who is That one champion for you on whom adding one single line of ability would make them decent?

who is That one champion for you on whom adding one single line of ability would make them decent?
for example -
- moonknight - stacks bleeds and furies
- Vulture - stacks incinerate,uses only 10 chatauri energy to power drain
- iron fist - increase crit damage by x% for every armour break
and ???
for example -
- moonknight - stacks bleeds and furies
- Vulture - stacks incinerate,uses only 10 chatauri energy to power drain
- iron fist - increase crit damage by x% for every armour break
and ???
Loki's curse should be like cold snap,
Agent venom should mirror buffs like morningstar
It's not something that will help him in everyday fights but it will help him against opponents with a large healthpool.
P.S.:I forgot about the decent part, sorry for that.
Special Attack 3: This attack resets Arc Overload.
And a regen
I think this would make him a little more than decent.
(Edit: Ninjaed)
Duped abillity, hemorrhage can trigger more than once if you can get a heavy in while enemy bleeds from it.
(Not refreshing the bleed but allowing it to be reset in usage. Think persistent charge going from 0 (when used hemorrhage, up to 1 when heavy attacked enemy while under it's bleed effect)
Number of Furys and cruelty makes stuns last longer.
Heavys and Sp1s reset cruelty buff duration
Available as 5*
Heavy as Heal Block
Sp1 armor
Sp2 power drain
Sp3 power drain and power lock
Passive gives him 15% poison and bleed damage resistance for each armor buff
Attacks and blocks allows him a small % of chance to have a armor buff
This champ as many ability, but there is something missing, to bind everything together...
Might be good to raise the % of probabilities to gain armor buffs and tweeking some of his mecanics to make him a reliable champ.
Could also use some more damage output as an extra bonus.
Mk, cwbp, hulkbuster, dpx, jf, antman and I'm sure a couple I missed.
The line
Champ not available in 6* please spin again
Upon a perfect block a 50% of damage that would have been taken is reflected back to the opponent.
That would make him insane, and he would be a top tier champ like he used to be.
Hulk (Classic): Physical Resistance Increases The Lower Your Health Is.
Deadpool X-Force: If The Enemy Is Bleed Immune, Deadpool Instead Deals Passive Degeneration Because He Bribed The Devs...
Venompool: (Remove his Indestructible and Unstoppable Buff Chances) All Buffs Venompool Gains Are Permanent And Can Also Deal Random Debuffs To The Enemy.
Red Hulk: When Above 5 Heat Charges, Heavy Attacks Deal an Incinerate Debuff That Deals More Damage The More Heat Charges You Have.
Wolverine: When Brought Below 20% Health, Once Per Fight Wolverine Enters Berserker Rage Gaining A +300% Enraged Fury And Gains 10 Indestructible Charges. But While In This Rage, Wolverine Doesn't Have His Wits About Him To Deal Precise Enough Bleeds Causing Any Future Bleeds To Only Last 2 Seconds And Pushes All His Regeneration Towards Stopping Pain Until He Loses All 10 Indestructible Charges.
* Juggernaut: Stun debuffs immediately converted to unstoppable+fury
* Rhino: Unstoppable last a bit longer
* Electro: [x]% to inflict shock damage on heavy
* Vulture: Gains permanent passive fury when opponents miss
* Corvus: Allows the summoner to use all champs in the game per quest with all synergies available. All champs are 6*s, even the ones the summoner does not have or does not exist
* Ebony Maw: Improved core mechanics (large increase in damage+duration of degen, persuasion limit removed, falter triggered at 15 persuasions)
* Diablo: Improved core mechanics (not die from self inflicted poison, faster brewing, stronger concoctions, no limit to concoctions)
* Beast: Special 3 combines freestyle and adaptive mode until next special
* Storm: Crits have [x]% chance to inflict coldsnap, incinerate, shock, or some new debuff (since she can control weather, not just lightning)
* Psylocke: Power gain increased by 5% (currently at -20%, so -15%)
* 5*/6* Wolverine: Exist
* 5*/6* Scarlet Witch: Exist
* 5*/6* War Machine: Exist
* 5*/6* Vision (Age of Ultron): Exist more often
* 5*/6* Vision (Classic): Exist more often
* 5*/6* Black Widow: Exist more often
* 5*/6* Thor: Exist more often
* Thor: Armor break limit raised to 6
* War Machine: Empty the Clip triggered at 36% health instead of 18%
* Punisher 2099: No limit on stuns per heavy
* Loki: Stolen buffs duration is twice that of original (ie. If opponent has a buff that lasts 4 seconds, Loki gains buff for 8)
* Thor (Jane Foster): All base stats increased by 6%
* Iron Fist: Heavy nullifies all buffs instead of just 1
* Daredevil (Netlfix): Combine with Daredevil (Classic)
* Daredevil (Classic): Complete revamp
* Elektra: Ability triggered when opponent is at 50% health instead of current (forgot the %)
* Captain Marvel (Classic): Increased block proficiency OR absorbs energy from physical attacks
* Black Panther (Civil War): Increased bleed duration (or ability to inflict bleed. Dont remember if he can)
* Black Panther: Every bleed debuff stacked has increased damage and duration
* Mordo: Increased degen duration
* Dr. Strange: pre-12.0
* Ultron: pre-12.0
* Ant-man: Every [x] glanced hit inflicts poison debuff
* Wasp: Additional +2.5% health
* Spiderman (Symbiote): Slight block proficiency increase
* Spiderman (Classic): Armor break stack limit to 3
* Spiderman (Miles Morales): "invisible" when charging heavy (basically phases like Ghost)
* Agent Venom: Increased crit rating (by a LOT)
* Karnak: Gains a permanent, passive fury for every 7 seconds the opponent's combo meter is at zero
* Black Bolt: Unstoppable special 2
* Iron Man: Power gain increased by +15% (reverse Psylocke)
* Superior Iron Man: Always has a class advantage except against mystics (class disadvantage nullified)
* Hulkbuster: Immune to armor break and bleed
* Crossbones: Overrun loading time reduced by half
* Red Skull: Slight increase in base damage
* Winter Soldier: Bullet type does not change per use (idk why it even does that)
* Falcon: Redwing no longer loads + permanently locked on
* Captain America (WWII): Steals [x]% energy when opponent is fatigued
* Captain America (Classic): Regenerates [x]% health when blocking opponent (ability triggered at low health)
* Rocket Raccoon: Every medium landed gives additional 1% to evade all attacks for a maximum of [x]%
* Starlord: Domino-esque starting medium + Aegon-esque medium (7 hit MLLLM combo)
* Phoenix: Incinerate damage and duration increased by A LOT
* Gambit: Blocked physical hits gives 75% energy of direct hits
* Magneto (the not future-buff version): Specials inflict degen instead of bleed, with durations and damage +25% of old bleed damage
* Cyclops (red): Decreased base attack damage but increased special damage with guaranteed crit, armor break, and stun
* Cyclops (blue): Power gain buff for ever special landed
* Cull Obsidian: New synergy with Corvus gives all champs permanent indestructible passives (infinite duration)