Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
    Ranark the Ravager= (Mystic)

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
    Man-Thing= (Mystic)

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
    N'kantu= (Mystic)

  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★

    Champion: Mystique

    (Based on a 4* 5/50 champion)

    Basic Status:

    • Health: 12.540
    • Attack: 1.340
    • Critical Rating: 742
    • Critical Damage Rating: 921
    • Armor Rating: 294
    • Block Proficiency: 1.279


    #Offensive: Burst #X-Men #Villain #Size: S


    Copycat, Cruelty, Precision, Bleed, True Strike.

    Signature Ability: Copycat (MAX)

    Using her metamorphosis ability, Mystique is able to transform into anyone she desires. Once every 7 seconds, she copies up to 5 buffs from her opponent. They last for 5 seconds.

    • If these buffs are removed due to another effect, Mystique generates a permanent Precision buff, granting +250 Critical Rate for each buff removed this way.
    • Unstoppable, Unblockable, True Strike and True Accuracy buffs cannot be copied.
    • This ability cannot have it’s accuracy reduced.

    Passive: Shapeshifting

    • Every time Mystique is inflicted with a non-damaging debuff, she has a 90% chance to shrug it off after 0.1 seconds.
    • This ability’s accuracy cannot be reduced by other effects.

    While Attacking

    Whenever Mystique lands a critical attack, she gains a permanent Cruelty buff, granting +155 Critical Damage Rate per stack.

    Special 1

    • 80% chance to Bleed the opponent, dealing 10% of your attack as direct damage.
    • 50% chance to generate a Precision buff, granting +150 Critical Rate for 4 seconds.

    Special 2

    All critical attacks in this attack deal 25% more damage.

    Special 3

    • Converts all Precision and Cruelty into passives.
    • This attack grants True Strike for 10 seconds. While active, all attacks ignore Armor, Resistance and Evasion.
    I just didn’t think about synergies, but of course she would have one with magneto and one with storm (hence X-Men: Apocalypse).
  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
    Kyknos (son of Ares, Hercules foe)= (Cosmic/Skill/Mystic)

  • Hick150Hick150 Member Posts: 1
    I just want A-Bomb and Nova.
  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
    Jack_Russell (Werewolf by Night)= (Skill/Mystic)

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 81
    Wendigo = (Mystic)
    Weapon-H= (Science)

  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    special attack abilities trigger even if blocked.

    sp1: adhesive that prevents the opponent from dashing forwards
    sp2: adhesive that prevents the opponent from dashing back

  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    Boomerang attacks have a delayed return phase wherein the projectile is unblockable and must be evaded "forwards" (so basically, first evade it normally, then evade it forwards) The intention is to make it difficult such that the player could get sandwiched between the returning boomerang and Boomerang himself.

  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Also, maybe different combos can dictate how soon the boomerang returns, to make it more confusing for the player (i.e. doing M-LLLL will make the boomerang return after 3 seconds, doing M-LLL will make it return in 1 sec, and so on)
  • Playmaker399Playmaker399 Member Posts: 1

    If possible

  • MadplanetMadplanet Member Posts: 20
    This is my ongoing list for suggested future Mystic characters, both playable or story. Mystic has the least amount of characters so to me it is always a priority for brainstorming new characters. Current and upcoming exposure in comics, television, and movies are kept in mind starting from the top of the list. I hope you find this helpful. Thanks -MadP

    Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
    Nico Minoru
    Ancient One
    Morgan le Fay
    Kulan Gath
    Agatha Harkness
    Jennifer Kale
  • MadplanetMadplanet Member Posts: 20
    Just realized they never got around to putting Spider-woman in the game. Spider-Woman?
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Adam Warlock

    Karmic Blasts: a powerful attack but useless against beings without souls (i.e. Sentinels)

    Perfect Block vs projectiles:

    Some ability that inflicts Petrify (maybe he has an extreme form of Petrify):

    An ability that makes use of his Coccoon (maybe he can regenerate back to full health after being killed in a quest, but it requires waiting a full 24 hours) The advantage is you save on health potions and revives. The downside is the wait and possibly getting stuck in that quest, unable to do other things.

    "Infinity Watch" synergy:
    Some ability that makes Gamora, Drax, and other members of the Infinity Watch really useful in the game.

  • gmail_on_com4gmail_on_com4 Member Posts: 47
    Adaptoid (classic avengers)
    Spider-Man (PS4)
    Scarlet spider
  • Zeldrys101Zeldrys101 Member Posts: 2
    Me gustaría que se añadieran:
    Ángel antes de ser transformado
    El hombre de arena
    Adam Warlock
    Lady Sif y los guardianes de Asgard
    Profesor X
    Dr Doom
    Silver Surfer
    Kitty Pride
    Me parece que todos estos podrían ser personajes bastante interesantes y que podrían gustar a los jugadores
  • xPandoom123xxPandoom123x Member Posts: 8
    Mystique, Speed, Quicksilver, Wicaan, Lightspeed, Adam Warlock, Blue Marvel, Korvac, Hydro Man, Molten Man, Sandman, Kraven the Hunter, Chameleon, Scorpion, Prowler, Jackal, Mr. Fantastic, Ben Richards, A-Bomb, the Lizard, Morbius the Vampire, Nightmare, Nova Prime, Shocker, Skaar, Valkyrie, Wonder Man.
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85

    Just a reminder to vote on the community poll for most desired new champs.

