AW match ups randomly canceling themselves

For the third time in two months, my AW enlistment has canceled itself, despite ALWAYS enlisting in EVERY War. Does every day really need to include a bug that denies my team rewards. Thanks, Kabam.
I would suggest that Kabam enact an automatic Enlistment (at the same number of Groups as previous war), just so that in the few cases that are indeed “we forgot” would not result in them missing out. However, whatever the problem with somehow Kabam servers de-enlisting them might still happen in that case also.
If implemented, Alliances that do want to change the number of groups could always do so manually anytime during the prior war after that initial auto-Enlistment for that war started.
If this is happening to your alliance, please let me know your alliance and the tag.
If you don't feel comfortable sharing it here just shoot me a PM!
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for responding, I honestly expected to be ignored like usual.
Alliance tag is QLUE
Mad Titan Platinum [T1tnp]
Our war was deleted today. Thanks.
Hey y'all -
If this is happening to your alliance, please let me know your alliance and the tag.
If you don't feel comfortable sharing it here just shoot me a PM!
Thanks in advance!
We just had an AW cancelled by itself today.
Tag is [JHC_] Jedi Knights