Cant switch nightcrawler

Ive tried the switch trick and i tried beating on his block. The timer ticks for a bit and then disappears. Sorry if this has been posted already. I heard the switch trick still works on IOS though. Any advice from fellow android users?
There also one synergy bonus that is bugged if you have stark and IMIW all champs in group get a bonus that champs evade 35% less from basic attacks. I fought NC as boss in AQ he was evading like normal so thought maybe it was one off. 2nd fight with a mini he did the same.
Also tested a void on dual target there could be a bug I had 2 stacks of debuff from void on NC picture below and NC was evading like normal. Not sure % of the debuff but with 2 stacks should did something.
Using iPhoneX
12.2 iOS version
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