Please stop connecting game progress to a specific title

I’m not uncollected cause I’m still haven’t touched act5. I’m over 750k rating with near 400 champs. Giving me annual rewards as a 4* awaking gem, dropping me offers for only up to 4* heroes( like the one on the unit store today), and being locked out from the top difficulty of monthly event is at least ridiculous. Please link offers and access to content to a real progress indicator like rating and prestige so they are tempting and fit more to the account situation. Even an one month or less account can get uncollected( not mention in hackers playing on one hit ok mode) and have access to high end content and an 750k high prestige account is considered as “not worth it”. To prevent posts saying “get uncollected” I pre answer that it’s not the real deal of the post. The real deal is that the uncollected title its not an clear indicator for game progress and the only thing shows is that u have reached a specific point on story quest only. I’m still not uncollected because I swipe every story quest act at once when I have the time but as I mentioned before that’s not the point of this post. Game designers should really consider tie high end content with a more fair system. This uncollected joke is high time to end.
Unfortunately I do not think that rating can be used for this. The title indicates to Kabam where you have gotten to and now you NEED the higher rewards to continue moving forward. Until you hit that mark they, in their eyes, are providing you with enough to advance to the next level.
Read again the starting post that’s not the real issue. The real problem is the contests transparency.
So my real problem is justice and transparency.
Oneshot? Not likely. Free to play? Yes, very possible.
If you have a job, do you ask your boss to be paid their salary without the manager title as well?
I quite don't get the point of this post. Kabam has set up benchmarks in the game to measure one's progress. Being Uncollected is one of the biggest milestones a player can reach the game. It's their game; they have set it up so that players who attain this status gain access to higher-end content, rewards and offers. If the OP doesn't want to strive for this benchmark, then he has no grounds to stand on and complain about being blocked from certain parts of the game.
It's almost like someone wanting a degree to their name to qualify them for better jobs and higher salaries but not wanting to put the work in to earn it, yet still feeling entitled to the perks associated with getting the degree. As I said, I quite don't get the point of this post.
Get Uncollected
If you want those rewards in the future then just do one simple run through Act 5. For gods sake, theres already a sixth act and you have a 750k account. Just do it.