Domino/Red Hulk Synergy - Incinerate on Heavy [MERGED THREADS]



  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    From what I can tell she's working fine again, besides the dashing forward after sp3 but that's not a Domino specific bug I was reading.
  • TheRealLuciferTheRealLucifer Member Posts: 13

  • TheRealLuciferTheRealLucifer Member Posts: 13
    No resistances here..😕 I don’t see how people can say she is working fine now .. they must be people not using the synergie or maybe using it once every 2months... as I already said earlier.. before she was doing a minimum of 1,3k heavies ... now it’s almost like she is ONLY doing 1,3k heavies...
  • ThiartcThiartc Member Posts: 281 ★★
    I agrea, she is not where she was.

    I think maybe just there was ‘n nerf and like the frog in cold to hot water increase damage little by little till people are “happy” and then leave her there, way below where she was.
  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    edited April 2019
    Seems the incinerate damage matches the heavy attack, but the damage of the heavy attack isn’t as strong as before. Like her base damage was lowered. Can’t confirm that, just what it seems like from testing her out a bit more since the “fix”.
  • Jairo77777Jairo77777 Member Posts: 15
    follow the domino bug, it does not scale well incineration again
  • TheRealLuciferTheRealLucifer Member Posts: 13
    So .. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra what do u have to say about that.. do u need more evidence to prove what I’ve just said and showed already?? Are u going to do something about it?
  • CrkwestCrkwest Member Posts: 384 ★★★
    Why isn't this getting fixed in the patch??!!??!!??
  • Fiesty_ForeskinFiesty_Foreskin Member Posts: 57
    are people still having issues with this? I did some testing on a couple fights using the Domino + Red Hulk + Massacre synergy and the math looked like it was working out correctly for me. I did 6 heavy attacks and the incinerate damage seemed to be adding up correctly for each one.
  • LegionDestroierLegionDestroier Member Posts: 101
    Why isn't this fixed in the update today?
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all,

    We've passed along the additional information shared here about concerns related to damage output to be investigated. We'll let you know when we have any updates.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 826 ★★★

    are people still having issues with this? I did some testing on a couple fights using the Domino + Red Hulk + Massacre synergy and the math looked like it was working out correctly for me. I did 6 heavy attacks and the incinerate damage seemed to be adding up correctly for each one.

    I think what I seemed too notice was that while the incinerates seem right, the heavies don't seem to do the same damage. I will need to do some fights against RoL WS and compare that with some vids from before to be certain.

  • Fiesty_ForeskinFiesty_Foreskin Member Posts: 57

    are people still having issues with this? I did some testing on a couple fights using the Domino + Red Hulk + Massacre synergy and the math looked like it was working out correctly for me. I did 6 heavy attacks and the incinerate damage seemed to be adding up correctly for each one.

    I think what I seemed too notice was that while the incinerates seem right, the heavies don't seem to do the same damage. I will need to do some fights against RoL WS and compare that with some vids from before to be certain.

    Yeah I agree with that thought process. Incinerate appears to be mathematically correct, but the heavies have lost SIGNIFICANT damage. They are doing nowhere near what they were before this last update. I kinda rely on that synergy as I have trash 5 star champions, so I ki da really need this fixed.
  • LegionDestroierLegionDestroier Member Posts: 101
    I have videos of domino doing 2 critical hits with her heavy and only getting 311 damage per incinerate tick, I also have a video where she does no critical hits and then gets excess of 3K per incinerate tick when. It's going bothways. It needs fixed
  • ChosenOne94ChosenOne94 Member Posts: 108
    Any idea when we can get domino fix? I need her heavy to help me out a bit
  • ChosenOne94ChosenOne94 Member Posts: 108
    When we will get domino fix? Any idea, info? I need that heavy to help me a little bit
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    She's been fixed
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    For those who are still experiencing an issue please include a date and time when you saw the behavior that you believe is incorrect? We want to make sure that these reports are from after the fix went live at around 6PM PST on April 4.
  • AryannaAryanna Member Posts: 76

    are people still having issues with this? I did some testing on a couple fights using the Domino + Red Hulk + Massacre synergy and the math looked like it was working out correctly for me. I did 6 heavy attacks and the incinerate damage seemed to be adding up correctly for each one.

