Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Lion101Lion101 Member Posts: 161
    Madam web ( mystic)
  • Lion101Lion101 Member Posts: 161
    Obadiah stane ( tech)
  • Lion101Lion101 Member Posts: 161
    Super skrull ( cosmic)
  • Lion101Lion101 Member Posts: 161
    Scarlet witch MCU ( Mystic)
  • Lion101Lion101 Member Posts: 161
    Nova and silver surfer

    Both cosmic
  • Lion101Lion101 Member Posts: 161
    Doctor doom science
  • MadplanetMadplanet Member Posts: 20
    This is my ongoing list for suggested future Mystic characters, both playable or story. Most are chosen keeping in mind current and upcoming exposure in comics, television, and movies. I hope you find this helpful. Thanks -MadP

    Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
    Morgan le Fay
    Nico Minoru
    Ancient One
  • dumplingiidumplingii Member Posts: 2
    A champion that I would love to see Martin Li, aka Mister Negative
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  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Baron Strucker


    Opponents' strategy-based abilities (ex. Nick Fury's Tactical charges, Starlord's Tactician ability) suffer reduced ability accuracy.

    Chance to auto-block melee weapon strikes (i.e. enemies wielding melee weapons, such as Namor, Medusa, Blade, etc.)

    Death Spores:
    1. will resurrect the first time he dies
    2. when he dies the first time, he inflicts the enemy with a degen debuff. If he is the last Boss of a quest, he inflicts the entire team of the attacking player with a degen debuff. (this degen will take effect as soon as the champ starts a fight, and is "permanent" until the player exits the quest, meaning each time an attacker starts a fight, he will have this degen active on him.)
  • gmail_on_com4gmail_on_com4 Member Posts: 47
    Suggestion: Mabey onslaught and Wolverine X-force onslaught is a mutant with magneto Xavier and physlocks Mutant abilities and Wolverine X-Force is just special Mabey you can make his special 3 attack and he can use gain power buff like X-Force deadpool exept he can have pre-fight abilities
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    When an effect would lower his block proficiency, it increases it instead.

    Bonus physical resistance vs Unblockable attacks.
  • 060295060295 Member Posts: 47
    Can you add ancient venom? Having him in this game would be a delight!! he should inflict bleed on heavy attack (same as carnage) . As of signature ability he should be immune to all kinds of
    poison, klyntar degenation for 3 seconds after sp2 (when teamed up with venom). Genetic regen for 5 sec when life is under 20% (when paired with 2 villain tag symbiotic characters) .
  • gmail_on_com4gmail_on_com4 Member Posts: 47
    Spider-man upgraded suit would be a dope ash Champion for the game
  • gmail_on_com4gmail_on_com4 Member Posts: 47
    APOCALYPSE!! He should have been added during last year's movie! He should domininate MCOC!!!
  • gmail_on_com4gmail_on_com4 Member Posts: 47
    Onslaught and X-Force Wolverine should be added to the Mutant celebration
  • gmail_on_com4gmail_on_com4 Member Posts: 47
    Actually hammer head should be skIill because a formula given the metal plates in his head every bone in his head was shattered and a mad surgeon said he should be skill instead of science and he's the guy who runs a Maggia crime family
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  • _Chaos__Chaos_ Member Posts: 143
    Add Thane with Phoenix force.
    Also Mistress Death and One Above All.
  • MadplanetMadplanet Member Posts: 20
    They should do Spider-Ham. XD
  • HeraclesHeracles Member Posts: 1

    I love Anti-Venom so I quickly whipped this up. Would be awesome if he was actually in the game (note if you don’t know who anti-venom is then you should read up on him, then his abilities would make more sense)

    I also suggest that he’s a Cosmic champion but him being Mystic wouldn’t be all that far fetched
  • Nitro_Zues45Nitro_Zues45 Member Posts: 43
    Adam Warlock
    Kid Deadpool

    Black Knight
    Colleen Wing
    Happy Hogan
    Silver Samurai
    Union Jack

    Fat Thor
    Silver Surfer

    Heart Breaker(Pepper Potts)
    Iron Spider
    War Machine(Endgame Armor)

    Professor Hulk
    Scarlet Spider
    Spider-Man 2099


    Stan Lee
    Worthy Captain America
  • JohnHSJohnHS Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    Petition to not make Stan Lee a playable character, because ... that's stupid.
    Just saying. Stan Lee beating up Spider-Man or Mephisto with a stick is just weird.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Calling it now, squirrel girl coming to the contest and will be #1 prestige
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,441 ★★★★★
    Champion: Scorpion

