4 star deal after restriction [Merged Threads]



  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    They may allow "maxed" 4*..either way buy it if you want :D:D
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    There is nothing inherently offensive about today's offer. However, it is quite tone-deaf in light of the obvious backlash from the Act 6 announcement. From a public relations standpoint, releasing an expensive 4* offer amidst the discussions of 4* champs being banned from Act 6 was a very poor decision.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★

    We've merged together several topics about the same matter so it can be addressed all at once. We understand that this offer isn't going to appeal to everyone but it will to some, just as the next offer may not appeal to them but to some of you.

    Is this a hint that a fantastic offer is coming soon?
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★
    CFree said:

    We've merged together several topics about the same matter so it can be addressed all at once. We understand that this offer isn't going to appeal to everyone but it will to some, just as the next offer may not appeal to them but to some of you.

    Is this a hint that a fantastic offer is coming soon?
    No. They're just going to keep churning out offers.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    I think someone got the timelines mixed up. They were supposed to give this offer before the Act 6 announcement. That’s how these things go right?
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★★★
    i feel offended seeing this offer....this offer would of been good 3 years ago,

    but 3 years from now....

    WE GONA GET 5* MAX RANK UP...when we have 7* and we can no longer use 5* in act 7!
  • REiiGN15REiiGN15 Member Posts: 120
    Prices are outrageous. You really want people to contemplate on spending $150 on one..ONE...character. Can we at least get some justification for the prices? Like what is your scale? Do you have a scale? Are you just winging it?
  • BigbowlrBigbowlr Member Posts: 137 ★★
    I'm certainly not here to defend this offer, because it is overpriced when compared to the 3* version that's 90% less. But it feels like more of the vitriol heading your way Kabam is in the ABSOLUTE tone deaf timing of this offer. Surely offers like this are created in advance(at least I hope they are for your sake, seeing all the anger about the 4* ban then creating this offer is dumb) but after seeing the outrage of the community over this 4* ban you could have just spent the weekend emergency stripping this deal from the game and pretending it never happened.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★

    I dont get the upsetness. Dont buy the offer. Nothing mandates you to buy any offer. It's not a good offer even if Act 6 allowed you to use 4*.

    I have no problem with 4* not being allowed to be used in the new story content. If you sont have enough 5*, wait til you pull more. Or do Map 6 and get rank up materials for more r4 and r5 5* champs.

    If you aren't in a state currently where you can do act 6 without 4* then maybe you aren't ready for act 6. Kabam shouldnt lower the bar, it's about time they raised it.

    all 4* stars are not the same at Max levels though..I'm sure quite a few folks probably could clear a chapter or two using nothing but 4*
  • TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★

    We've merged together several topics about the same matter so it can be addressed all at once. We understand that this offer isn't going to appeal to everyone but it will to some, just as the next offer may not appeal to them but to some of you.

    so $500 for a five star offer of the same magnitude? Before anyone says this one was only $150, it was $210 Canadian ..... I get exchange rates etc...this deal makes 0 sense at all. And you guys should be able to strap on the big boy and girl pants today and take all the constructive criticism here.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    They very recently offered retired accounts a generic 5* AG and a slew of sig stones for 50 bucks...

    It is just..

  • Ben93Ben93 Member Posts: 71
    In France, it is 110+55 = 165€ = $185. 1) Completely unfair for all the non-americans. 2) Scandalous offer. I'm very far from act 6 (I've become uncollected 2 months ago), but I would certainly not buy this, and as Prof Hoff said, they have got to be kidding us... I remember an offer when you could get a 5* specific champ (power controlling) + rank 1-->2 + rank 2-->3 gems for $100.
    When you compare this offer to the one I've just mentionned, there is obviously quite a gap... Though, the $15 offer is not that awful for the very beginners.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★

    Granted, I will say that the timing is coincidental, but when you're talking about asking Marketing to verify their plans with Design, that's a whole cross-department mess that's not feasible.

    "when you're talking about asking Marketing to verify their plans with Design, that's a whole cross-department mess that's not feasible."

    No, it isn't. I have worked in companies that range from small to Fortune 500 size, mostly from the finance side but involved with Marketing at times. Not as difficult as you're making it out to be.
    Not the same ballpark. Not at all. There are way too many variables involved with Design. They are most certainly working on something at all times, sometimes months in advance, and nothing is certain until it's as optimal as they can get it for release. Marketing operates at a different pace, with different objectives, and different goals. Inevitably, they would be waiting indefinitely at times for Devs to give the "OK", and that would be a financial nightmare. Totally diffetent deadlines.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    I mean, not agreeing with the price is reasonable, but I don't understand why people are taking the Offer personally. It's not even directed at their demographic. Different Offers are for different demographics. They're most often planned in advance, and aren't even connected to upcoming changes or new content. There's an entire chunk of the Player Base that is not even at Act 6, that is still working on their 4* Rosters. The game can't stop moving forward in other areas when one population doesn't agree with something. It's not some kind of personal insult. It doesn't even have anything to do with Act 6. It's like stubbing your toe and getting mad at the Payless Ad. Lol.

    It feels more like Payless amputating your foot and then trying to sell you a shoe.
    They were trying to sell it to the people with bare feet.
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019

    We understand that this offer isn't going to appeal to everyone but it will to some,

    pls give info on people buying this so I can also rob them. thanks :smile::smile::smile:

    $150 to max a 4* is ridiculous no matter what stage you are at in the game.
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★

    Granted, I will say that the timing is coincidental, but when you're talking about asking Marketing to verify their plans with Design, that's a whole cross-department mess that's not feasible.

    "when you're talking about asking Marketing to verify their plans with Design, that's a whole cross-department mess that's not feasible."

    No, it isn't. I have worked in companies that range from small to Fortune 500 size, mostly from the finance side but involved with Marketing at times. Not as difficult as you're making it out to be.
    Not the same ballpark. Not at all. There are way too many variables involved with Design. They are most certainly working on something at all times, sometimes months in advance, and nothing is certain until it's as optimal as they can get it for release. Marketing operates at a different pace, with different objectives, and different goals. Inevitably, they would be waiting indefinitely at times for Devs to give the "OK", and that would be a financial nightmare. Totally diffetent deadlines.
    I worked for a tech company. I was a data analyst in Marketing and worked very closely with developers as did others in Marketing. Marketing never did anything unless the tech side was ready. If the tech wasn't ready, Marketing slowed down. I think you're in over your head on this one unless you happen to work at Kabam and know the day-to-day operations personally.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★

    Granted, I will say that the timing is coincidental, but when you're talking about asking Marketing to verify their plans with Design, that's a whole cross-department mess that's not feasible.

    Really, there's not timelines for acts and changes....like there's no one with project management for design of a video game....I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona dirt cheap for you! Honestly you have no clue what you are talking about you dont work there so stop acting like you know the in and outs. You are creating a dangerous environment speaking on their behalf and you should be reprimanded for doing such.
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