Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads]



  • TheEducationTheEducation Member Posts: 93
    They do it mid-block string and mid-combo (normally between the 2nd and 3rd hit). It is my favorite part of this update so far. I'm getting to do so much more ROL.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    These AI are so annoying, this archangel just standing in the corner blocking. I’m hitting Into his block and just throws a sp1 which put 1 bleed. That drained all my health. I have all a lot of good champs for this variant unlike the last variant but the thing that’s getting me this time is the bugs...cant just have a good time.

  • DraenathDraenath Member Posts: 237
    Any update?
  • GregorGregor Member Posts: 25
    Just happened to me again, this is unplayable.
    Getting silly deaths in every game mode.
    With Ômega Red as one of my main attackers, he suffers a lot for not being able to hit into blocks and build spores. Please Kabam, fix your game already. It's been way too long since the bug was initially reported.
  • DraenathDraenath Member Posts: 237
    And now AQ has started - where is the fix?
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Gregor said:

    Just happened to me again, this is unplayable.
    Getting silly deaths in every game mode.
    With Ômega Red as one of my main attackers, he suffers a lot for not being able to hit into blocks and build spores. Please Kabam, fix your game already. It's been way too long since the bug was initially reported.

    This may not be a bug. They may have changed the way the AI plays again. They have been doing this regularly without notice.

    Fist time I noticed an AI change was when I was not getting a Parry of the start of the fight because the AI is just not trying to hit you to start the fight like they use to. Not all fight but most.

    Next AI change was the AI hitting a five hit combo twice.

    Now it is them hitting you with a special when you are hitting them when they are blocking. They bounce out of the block and get you. We can't even do that quick enough as players.

    With the lack of feedback we have been getting on these so called issues, we have to consider that this change is by designed. They have made this AI change on purpose and do not know how to deal with the complaints.
  • GregorGregor Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2019

    Gregor said:

    Just happened to me again, this is unplayable.
    Getting silly deaths in every game mode.
    With Ômega Red as one of my main attackers, he suffers a lot for not being able to hit into blocks and build spores. Please Kabam, fix your game already. It's been way too long since the bug was initially reported.

    This may not be a bug. They may have changed the way the AI plays again. They have been doing this regularly without notice.

    Fist time I noticed an AI change was when I was not getting a Parry of the start of the fight because the AI is just not trying to hit you to start the fight like they use to. Not all fight but most.

    Next AI change was the AI hitting a five hit combo twice.

    Now it is them hitting you with a special when you are hitting them when they are blocking. They bounce out of the block and get you. We can't even do that quick enough as players.

    With the lack of feedback we have been getting on these so called issues, we have to consider that this change is by designed. They have made this AI change on purpose and do not know how to deal with the complaints.
    There's something called block stun. It's a defined time the champion freezes while it's taking blocked hits. That's why you can't Dex away in the middle of an enemy's combo onto your block. It's part of the fighting mechanism of the game. You can't start any action before this goes away, even throwing a special is impossible.
    That's not what's happening to the AI. It's not only firing specials but also dexing away mid combo. And you know it's a bug because of the timming a 5 hit combo takes to develop: even though there's no delayed hit to open a window, the AI is just dexing/firing specials in a way players can't.
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  • Prime_Saviour02Prime_Saviour02 Member Posts: 71
    Any update?

    Or is this another case of, it lines kabams pockets so won't get sorted for months
  • TzoDauTzoDau Member Posts: 21
    This is begining to get more and more ridiculous every month....Kabam are you able to test your new versions before releasing them? or are you just enjoying to make this community suffer from these annoying bugs?
    It happens way to often to hit into the AI's block and all of sudded between hit no 3 and 4 or between hit no 2 and 3....they throw a special attack and you are dead....
    Who will compensate us for al the resources we need to sped in order to complete your bugged challenges?
    Who will give us back our wasted time?
  • TzoDauTzoDau Member Posts: 21
    This is happening way too freaking often!!!!
  • Eugene_VirtuosoEugene_Virtuoso Member Posts: 378
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos So what's the update for all these bugs? This has been a terrible month. I fail to understand how the Uncollected Modok just stands in the corner holding block as his forcefield reforms when he is not on a defensive node. Why test our intelligence with all these unannounced changes? Champions countering mid combo, The INSANE dash forward after sp3, can no longer counter Sentinel's sp1, Loki's sp2, X23's sp2... What is up with that?
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    I wonder about this mechanic. In terms of interaction why would AI controlled characters have a different set of rules then players. We get block locked but the AI doesn't. How does a function like that accidentally make it's way into the game. In theory both attackers and defenders should have the same fighting mechanics. But block lock is now magically turned off for defenders.
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Just not fun to play anymore. More frustrating than anything else. I just try a duel where I held my block and was able to bounce out of it and hit the opponent. This is so wrong. Changing the way the game is played with no notice. I really do think that this was a planned change to make us lose. All the nodes and crazy new champ abilities to have the same affect and now this. If it was a bug or a game issue, it would have been addressed by now. "No comment" means there is more going on that we will never know.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★

    Any update?

