Being near him would build up Radiation debuffs that deal damage and reduce healing. Keep the Fury generation and give him stuns on each of his specials, increased by how many Radiation debuffs the enemy has on them. Add a new animation of Abomination grappling the enemy champion and crushing them to his special 3, to go with the new mechanic and place full Radiation debuffs on the opponent when used. Note that Abomination should be immune to Radiation debuffs (both because that wouldn't make much sense in an Abomination vs Abomination fight, and logically).

    This way when you use a special you can maintain Fury easier by continuing to hit the opponent as well as Radiation debuff, but as a defender there is a way to play around the Radiation debuff (attack and back away, like Gladiator Hulk or Omega Red). It also gives Abomination some use as a poison/radiation immune champion that also can act as a heal blocker by maintaining close vicinity to the enemy. This also opens up the possibility of unique synergies that either increase the speed he can debuff opponents or extra power to his Radiation.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★

    Signature Ability: Recon assist: Falcon gets some assistance from his buddy redwing, who scouts out the enemy before the fight, giving a bonus to all teammates based on the class being fought against.
    When fighting a non avenger skill champion: Gain 15% more effective Damage over time debuffs.
    When fighting a non avenger science champion: Basic attacks ignore 80% of all resistances
    When fighting a non avenger cosmic champion: Whenever an enemies buff expires, gain an unstoppable buff for 1.5 seconds
    When fighting a non avenger tech champion: Armor Break abilities are 30% more effective and Shock effects deal 20% more damage
    When fighting a non avenger mystic champion: Gain 25% non damage over time debuff duration
    Redwing cannot analyze mutant champions.

    Passive: Seeing through Redwings eyes allows Sam to have an advantageous viewpoint on the battlefield. Whenever activating a special attack, Falcon gains a True accuracy passive for the duration of the attack, and lasts for 4 seconds afterwards. True accuracy negates all evade, Autoblock and Invisibility effects

    (Notes: yes I’m doing this again, quick note, the invisibility will apply to Darkhawk and Hood, not Ghost’s phase, that’s a little different. And yes this is different from proxima’s true accuracy.)

    Well Timed Blocks: Falcon blocks with his electrified wings, placing a shock on the opponent, dealing 330 damage over 2 seconds.

    Heavy attack: refreshes any currently active armor break for half its duration

    Interesting (total) redesign of Falcon's Sig. No more recon scans? No more 100% reduction in Ability Accuracy? Personally, I kind of liked that... As a Sig, I think this is interesting, and balanced; but I think it's taken Falcon's existing niche away from him.

    Well-timed blocks cause shock? I'm happy as long as they give Electro the same ability!

    Special 1: Places a Bleed on the opponent dealing 891.3 damage over 3 seconds; if the opponents armor is broken, the duration of this bleed is doubled. This attack has a 10% chance to place an open wound on the opponent, giving all of falcons basic attacks a 5% chance to bleed the opponent dealing 278 damage over 1 second, these bleed have their duration doubled if the opponents armor is broken

    Special 2: Places an Armor break on the opponent. Decreasing armor rating by 350 for 40 seconds. This can stack up to twice. This attack also shrugs off any damaging debuffs on falcon.

    (Notes: pseudo immunities, he has to build up to a special two, and it’s unreliable, but it’s a fallback.)

    Special 3: Places a bleed on the opponent dealing 1,354 damage over 7 seconds, this bleeds duration is doubled if the opponents armor is broken. This attack also does double damage to villains of the avengers. (Ultron, Ultron AOU, Thanos, Thanos IW, Loki, Kang, Taskmaster and Green Goblin.)
    (Notes:Let me know who I missed lol)

    Specials are fairly balanced. 'Borrowing' Open Wounds will make Falcon significantly more effective; but not overpowered. As a way to give bleed-resistant and shrug-off champs resistance to being left with an open wound (which doesn't make much sense), I'd suggest "If the Bleed effect lasts its' full duration, it has a 20% chance to leave an Open Wound..."
    I prefer this Special 2 effect than the old one; but 40 seconds seems a bit long. Even twenty would be a very long effect. Nice to access a shrug effect without it being OP.
    Special-3 seems good too, although I'd add the following to the list: Void, Corvus, Proxima, Crossbones and MODOK. Arguably Ronan belongs there, too; although in the MCU he's mostly a GOTG villain.

