This shouldn't even be a question. Tbh I think of emma as more of an offensive champ than defensive.
In general I think Emma is the better attacker, but there are situations I'd consider using Korg over Emma. In particular, if I thought I might need to tank an SP3.
Not really. Emma automatically activates diamond form if she is hit by an attack that does more than a certain percentage of her health in one hit, but that just reduces the amount of damage you take; you can still get killed by a high damage SP3. Korg has a kind of safeguard when rock shield is up, you can't take more than 40% of the attacker's attack rating in a single hit, or 120% of the attacker's attack in an SP3. So basically, Korg has a damage cap, while Emma is just highly resistant to damage in general.
Not really. Emma automatically activates diamond form if she is hit by an attack that does more than a certain percentage of her health in one hit, but that just reduces the amount of damage you take; you can still get killed by a high damage SP3. Korg has a kind of safeguard when rock shield is up, you can't take more than 40% of the attacker's attack rating in a single hit, or 120% of the attacker's attack in an SP3. So basically, Korg has a damage cap, while Emma is just highly resistant to damage in general.
In general I think Emma is the better attacker, but there are situations I'd consider using Korg over Emma. In particular, if I thought I might need to tank an SP3.
Not really. Emma automatically activates diamond form if she is hit by an attack that does more than a certain percentage of her health in one hit, but that just reduces the amount of damage you take; you can still get killed by a high damage SP3. Korg has a kind of safeguard when rock shield is up, you can't take more than 40% of the attacker's attack rating in a single hit, or 120% of the attacker's attack in an SP3. So basically, Korg has a damage cap, while Emma is just highly resistant to damage in general.