New dungeon timers are ridiculous!

C'mon man, are you guys serious? I have to wait close to 4 days for my 5 stars to refresh? I'm not in a alliance and this one idiot lost in room 1 of d7 from matchmaking and now I'm stuck. I have 27 5 Stars, but only a few are great and the rest is trash.
This was a mistake, Kabam. I actually enjoyed playing dungeons, and even spent units on pots and revives, to help out my partner in dungeon. But now I have to wait almost four days till I get to use my best five stars? Nah, I'd rather not enter this shitfest anymore.
This is just plain stupid.
I have hardly done dungeons -- i want to do them more often.
One solid run with a mate and you can have all the milestones in 15min
A full T4cc or up to half a T2 alpha are worthless?
I wonder what the odds of getting that is
I really like this idea. Refresh timers based on dungeon/room completed with them.
Kabam is particularily skilled at this.
Now with this ridiculously idiotic timer refresh change, this is it for me. I quit.
I will never be enticed to grind for the extra rewards, not worth the effort and extra time needed. And yet kabam is punishing us for no good reason.
Kabam, did your stats show many players grinding for the milestones in your trial? If not, what justified this totally uncalled for change??!
The only reason why there isn’t more noise and unhappiness is because many have already given up on dungeons. And this is driving the rest out!
Not everyone has a whale account to do these things with either why change something that was average at best already and make it even less attractive, just plain stupid really.
Extremely disappointing
If I had to guess, the longer timers are due to the “unlimited resource grinding“ that Kabam is so excited about (personally doesn’t interest me but that’s just me). Don’t want people to get to far too easily without spending to refresh
Personally I hope I can manage with my current 5* r5 and 5* r4 roster, but I can very easy see how others just getting to this point in the game finds this frustrating.