Given the current meta, what do you think is the single most important ability for a champ to have?

Personally I think it will always be power control, but other than it seems like True Strike is needed against a lot of the more recent champs.
Armor break and immunities deserve honorable mentions as well
Actually, AA reduction might beat True Strike, no? Since it can prevent auto-block, evade, etc from happening in the first place?
For instant, several champions that are newly released require Armor Break to be able to defeat them (IMIW, Emma Frost) and champions that do it easily are highly valuable (Medusa, IMIW, Venom).
Anti-Evade and Anti-Auto-Block is also something that is very valuable, so champions who can become Unblockable or reduce Evade are valuable (again, IMIW and Venom).
Also, the meta seems to get more and more dominated by champions who either A) need long fights to build-up their maximum potential (Thing's Fury, IMIW's Plasma debuffs) or
A champion who has many abilities and is flexible, is a meta-champion. I also think more champions will come that target the current god tier champions. The meta has been fixed for quite some time, I think it is Kabam's ambition to break it.
I’d say power control if the best for end game content there has been a ridiculous amount of increased power gain, spite, and cornered nodes.
Hypothetically yes, but in practice it depends because most AAR in the game comes with strings. Sometimes it only reduces, it doesn't nullify; sometimes it requires tactics to activate like Killmonger or can't be up all the time like Karnak; sometimes it is situational like abilities that only debuff defensive AA or offensive AA. Theoretically a champion that just set your Ability Accuracy Attribute to zero at the start of the fight would probably be packing the strongest single ability in the game, but that currently doesn't exist as far as I'm aware.
In actual practice, I find true strike and power control to be roughly tied in terms of in-game effectiveness in terms of how much the players are allowed to have and use. If we were talking about pre-12.0 Black Widow running around with -100% DAA right from the start, I'd say AAR would be in a three-way tie for effectiveness in the game. But that's largely a subjective call for me.
To answer the OPs question, I think in the current state of the game the single most important feature for a champ to have is to not depend on a single ability. The best champs seem to have at least one thing going for them defensively and at least two very useful things going for them offensively. For example, take the queen of being relevant for a long time: Magik. She has power steal and power lock which are both good defensive tools. She also has nullify, and she has a scaling special three attack that can devastate anything that has the misfortune to run too many active buffs. And these are all good offensive and defensive tools as an attacker: she's also a decent defender with Limbo damage and Limbo damage-erasure.
Other champs that have multiple very strong offensive and defensive tools: Hyperion (who has stuns for defensive utility), Archangel (stuns, AAR), OG Vision, Sparky, Iceman, Blade, Void, Medusa, Quake, Ghost Rider, Omega Red, Captain America IW, Dr. Voodoo, Killmonger, Corvus. I'm not saying these are the best champs today or will be the best champs tomorrow, but I think champs like this have the best chance of staying relevant at or near the top deep into the future of the game.
Probability field PASSIVE ability....
-crit rate increase ( domino)
-Crit rate reduction ( opponent)
-Critical bleed !!!!
-AAR ( opponent)
-Ability Accuracy increase (domino)
-Power gain
This has proven to be very effective so far and it is always active...
It somewhat exists. The champion is called Mephisto. No buffs activated at the beginning of the fight, also counts for node buffs. Node buffs don't even pop-up unless re-triggered. If the node buff is a permanent one, it is simply gone. It helps a lot in lots of quests.
Number one is regen for me I think a good reliable regen is still the greatest asset in the game. Number two nullify the ability to cut off most peoples buffs is something that is really handy for most fights. Number 3 Power drain/burn/steal, this is a really good weapon to have necessary in some scenarios. So for me it is a mix of things, but in my opinion Doc. Voodoo or ghost rider are the two best champs right now IMO as far as going into a quest blind.
Soul Imprisonment is definitely useful, but as it only works to suppress buffs there's a lot of abilities it doesn't affect that general ability accuracy reduction would affect, things like evades and strike back damage for example.
btw, everything is important depending on the situation. But then, Power control, ability accuracy reduction, true strike and regeneration are really important. But a hard hitting champ is too, imo.
Her damage is not the best, but sometimes it is plenty good. In particular when you can steal fury or critical buffs her damage is pretty good, her life steal is I believe unresistable so it can deal respectable damage on otherwise armored or high resistance foes, and she's awesome when coupled to nodes like Flare or Power Reserve (cycle SP1 and SP2 respectively).
My 5/50 was my go-to champ for season five's AQ immunity path where she had class advantage throughout and could heal back all the block and chip damage from those fights easily. If I ever pull her as a 5*, I will probably r4 her. Probably not as a high priority, but eventually.
It's funny how you fail to mention Corvus, who literally fulfills all three of the criteria haha
Not to pick on you specifically but as this is becoming a pet peeve of mine; what determines the meta is what we think determines the meta. The "meta" of the game is the term used to describe collectively how we the players approach the game. The current state of the game is called the current state of the game.
The best champion given the current state of the game is which champion you think performs the best in the game. The best champion given the current meta of the game is which champion you think everyone else thinks performs the best in the game.