    Birds eye view: Hawkeye
    Falcon: Bleed effects are 10% more potent
    Hawkeye: special attacks gain true strike, ignoring resistances, Evade, autoblock and invisibility.

    Mantle Bearer: Captain America, Captain america WW2, Captain america infinity war
    Falcon: Well Timed Blocks have their damage reduced to 0.
    Captain America: Perfect Blocks reflect back 40% of the damage that would’ve occurred back on to the opponent. This is capped at 500
    Captain America WW2: Bleed effects last 2 seconds longer
    Captain America IW: Bleed effects are 25% more potent

    Earths mightiest Heroes: All Avengers
    Avengers: Gain 10% crit rate against all villains.

    Synergies generally good; although I think you mean that Hawkeye gains True Accuracy, not True Strike. He shouldn't be bypassing armour except via crits.

    All in all, that's a nice rework; although for me, I'd retain his AAR over your more offensive-based signature.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »

    Colossus: Based on 5/50 4* with max sig ability.

    Sig Ability:
    Titanium Tank:
    Activating an armor up has a 10% chance to activate an armor up passive, increasing armor rating by 215.
    Armor passive takes 8 hits to remove.


    Iron Will: Whenever Colossus loses 5% health, he gains an armor up, increasing armor rating by 115 for 4 seconds.
    Note: Only one armor up will activate if he loses multiples of 5% health in one hit.

    Hardened Steel:
    Inflicting an incinerate debuff on Colossus causes his metal physiology to strengthen. This instantly removes the incinerate debuff, and grants him an armor up buff for 6 seconds that increases his armor rating by 115 for every debuff applied.

    Conscious Metal:
    When Colossus holds block for 1 second, he converts an armor up into a fury, increasing attack by 115 for 6 seconds.
    Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
    Charging his heavy attack for more than 1 second converts 1 armor up buff into 1 precision buff (increasing critical rating by 7% for 7 seconds).

    Special 1:
    Has a 100% chance to stun for 4 seconds.

    Special 2:
    Has a 70% chance to apply an armor break, reducing armor rating by 555 for 6 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 115 for 6 seconds.

    Special 3:
    70% chance to apply concussion (reducing ability accuracy by 20%) for 7 seconds.
    Activates a fury buff, increasing attack rating by 215 for 6 seconds.

    with Juggernaut:
    All champions gain +155 critical damage rating.

    Siblings with Majik:
    Colossus starts the fight with 2 armor up buffs.
    Majik has 5% increased power gain.

    Friends with Wolverine and Old Man Logan:
    +130 armor rating for all Champions.

    X-Men with Cyclops (Blue Team), and Rogue:
    Colossus gains +75 attack for every armor up he has.
    Cyclops' beam attacks drain up to 6% power from his opponent.
    Rogue's basic attacks lifesteals up to 10 health per hit.

    Bromance with Deadpool and Deapool X-Force:
    Colossus gains +1 armor up after every special attack.
    Deadpool's bleeds deal +40 damage.
    Deadpool (X-Force) power flood activates twice, once when at 60% health and once at 30%.

    Your suggestions seem out of character. Colossus is a gentle giant, why would he gain fury? And his armour is referred to as organic steel, as the current signature ability states, not titanium. Also, Colossus already gains increased attack and power gain from his synergies with Omega Red and Emma Frost.

    The armor rating increase from the Armor Ups are a laughing stock. Iron Man IW is 2225 and he can easily stack up 4. Colossus should be at least on par, like 1500. Also because his Special Attack Damage increases based on armor. Just like IMIW auto-blocks when gaining 4 armor passives, Colossus converts it into an Unbreakable passive that keeps the armor rating, makes him Armor Break immune and lasts 9.75 seconds.

    Armor Up chances doubles when it's a blocked hit, and quadruples with Well-Timed Blocks.