    Class: Tech

    Tags: #Male, #Size: L, #Spider-Verse, #Def: Utility, #Villain, #Metallic

    Bio: MacDonald Gargan was once a private investigator who was hired by James Jonah Jameson to gain information on Spider-Man however, he failed. As a result, James decided to fund augmentations for Mac, turning him into the Scorpion. However, the transformation left a toll on his sanity and he started to develop deep hatreds for both Spider-Man and James. Now armed with high-tech battle armour, Scorpion has solidified himself as one of Spider-Man's deadliest foes



    Thick armour plating and immunities that came with his augmentation grant him full immunities to Poison, Coldsnap, Frostbite and a 60% potency reduction on Bleeds

    Tail Attacks gain True Accuracy, allowing the attacks to not be able to be evaded or trigger auto-block, you'll be surprised on how much dexterity he has in that tail.

    When the fight starts, gain an indefinite Armour Up buff increasing Armour by 60%, this buff is removed if more than 7% of his health is lost in a single hit or his health falls below 20%. if this buff is removed for any reason, Scorpion gains a Passive indefinite Fury raising his attack by 60% and passively reducing enemy stun durations by 40%

    If Scorpion is taunted, he gains a passive fury if he doesn't have one, increasing his attack by 60% until the Taunt has expired

    Basic Attacks:

    Both medium attacks and the third and fifth light attacks are Tail Attacks, the second medium and fifth light attacks use the stinger, giving them a 40% chance to inflict a bleed dealing 80% of your attack as damage over 7 seconds.

    Other tail attacks have a 30% chance to inflict Armour Break on the opponent, reducing the opponent's armour by 60% for 7 seconds

    Heavy Attacks:
    Visual: The Scorpion rolls towards his opponent, striking them 3 times

    If Scorpion has his Armour Up buff, he is Unstoppable when he rolls, if he has his Fury Buff, he will gain a 40% to evade and counter-attack the opponent when he rolls

    100% to inflict an Armour Break on the opponent, reducing the opponent's armour by 90% for 9 seconds

    This cannot stack, instead, it refreshes when another Armour Break would've been inflicted

    Special 1: Rollin' and Scratchin'
    When in doubt, just squash the bug that opposes you and beat it to a pulp for good measure
    Visual: The Scorpion starts rolling, he then punches the opponent twice and strikes them again with his tail (5 hits)

    100% to Armour Break the opponent on the rolling hits for 6 seconds, reducing armour by 50% per stack

    Mac Gargan abandons being defensive and goes aggressive when he has a Fury Buff or is below 20%, making Armour Break potency +20% and the final tail attack ignores all armour on the opponent

    Special 2: Aggressive Arachnid
    The key to silencing a bug is to make an opening for an overpowering strike
    Visual: Scorpion lunges to the opponent, strikes once and strikes the opponent head on with his stinger (3 hits)

    The final hit gains +15% Critical Rating and Critical Damage for every Armour Break on the opponent up to 4

    100% to inflict a bleed on the opponent on the final hit dealing 120% of your attack as damage over 15 seconds

    If Scorpion has his Fury, the bleed gains +30% potency and the bleed can also trigger through a block, at a -30% damage reduction

    Special 3: King of the Sting
    There are two types of beings, the prey and those who prey and by the looks of things, you've already descended into the first catagory
    Scorpion strikes the opponent twice and thrusts his stinger into the opponent with full force, he then smashes the opponent into the ground and throws them into the wall (5 hits)

    This places a permanent Armour Break onto the opponent, reducing their Armour by 40%

    100% chance to place a bleed on the opponent dealing 170% of your attack as direct damage over 20 seconds

    If Scorpion has his fury, bleed potency gets increased by +30%

    Signature Ability: Synthetic Poison
    Mac Gargan's Advanced Scorpion Suit comes equipped with three different poisons, each for different scenarios

    Scorpion has three different poisons, only one can be readied at a time.