    The math may be right, but her overall damage is definitely nerfed. I was hitting crits for 3k before and now I’m lucky if I get 2k. I don’t understand how she can be so bugged like this after a patch if she was never intended to be changed.
  • AryannaAryanna Member Posts: 76
    Here is prepatch on a previous UC fight.

    And this is 2 minutes ago

  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    I think I posted in general as well but should have been here sorry. Domino has issues with Sp3 and charging forward after on her own. Please watch mods. Her incinerate also seems messed up again.

    Again not trying to be a donkey, but can clearly see the issue.

    It's very random but some Sp3 she dashes forward on her own and others she doesn't.

    iPhone Max xr
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  • ChosenOne94ChosenOne94 Member Posts: 108
    edited April 2019
    Well you'll see problem in next picture because my post was deleted few mins ago.
    My point, Domino damage from heavy attack with synergy squad isn't same like she was 1 month ago or before "bug".

  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 826 ★★★
    edited April 2019
    Ok trying to get a little systematic here with spreadsheeting the heavy damage. I had a RoL WS video from 2/23/19 and compared it to one I took today. The main difference is I had suicides on when making the video-1 in GC, 1 in Recoil, 3 in LC, 2 in DE. Now I have only 3 in GC.


    TLDR: Domino's fixed...I think

    1. The incinerate is definitely fixed. In both cases, Incinerate damage was about 1.5x combined heavy damage (I rounded to 2 decimal places).

    2. Average damage on the combined heavy was about 42% higher in the old video but this is likely due to the suicides I had on. I'm not a math nerd so someone correct me if this doesn't seem right.

    3. Couple strange things. In today's video I launched a Sp3 right after heavy and there were no Incinerate ticks. Critical Bleed ticks were 21,148 so maybe the values were combined. In the old video my final heavy was after the KO and the numbers were weird so I didn't include it in the average heavy damage.

    4. If I was forced to give a yay or nay, I'd say yes Domino is fixed. I want to say I was seeing fewer crits in the new video but there's not enough of a sample size to even begin to guess if that's the case.

    Links to videos

    Edit: Pay no mind to my kid in the go kart at the start of the new video. Was trying to show the date but I had a timer going so it's not there.
    Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
  • TheRealLuciferTheRealLucifer Member Posts: 13

    For those who are still experiencing an issue please include a date and time when you saw the behavior that you believe is incorrect? We want to make sure that these reports are from after the fix went live at around 6PM PST on April 4.

    All the screenshots I sent were after the fix

  • _Rogueyy__Rogueyy_ Member Posts: 25
    Her incinerate works perfectly now, I know its rng but I feel like her critical chance is lower than before
  • _Rogueyy__Rogueyy_ Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2019
    After playing her without the synergy it seems her heavy damage is very underwhelming definitely not like she used to be and her critical rate and damage is lower than before the update, I'm not hitting criticals as much as I used to
  • ChosenOne94ChosenOne94 Member Posts: 108
    Domino isn't fixed
  • GalloFenixGalloFenix Member Posts: 15
    Yea. Without synergy her heavies do very little. I'm using heavy when stunned but it's weak. Also her 2nd special has a pathetic amount of bleed. Very rarely now she critical bleeds. I know she doesn't always has too. But the times she does it's very weak. My tests are the same as everyone else's.
  • GalloFenixGalloFenix Member Posts: 15
    I just fought against Winter Soldier in Realm of Legends. 6* rank 1 with max suicides. I'm still getting incinerate of 1k very rarely 3 or higher. Her 2nd special bleeds 800 only 1 bleed debuff. There is still something wrong with her.
  • GalloFenixGalloFenix Member Posts: 15
    The 3rd looks good. But the 2nd special is kinda weird. I don't think it was like this just now I caused 3200 bleed 2 debuff but then in the same match it went 850 2 bleed debuffs. I don't think it's supposed to be like that.
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