    Critical hits have a 90% chance to Bruise debuff passive, which counts as a bleed and deals as much bleed damage as Wolverine's bleeds. Bruises also decreases Critical Hit Resistance.

    Colossus should simply be immune to all bleed, poison, incinerate and shock damage.

    I'd rather have that Colossus has the same mechanic as Iceman. His current Armor passive layer becomes a visual passive that is used when he is hit by more than 5%. This passive can be removed by Armor Break, but his Armor Up buffs are preferentially removed.

    Sp1: apply an Armor Break that removes an Armor Up and decreases Armor rating by 750.
    Sp2: each hit has a 50% to apply Concussion and Daze debuffs, decreasing Offensive and Defensive Ability Accuracy by 25%. Each hit has an increased Critical Hit Rating.
    Sp3: apply an Armor Shatter debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 2250 and preventing Armor Up to occur for 20 seconds + Petrify debuff, stunning the opponent for 1.5 seconds + 0.25 second per Armor Buff and reducing Power Gain and Regeneration by 50% + Haemorrhage, an extra potent and long Bruise.

    His signature ability should stay the same: an extra high Armor Up. This Armor Up also increases Perfect Block Chance by 50%. Also, he gets a similar mechanic as Killmonger's Reverbation: 50%-100% of the reduced damage is reverted back to the attacker as Direct Damage.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    His signature ability should stay the same: an extra high Armor Up. This Armor Up also increases Perfect Block Chance by 50%. Also, he gets a similar mechanic as Killmonger's Reverbation: 50%-100% of the reduced damage is reverted back to the attacker as Direct Damage.
    I forgot. If one of this sig Armor Up is converted into the Unbreakable buff, he also becomes Indestructible.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name: M.O.D.O.K.

    Which features or abilities I don't like:
    - you just don't know what flux is active so you can't make full advantage of them, ruining any tactics.
    - his block proficiency is so low that it impairs sustainability.
    - the final attack of a combo: it is a nice animation and it just feels like it should do something.
    - the sp1 is nice, but unless you're fighting a Regen or Power Gain champ, it has no use.
    - the sp2 bleed effects deal the exact same damage as the Incinerates from the heavy.
    - the sig ability is plain useless, M.O.D.O.K. isn't the champion for questing. I however would keep the block proficiency boost, as low as it is.

    - Visualise the flux with a passive buff which effect is active and for how long.
    - I would beef block proficiency up to like 40% damage reduction, not too much but more noticeable.
    - I suggest giving the final hit a Weakness debuff or like an unique 'Disorient' debuff that combines the effects of Daze and Concussion.
    - Maybe either beefing up sp1 damage by making it True Damage or giving it Incinerate debuffs.
    - Boost the effects.
    - Boost the sp2 bleed damage.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    - I suggest giving the final hit a Weakness debuff or like an unique 'Disorient' debuff that combines the effects of Daze and Concussion.
    It would also be nice if the Disorient debuff decreases Evasion chance by like 25%.

  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Champion Redesign: Karnak (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Karnak, as a Champion, is particularly mediocre. His special attacks are easy to evade, and even with his True Strike ability active, he's not particularly great as an attacker. Even with all of his supposed "training", he's hardly a challenge on his own. The only thing that makes him dangerous are Node boosts that make any Champion dangerous. Karnak is in major need of a rework.

    Signature Ability - Second Tower Training:
    • Karnak's Inhuman metabolism and Autonomic Function Control allows him to shrug off Debuff effects by 50% faster than normal and reduces damage from Poison by 65%.
    • Due to his Autonomic Function Control, whenever Karnak recovers Health for any reason, the Potency of the Health recovery is increased by 20%.

    Martial Focus (Passive): Given time to study his opponent, Karnak becomes Focused, gaining 4200 Critical Rating. Whenever he is struck, Karnak loses focus for 9 seconds.
    Callused Skin (Passive): Covered in dense calluses, Karnak has toughened his skin and gains 650 increased Physical Resistance.
    Stress Point Detection: All Attacks reduce the opponent's ability to Perfectly Block attacks by 80%. Additionally, after charging a Heavy Attack for 1.0 seconds, Karnak can inflict an Armor Break debuff that reduces the opponent's Armor Rating by 482 for 7.5 seconds. [max stacks: 6]
    Studied Target (Passive): Every 5 seconds, Karnak raises his Attack rating by 2.0%.