    Landing a Light Attack or finishing a combo with one then dashing back readies a passive Nerve Poison which reduces the opponent's ability accuracy by 50% and nullifying any buffs that the opponent gains during the duration of the poison dealing 25% of your attack as instant damage for each buff nullified for 12 seconds

    Landing a Medium Attack or finishing a combo with one then dashing back readies a passive Lethal Poison, which deals 100% of your attack as damage over 8 seconds, this deals +40% more damage if the poison was triggered while the opponent is bleeding

    Dashing back and Blocking for 2 seconds readies a passive Corrosive Poison, allowing you to deal an extra burst of up to 60% of your attack as burst damage and granting your special attacks up to a 35% chance to be Unblockable based on the opponent's armour rating, for 15 seconds

    These poisons are administered through Stinger Attacks

    Once administered, another poison can be readied in 25 seconds

    I can't be bothered to do synergies, but feedback would be welcome thank you.
  • Yrrah01Yrrah01 Member Posts: 6
    Hey all,
    I've got a suggestion that might be unpopular, but it does make sense, at least to me.

    I want to talk about Quake. Firstly I want to say that Quake is awesome. In the hands of a good player (not me) she's absolutely amazing. The mechanic to charge the heavy and load aftershock charges is unique and I do love it. But a big part of it doesn't make sense, and that's what I want to talk about.

    When you hold heavy, the ground shakes, and the aftershock charges apply. Which is fair enough, so it should. But these charges apply to all opponents, regardless of whether they are touching the ground or not. My issue is that if a champ is flying, they shouldn't take aftershock charges from quake charging the heavy.

    Quakes specials are different, cause the ground explodes upwards at the opponent, and they should still do damage and cause aftershock if applicable. But if someone is hovering above the ground, why do they take damage if the ground shakes a bit? It doesn't make sense.

    Champs like Archangel, Captain Marvel movie (maybe), Dr Strange, Dr Voodoo, Ebony Maw, human torch (maybe), Ironman IW (maybe), Mysterio, Phoenix and Rogue all hover, rather than stand. And they fly rather than walk/run (those with the maybe tag do hover and fly, but they touchdown to launch attacks or block). Because of this, these champs should be immune to Quake's charge heavy, cause aftershock mechanic.

  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    idea: ("Savage Land Ambush")
    Has the unique ability to ambush opponents in Alliance War. Ka-Zar can be "stacked" on a node that's already occupied (in effect the opponent has to fight 2 guys on the same node!)
    Ka-Zar's location is obscured from the opponent unless he has some form of detection (i.e. heightened sense of smell, hearing, infrared, etc)

    Territorial ability:
    The more often Ka-Zar is deployed on the same node, the stronger he gets, up to a certain max. Maybe this resets every month. With this mechanic you can play mind-games with the opponent (relevant to higher tier alliances that tend to battle each other frequently).
  • Donination13Donination13 Member Posts: 42
    ⭐Mystique ⭐
    Passive Regeneration

    Signature Ability: Shifting The Shapes
    Every 7 seconds, Mystique replicates all enemy buffs which last for 10 seconds
    When a replicated buff on Mystique expires, she passively regenerates 1% of her health and becomes immune to stun for 5 seconds.

    Critical Hits:
    75% chance to deliver shock damage over 7.5 seconds
    50% chance to gain one of the enemies buffs passively for 3.5 seconds even if the enemy has not triggered that buff.

    Heavy Attack (long distance - similar to Carnage's)
    Places a neutral stun that stuns the enemy for 3 seconds. A second consecutive heavy attack does not stun again.
    If Mystique activates her Unique Emulation prior to a heavy attack, the initial neutral stun lasts for 5 seconds and occurs once per fight.

    SP1 - Bending Your Face
    100% chance to bleed the opponent for 11 seconds. When bleed expires, 75% chance to trigger the enemies SP1 benefits for 4 seconds.

    SP2 - Chaotic Conversion
    Combines all shocks (from critical hits) into direct damage as well as a 45% chance to trigger up to any 2 random abilities for 5 seconds.

    SP3 - Unique Emulation
    Mystique transforms herself into copying the look and actions of her opponent using their SP3 against them.
    If the enemy has a class disadvantage, they are neutral stunned for 5 seconds once and all stun benefits are nullified from the defender for the rest of the fight.
    If the enemy has class advantage, Mystique shapes herself to have robotic effects for 10 seconds.

    Family with Nightcrawler and Rogue
    Enemies with Phoenix, Cyclops, and Rogue
    Rivals with Ms. Marvel
    Romance with Magneto
    Teammates with She Hulk and Iron Man

    It's not as detailed as the template but just a nice thought. Feedback would be awesome!
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