Arena Is Pointless



  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited January 2018
    I agree that kabam is a company that needs to make money and they do. I think it was 360 million in just profit alone last year. I don’t know their profit breakdown I would have to see how much they made from arena a lone to make a fair assessment on how truly profitable arena is.

    I agree that arena is great for better getting to know champs. That’s how I’ve learned to beat a lot of champs without losing any health and finding out what champs I like. I personally think kabam does a okay job for some stuff I still want to see what their drop rates are to see how generous they truly are lol. I’d love to know if they released that yet. Might have to go digging.

    This was just my suggestion wasn’t saying that anyone who “grinds” arena is stupid or loves kicking puppies. It was just a suggestion because the over all total arena points isn’t obtaineable without a stacked champion list and a big alliance backing you.

    Again my thoughts and my thoughts alone.

    Sharing thoughts is a good thing, especially when done in a thoughtful, constructive and respectful way.

    As for the 360 million, I doubt that is what they made solely off of this game. Their revenue was 400 million in 2014 and they have other sources of income as well. I have only grinded arena once, since I started playing this game in November and got to about 3.5 million. I would never go for anything over 4 million, unless I have a roster to do so without losing my life.

    Like you said, a stacked champion list is a must for grinding arena along with units/money if you want the top spot. In my knowledge it is not uncommon that the top players stash $500-$1k every month for this game. Back as far as 2014, when i was playing another mobile game, it was normal for a top player to spend $300 per event (weekly), definitely can't keep up with those.

    EDIT - There is also a reason why companies release **** champs, and then suddenly an amazing champ. Makes the cutoffs higher and more money flowing in. It's all relative.
  • FoxxFoxx Member Posts: 6
    the game should be something fun more is not over for a long time because if you need to play 3 days without sleeping spending units and stop doing other things in life because if you stop playing you will not get the hero in the arena this is not fun is slavery, I work I have a wife and two children, how can I compete with children who have nothing to do and can spend three days playing 24 hours straight because they have no obligation, is that fair? unfortunately, Kabam only scolds the players
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    Foxx wrote: »
    the game should be something fun more is not over for a long time because if you need to play 3 days without sleeping spending units and stop doing other things in life because if you stop playing you will not get the hero in the arena this is not fun is slavery, I work I have a wife and two children, how can I compete with children who have nothing to do and can spend three days playing 24 hours straight because they have no obligation, is that fair? unfortunately, Kabam only scolds the players

    If you have the right roster, you don't need to grind for 3 days trust me!!
    1 session of 8 hours is all you need (straight grind, no req help, no boosts, no units, no breaks lol)
  • TillerTheKillerTillerTheKiller Member Posts: 280 ★★
    Time for a 5* arena. 4* bores me.
  • Username1583Username1583 Member Posts: 165
    mvk1996 wrote: »
    I did 21m for blade. No units spent

    No working, no studying, no sleeping I guess.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    It really isn't a "Contest"....a boxing match isn't a contest if one fighter is a heavy weight and one is a featherweight. You don't put those two guys in the same ring together and call it a fair competition. And the featherweight will stop getting in the ring after he gets pounded enough times. 20 Mil is only "Easy" if you are pulling 30 or 40 K a champ. So yes for you 20 is easy. But here is the thing that makes many of us sick to even think about. Eventually we will be able to put up 20 mil easily too..but by then those doing 20 now will be doing 60....and we will still fall in the "shard" awards same as just getting stupid and add 6 stars at what? 30k a round at level 1?
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    And it really isn't a competition when you can buy your advantage. The gold metal winners at the olympics don't pay to win. This game isn't about skill, it isn't about luck because kabam controls the drops, so ultimately it is a contest based on who spends the most. And if you are at the top now and continue to play you will always be at the top until you quit.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    And ultimately that is going to be a problem. When the top tier alliance members start hatching 6 stars (and they are being added becuase those guys have entire armies of maxed sig 5s) there will be an ever wider gap. 100 plus champs in the 5 star crystal of which I have 6 (of the best)...I doubt I will hit a single dupe in the next 12 months...while up top they already have the better part of a 6 star crystal already waiting to spin...and for the was suggested that a 5 star arena be added back before we had 2 4 star arenas (I know cause I suggested it) and instead we got a secondary 4 arena...a 5 star arena should have been added over a year ago to pave the way for 6s to be added. When 6s start playing the arenas most of us will be done trying to compete. And being fated to collect nothing but achievements and shards is already getting more mass exodus...
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    One last thought for the top. When you start in goading those of us at the lower tiers about asking for an advantage you didn't have just remember that you had the advantage of opening 5 star crystals when there was a much greater chance to dupe. Down here we have been robbed of that opportunity by the addition of every last champ in the game all at once again had the advantage we will never have...
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    That fact alone has given you a lead and created a gap there is absolutely no way to close on our own...
  • Nitro422Nitro422 Member Posts: 276
    I don't do arenas for the champs, I don't have that kind of time. I do arenas for the units, battle chips and the crystal shards.
  • JimmyQUJimmyQU Member Posts: 13
    Arena grinding is tremendously tedious; partly due to the infinite streak method, largely due to the sheer numbers of fights/points now required to get a good champion. There is also the fact that the Kang and Thanos teams lack the additional utility that player-based teams gain from their Mastery set-up, which makes them boring.

    It's a game - it's supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be a challenge. Why have an infinite streak mechanism at all?

    The 4* cut-offs would almost certainly fall if we had a constant challenge with 5/50 opponents with effective Mastery set-ups (or equivalent 5* characters).

    As a few ways to make it less tedious going through dozens of opponents weaker than your own team, and also potentially shake up the infinite streak:

    1 - How about (as well as Kang and Thanks) giving teams to villains like Ultron and MODOK? The Black Iso-Mafia?
    Wouldn't it be cool to run into MODOK's mashed-up champs or Ultron's drones in the arena?

    2 - Why don't the villains each have a particular Mastery set-up? Kang's would be all offense, Thanos' would be control/denial, MODOK's would favour defense, that kind of thing. This would make fighting then more challenging (and therefore, more fun).

    3 - Remove the infinite streak mechanism where your opponents get toned down after 15 fights, so they remain maxed out.

    I'm expecting a lot of disagreement on the last point, but seriously, there's a reason we call it 'grinding', and (shock news just in): the game is supposed to be fun! What's more fun in the arena - 60-70 difficult fights, or 200 easy but time-consuming ones?

    I'd rather lose my streak regularly in a challenging arena than never lose it in a 100-200 marathon is largely dull predictable match-ups.

    But maybe that's just me.

    Be aware that this game is still a business. To run a profitable business need to making profit.
    The reason making it so hard to get good champ is that:
    1. it give you "hope" that this game can still play free, if you put effort.
    2. if you have money you would like to buy some units and not grinding the arena because you want to spend your time elsewhere.
    3. if you are tired of grinding arena, then you would like to spend some money when you just tired.
    4. It's not evil for them to making profit. It's just a selection of where money will be spent. Food, movie, theme park.

    Your idea is great. But still up to Kabam.
  • blazingskyx27blazingskyx27 Member Posts: 42
    I gave up on the arenas, and I've been playing for just 2 months now. I am not willing to spend my precious time for that. My preferred course of action? I focus on the Story Quests, currently on Chapter 3 of Act 4 now. Prepping myself for a an encounter with Thanos anytime soon. And some of the Event Quests as well.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
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