    Special Attack 1: Distortion & Focus — Create distance, then focus to see the flaws.
    Animation Rework: Karnak slides into his opponent, feet-first, knocking them to the ground. He then leaps back and focuses upon his opponent's flaws.
    • This attack allows Karnak to become Focused instantly.
    • Karnak discovers his opponent's stress points, gaining True Strike for 8.5 seconds. This allows him to ignore Armor, Resistances, and Evasion.
    Special Attack 2: The Three Worlds — Through focus, understanding and strength, Karnak demonstrates his worlds philosophy.
    • Damage from this attack increases by up to 50% based on how low the opponent's Health is at the time of impact.
    Special Attack 3: Blind Time — All of humanity is as nothing. The universe will not notice when Karnak's foe is no longer.
    • Karnak Dazes his foes with his strike, reducing their Defensive Ability Accuracy by 80% for 40.0 seconds.

    • Enemies with Magneto or Magneto Marvel NOW!: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Family with Black Bolt or Medusa: All Champions gain +6% Health.
    • Teammates with Beast, Captain Marvel, or Ms. Marvel: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Martial Rivals with Black Widow, Iron Man, Daredevil, or Daredevil (Netflix): Karnak: Karnak gains a +4% chance to Auto-Block basic attacks. This can trigger Parry. Black Widow: Increase the duration of Cruelty Buffs by 50%. Iron Man: Iron Man gains a 50% chance to ignore Armor Break effects. Daredevil and Daredevil (Netflix): Light Attacks reduce the opponent's chance of triggering a Passive Evade by 100%. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Spider-Gwen
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Hulkbuster
    6. Iron Fist
    7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    8. Falcon
    9. She-Hulk
    10. War Machine
    11. Superior Iron Man
    12. Colossus
    13. Black Panther
    14. Gamora
    15. King Groot
    16. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Champion Redesign: Karnak (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Karnak, as a Champion, is particularly mediocre. His special attacks are easy to evade, and even with his True Strike ability active, he's not particularly great as an attacker. Even with all of his supposed "training", he's hardly a challenge on his own. The only thing that makes him dangerous are Node boosts that make any Champion dangerous. Karnak is in major need of a rework.

    Signature Ability - Second Tower Training:
    • Karnak's Inhuman metabolism and Autonomic Function Control allows him to shrug off Debuff effects by 50% faster than normal and reduces damage from Poison by 65%.
    • Due to his Autonomic Function Control, whenever Karnak recovers Health for any reason, the Potency of the Health recovery is increased by 20%.

    Martial Focus (Passive): Given time to study his opponent, Karnak becomes Focused, gaining 4200 Critical Rating. Whenever he is struck, Karnak loses focus for 9 seconds.
    Callused Skin (Passive): Covered in dense calluses, Karnak has toughened his skin and gains 650 increased Physical Resistance.
    Stress Point Detection: All Attacks reduce the opponent's ability to Perfectly Block attacks by 80%. Additionally, after charging a Heavy Attack for 1.0 seconds, Karnak can inflict an Armor Break debuff that reduces the opponent's Armor Rating by 482 for 7.5 seconds. [max stacks: 6]
    Studied Target (Passive): Every 5 seconds, Karnak raises his Attack rating by 2.0%.

