I just finished my Legends Run setting up the time record as 3:37 hours. I wonder if i will be ranked under top 100 fastest time attackers?
Would somebody like to share their recorded time? It will just give an idea!
I just finished my Legends Run setting up the time record as 3:37 hours. I wonder if i will be ranked under top 100 fastest time attackers?
Would somebody like to share their recorded time? It will just give an idea!
Did it while live-streaming for fun.
Here is the link
This is mine, i hope i get it 🙂
I cross my fingers 🤞🤞🤞
It was my first attempt at a Legends run this month and I know I don't stand a shot with a time of 3:46, but I feel I did just about as well as I could. Most of the bosses in Master were being taken out in 10 - 12 hits, and I didn't make many fight mistakes, but simply couldn't get it to load fast enough between fights. Being my first time, I could see having maybe been able to shave 5 - 10 minutes off if I had been experienced with Legends runs, but that still wouldn't have gotten me under 3:30. I was running suicides with 5/65 Corvus and 5/65 Omega Red (for those fights Corvus wasn't ideal for).
The cut-off this month will be 3h20 or 3:25 no more!