New Alliance Wars Matchmaking System & Season 8 Details



  • cradlemancradleman Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2019
    This system stinks. Attack starting for us at 10 AM central time. The officer that sets defense for our bg is on pacific time so it's 8 am for him. If we find a match immediately defense phase ends at his 7 am. We also have EU and India players. This is an awful system that works for no one. The only way this works is it all matches are released at the END of matchmaking phase. Then 20 hours. Then war attack. That would start attack 24 hours from when matchmaking begins, which is reasonable. Please fix this junk.

    Edit to add: this would also give alliances four hours to add new members without penalty since they would be in before the match was released to participate in.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    New system is complete garbage.
    7pm (UTC) starts were already questionable for some, but this is so much worse, atleast allow people to pick a start time option.

    Id ask if you tested any of this but we all know any answer other than “no” is about as true as Miike saying all war attack phases start at the same time under the new system
  • Soup071506Soup071506 Member Posts: 3
    So a player has to be in an alliance before the enlistment to be able to participate? I thought we could recruit during enlistment up until the placement phase. Now we are going to war short handed.
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    What happened to wars beginning at 11 am PST? Our war is starting at 8:30 PST, is this a bug?
  • Yohanbark420Yohanbark420 Member Posts: 92
    THIS IS HORRIBLE! I start wars at 8pm est. This new system is going to have most my all doing war during the work day??? This is gonna force ally to find players in their own time zones. This is broken .. why do you guys make more problems???? Thnx for putting a big ol monkey wrench into wars now.. THNX !! 🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,587 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Not that it hasn't already been stated, but just to add another opinion - this is already a broken system.
  • SunstruckSunstruck Member Posts: 81
    Why placement phase ending so quickly or only 8am PST. It was announced to be end at 11pm PST and attack phase will start. Is it a bug
  • LialechkaLialechka Member Posts: 35
    The system isn’t working as intended, obviously.
    If not fixed in time for the season, it’s better to use the old system.

    There is one more issue, the raiting gain/drop during off season should be set to 0.

    It will give insentive to actually fight the wars for the rewards instead of trying to drop the raiting for the season.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,587 ★★★★★
    Lialechka wrote: »

    There is one more issue, the raiting gain/drop during off season should be set to 0.

    It will give insentive to actually fight the wars for the rewards instead of trying to drop the raiting for the season.

    What about alliances that are trying to increase their rating in the offseason?
  • SunstruckSunstruck Member Posts: 81
    What is going on @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra why attack phase started so early? Not as mentioned earlier.
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    So much for planning on a break at work to set your defensive map when Attack phase starts 2 hours and 15 minutes earlier than it was announced that it would start.
  • Archdemon_Archdemon_ Member Posts: 651 ★★
    Yep this has started way too early for anyone Europe based... new schedule sucks if it's staying like this. You're basically excluding anyone of working age in europe from the final closing hours of attack... well thought out Kabam... Well thought out *SMH*

    The timing of war was NOT BROKE so dont fix it! start it at the same as before but set it to a universal exact starting time if you must!
  • EncoreEncore Member Posts: 35
    This is absolutely disgusting. AW war now started at 2 am for most Australians and 4-5am for New Zealanders. Great Bloody Job.
  • Vegas110Vegas110 Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2019
    I wanted to try it before saying something... with the old system we could start at a time that was generally easy to work around our schedules and everyone could participate in a positive way. This new system is terrible. Starting at 11am pacific time wasn’t the end of the world as we normally started at 12 pacific time or around the same time AQ went live. Starting at 8am pacific time means we’re not completing anything anymore.
    Thanks for assuming that the entire world can live and play within your time zone kabam...
    Also if the system changed to where all wars don’t start at the same time why did we need to change the time to 20 hours it seems super unnecessary...
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Lyra here’s my feedback, the system is garbage starting wars several hours before we’ve EVER been able to before, revert the system to the old one or deal with the stupidly early war starts.
    Collusion is better than this absolute mess you fools have come up with
  • BlackSaChiBlackSaChi Member Posts: 298
    With new war matchmaking system how do we control when our war starts? Our full team is most US based.. for us the attack phase is already started , but most are either in school or office and can not play for next 8 hours.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    The amount of conflicting info from game team is SAD.

    You guys really need to get this together and explained correctly.
  • DarkGuarDNDarkGuarDN Member Posts: 96
    edited February 2019
    Vegas110 wrote: »
    I wanted to try it before saying something... with the old system we could start at a time that was generally easy to work around our schedules and everyone could participate in a positive way. This new system is terrible. Starting at 11am pacific time wasn’t the end of the world as we normally started at 12 pacific time or around the same time AQ went live. Starting at 8am pacific time means we’re not completing anything anymore.
    Thanks for assuming that the entire world can live and play within your time zone kabam...

    completely my thoughts on this... 11am PT wasn't bad... but 7am PT is way worse. This is going to mean we'll have to finish war before we go to bed or get up way early. This was definitely not what was depicted in your info graphic on the first page of this post.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    THIS IS HORRIBLE! I start wars at 8pm est. This new system is going to have most my all doing war during the work day??? This is gonna force ally to find players in their own time zones. This is broken .. why do you guys make more problems???? Thnx for putting a big ol monkey wrench into wars now.. THNX !! 🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡

    Thank those "top alliances" who found ways to match tier 3 alliances for entire seasons
  • chrissbjordannchrissbjordann Member Posts: 120
    Cmon Kabam. This is not good.
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    What’s gonna happen Now @Kabam Mike I had two members join during enlistment befor matchmaking started!!! I think this war should be a wash!!!
  • BertybBertyb Member Posts: 12
    Classic kabam
  • Ravi1987Ravi1987 Member Posts: 25
    This is ridiculous Kabam not only are the timings beyond random and uncontrollable to suit each individual alliances team time zones u have also made it so that alliances who hit map6 in an during defence placement can no longer do this as your system affectively locks us out for 2 days of aq. When we controlled matchmaking there were no issues so why when you take control does the servers feel a strain???
    @Kabam Miike
  • TopodesignTopodesign Member Posts: 3
    we had a member join during enlistment and he wasnt able to join wars... and the time was not at 11pst as mentioned... thanks for killing this war for us we are short handed due to guys thinking they had time to join still
  • Ravi1987Ravi1987 Member Posts: 25
    You have beefed the aq rewards but made it impossible to play higher maps because war blocks now blocks that
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