    Studied target has a chance to be too powerful for longer fights. Well, the way that that is written. There is no cap for increased attack.
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Special Attack 1: Distortion & Focus — Create distance, then focus to see the flaws.
    Animation Rework: Karnak slides into his opponent, feet-first, knocking them to the ground. He then leaps back and focuses upon his opponent's flaws.
    • This attack allows Karnak to become Focused instantly.
    • Karnak discovers his opponent's stress points, gaining True Strike for 8.5 seconds. This allows him to ignore Armor, Resistances, and Evasion.
    Special Attack 2: The Three Worlds — Through focus, understanding and strength, Karnak demonstrates his worlds philosophy.
    • Damage from this attack increases by up to 50% based on how low the opponent's Health is at the time of impact.
    Special Attack 3: Blind Time — All of humanity is as nothing. The universe will not notice when Karnak's foe is no longer.
    • Karnak Dazes his foes with his strike, reducing their Defensive Ability Accuracy by 80% for 40.0 seconds.

    • Enemies with Magneto or Magneto Marvel NOW!: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Family with Black Bolt or Medusa: All Champions gain +6% Health.
    • Teammates with Beast, Captain Marvel, or Ms. Marvel: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Martial Rivals with Black Widow, Iron Man, Daredevil, or Daredevil (Netflix): Karnak: Karnak gains a +4% chance to Auto-Block basic attacks. This can trigger Parry. Black Widow: Increase the duration of Cruelty Buffs by 50%. Iron Man: Iron Man gains a 50% chance to ignore Armor Break effects. Daredevil and Daredevil (Netflix): Light Attacks reduce the opponent's chance of triggering a Passive Evade by 100%. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Spider-Gwen
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Hulkbuster
    6. Iron Fist
    7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    8. Falcon
    9. She-Hulk
    10. War Machine
    11. Superior Iron Man
    12. Colossus
    13. Black Panther
    14. Gamora
    15. King Groot
    16. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

    Everything else though I like. Waiting for more lol.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Studied Target (Passive): Every 5 seconds, Karnak raises his Attack rating by 2.0%.

    Studied target has a chance to be too powerful for longer fights. Well, the way that that is written. There is no cap for increased attack.
    So, Karnak's canonical abilities are based off of his ability to study his opponents, find their weaknesses, and overcome them. In his current version, he reduces his Class Disadvantage by 2.0% for every 5 seconds the fight goes on. This isn't entirely dissimilar, and it's meant to give him a bigger advantage the longer a fight goes on for.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Everything else though I like. Waiting for more lol.
    Thank you. I actually just designed a brand new Champion here.

  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Studied Target (Passive): Every 5 seconds, Karnak raises his Attack rating by 2.0%.

    Studied target has a chance to be too powerful for longer fights. Well, the way that that is written. There is no cap for increased attack.
    So, Karnak's canonical abilities are based off of his ability to study his opponents, find their weaknesses, and overcome them. In his current version, he reduces his Class Disadvantage by 2.0% for every 5 seconds the fight goes on. This isn't entirely dissimilar, and it's meant to give him a bigger advantage the longer a fight goes on for.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Everything else though I like. Waiting for more lol.
    Thank you. I actually just designed a brand new Champion here.

    I get what you mean. And I agree with the increase. Wish you well.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Studied Target (Passive): Every 5 seconds, Karnak raises his Attack rating by 2.0%.

    Studied target has a chance to be too powerful for longer fights. Well, the way that that is written. There is no cap for increased attack.
    So, Karnak's canonical abilities are based off of his ability to study his opponents, find their weaknesses, and overcome them. In his current version, he reduces his Class Disadvantage by 2.0% for every 5 seconds the fight goes on. This isn't entirely dissimilar, and it's meant to give him a bigger advantage the longer a fight goes on for.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Everything else though I like. Waiting for more lol.
    Thank you. I actually just designed a brand new Champion here.

    I get what you mean. And I agree with the increase. Wish you well.
    Thank you kindly, good sir.

    Just to put the math out there for anyone who needs it...

    Karnak gets +2% Attack at 5 seconds into the fight. At 10 seconds in, he's at +4% (and so on). By the end of 3 minutes (like an AQ or AW fight), he's at +72% Attack. He's got to be in the fight 4 minutes, 10 seconds in order to get +100% Attack. That's going to make him killer in long-long fights, like dealing with the Labyrinth of Legends, but probably not more so than Star-Lord. I suppose there should be a cap on it, though. I'll post a revision in a little bit that has the cap.

    Best wishes!
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