    Or is this another case of, it lines kabams pockets so won't get sorted for months

    If we could use specials while we block an attack. It would have been fixed an hour after it was a thing.
  • DraenathDraenath Member Posts: 237
    When is the update to fix this?
  • JayerickJayerick Member Posts: 54
    Happened to me while using Corvus to hit into block. Can feel the urge to retire coming. I always stop spending any money when game behavior is in the dumps, that's just the truth.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    TzoDau said:

    This is begining to get more and more ridiculous every month....Kabam are you able to test your new versions before releasing them? or are you just enjoying to make this community suffer from these annoying bugs?
    It happens way to often to hit into the AI's block and all of sudded between hit no 3 and 4 or between hit no 2 and 3....they throw a special attack and you are dead....
    Who will compensate us for al the resources we need to sped in order to complete your bugged challenges?
    Who will give us back our wasted time?

    Kabam and test in the same sentence. bahaha. But its happening to me as well. I have adjusted my playstyle to purposely hit into their block now and get them to use their special rather than try to bait a special the normal way. Granted i still use the old method but this way has helped a number of times. Other times i forget and get wrecked.
  • CeresCPHCeresCPH Member Posts: 69
    Still happening and no respond? It is clear that the dev team has been working with the AI. Sentinels are moving much faster after SP1 and this too. Please at least indicate that you listen to us and acknowledge the bugs.
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    CeresCPH said:

    Still happening and no respond? It is clear that the dev team has been working with the AI. Sentinels are moving much faster after SP1 and this too. Please at least indicate that you listen to us and acknowledge the bugs.

    The reason they haven't is because it is not a bug. I really feel like this is a planned change. Other issues have been resolved. Not sure if there is a plan in place for this one. This may have been by design and we will have to change our playing style. It would be nice to get a confirmation one way or another.
  • Izze_KingIzze_King Member Posts: 346 ★★
    This game is bugged all to hell. No matter who I use this happens. 4th hit triggers specials, sometimes my champ throws punches while I’m blocking. The record now is 3. I thought I was on autoplay. Sometimes hitting a fully blocking defender triggers parry. HT’s sp2 sometimes freezes you in place even though you’ve already dex the attack. The game has been less than enjoyable. I’m so close to quitting all together. Not like Kabam would care. 😂 1 less player means nothing.
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  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    So I take it this just isn't going to be fixed and that's just how it is now? I've lost countless champs to this bug (including ones who rely on hitting blocks to be effective like Masacre), but if this were a "bug" that benefitted players it would have been fixed immediately.

    Beginning to think this isn't a bug at all
  • Fighter092Fighter092 Member Posts: 148
    I just came to the forums cause it happened to me right now against human torch in UC difficult, now i checked that is happening to other people. I do know what is happened to this game, how can they broke the game so hard, they are taking away my love for mcoc.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    We haven't had a response from Kabam in 9 days on this issue. I posted in general to get their attention, which of course led to the thread being closed and referring back to this one (as I fully expected to happen).

    So what's up Kabam? What's the update on this? Why isn't there a fix? Is this just how it's going to be going forward based on the radio silence? People are losing champs in EQ/AQ/AW and you're just remaining silent. Why isn't this a major point of concern for you?
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  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    They address it here, after the 23.0 release on the 24th, they'll release another smaller patch a couple of days after with the other fixes.
  • TBuchanan24TBuchanan24 Member Posts: 92

    This should not be happening.


    I’ve seen several other reports about this along with other examples, but it’s not on the bug list.


    Same thing with me. This is really a game breaking problem. I try to keep close with Red and I'm getting punished for hitting into the block. Massacre is designed to hit into block but he gets punished. There's no way it's intended to be this way. If I have to spend another unit on revives because of this I'm quitting.
  • TBuchanan24TBuchanan24 Member Posts: 92
    Draenath said:

    You can not start the AW season with the game like this - this is ridiculous!!!!

    Just fought a node and twice the AI threw specials while blocking! There better be some mean compensation for this!

    I would love compensation because It cost units or energy because you have to start over or other rewards but I just honestly want the game to be fixed. 3 people quit in my alliance. I just got OR and Medusa plus I'm about to get my first rank 5 5* so I want to keep playing but all is these bugs are stressful and makes me put the game down for a break. Soon it might be a permanent break.
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