Why do people think Iceman can easily tank a SP3?
I finally got my hands on an Iceman after all this time, and I immediately ranked him up, having heard all the good reviews about him. I was especially interested in his ability to tank a SP3 with his Ice Armor. Imagine my disappointment when the opponent, like almost every character in the game, used a SP3 that had multiple strikes and the first one broke the Ice Armor and the rest of them broke the Ice Man. Are there really that many characters with single-source Special 3 attacks that this is a big selling point for Iceman?
Icemans works though
Ghost- the walking synergy cheat code, can tank a sp3 while taking no dmg while phased
it would help if you gave info as to wat happened....
That would be true if it was his signature ability
No magik dont work like that either.
Iceman dont get incinerated by red hulk fake news#
No one said he did. He takes direct damage due to the heat charges
Just like Masacre deals direct damage on a crit when not ignited.
As far as I'm aware, Magik doesn't work like that. I'm unaware of a SP3 that nullifies buffs that removes Ice Armor in such a way that you then take full damage. Magik I know definitely doesn't work that way, at least not normally.