    The community says Doom, Apocalypse, Galactus, Silver Surfer, and Sandman are the highest priorities. A few champs I'd like to see (among many) include Spider Woman, Dazzler, Mandarin, Squirrel Girl, and Morbius. Didn't I mention your favorite? There are more than 500 champs who need votes on this list. Your suggestion is probably already there, waiting for your vote. If it isn't, you can add it.


    In other news, there is a brand new poll: which existing champs most badly need a buff/improvement/update?

  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,441 ★★★★★
    Make the Chair a playable champion
  • MegamindMegamind Member Posts: 19
    Sandman idea: Immune to all physical damage. Energy damage stuns for 3.5 seconds, scaling down the higher star rating he is. Immune to bleed, poison, frostbite, reversed controls, coldsnap, exhaustion, concussion, fatigue, and incinerate up to 3 stacks. After 3 incinerate stacks has been reached or surpassed, he becomes glass at the cost of purifying the incinerates, and takes 200% damage from physicals, and energy damage stuns 1.5 seconds longer.
    Has passive complete block penetration with zero perfect block chance on the enemy, no matter what. Crit resistance when not glass is high, drops to zero when glass.
    Heavies stun the opponent for half a second, scaling up the higher star rating he is.
    Special 1 is a sand hammer, gain Cruelty for 5 seconds.
    Special 2 is a sandstorm, Degeneration on the opponent for 10 seconds, dealing 0.5 percent of their maximum health per second, scaling up to 1.8 percent at a 6 star rating.
    Special 3 is a mix of every well-known Sandman tactic from all of media, gain Fury that increases attack rating by 25.0 at a 1 star, 900 at a 6 star for the rest of the fight, and passively increased critical rating for the rest of the fight.
    If he parries a physical contact attack, the enemy takes 40% if the damage they would have or did deal. If he is glass, this effect is ignored.
    Instead of having his health be reduced, he stays at maximum health, but his maximum health decreases by the same amount of damage dealt by the attack, as his supply of sand runs out. This counters percentage-based abilities like Elektra’s precision buff.
    Basically, he would have immunity to a majority of Champs, making him unbeatable unless you have energy damage or easily applied incinerate, but if you do, he would be pretty much defenseless due to the stun allowing you to combo him forever, or the incinerate taking away his physical resistance. He would have above average base damage, health, attack rating, block proficiency,and of course physical resistance.

  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    edited August 2019
    Blue Marvel

    Poison immunity

    Antimatter generation:
    Every 7seconds blue Marvel generates 5 antimatter charges (max 40 charges)

    Antimatter absorption:

    Dash and block:
    Whenever blue Marvel has at least one charge, dashing back and holding block for 1second converts the charge into power (each charge =. 1.5% of maximum power)

    Using a heavy attack when at 20 antimatter charges converts the charges into a permanent passive fury effect increasing attack by 20% (max: 5stacks)

    /*US Marine/trained combatant...:
    All special attacks receive a bonus 50% critical rating and 70% critical damage increase*/

    Signature Ability:
    Persistent charge
    Blue Marvel is able to carry antimatter charges from previous fight to the next.
    Additionally, whenever blue Marvel consumes Antimatter charges, he regenerates a percentage of his health. Each charge grants 0.5% health.


    Signature Ability
    Fantomex gains a predictive evade mechanic.
    In the course of a fight, if an opponent repeats a combo in a particular sequence, fantomex registers it by gaining an evade charge. Should that combo sequence be initiated again, fantomex will evade the final hit and counter attack, inflicting a random debuff on the opponent.
    Debuff could either be shock, bleed, incinerate (dealing 85% of his attack as damage) or stun (1.5seconds)

    Medium attacks: (gunshots)
    Don't make contact, hence they're immune to parry.
    Also, medium attacks have a 45% chance to inflict bleed dealing 65% of his attack as damage over 4seconds

    Light attacks:
    Critical light attacks have a 75% chance to shock the opponent dealing 45% of his attack as damage over 2seconds

    Dashing back and holding block for 1.5seconds gives fantomex a misdirection charge.
    When the opponent uses a special attack, the charge is consumed, and fantomex evades the special attack.

    Special 1:
    Fantomex shows the opponent just how strong he is
    This special involves a barrage of melee attacks (5hits)
    Each attack has a 55% chance to disorient the opponent for 9seconds
    Final hit has a 65% chance to stun the opponent for 2.5seconds

    Special 2:
    Lock and unload:
    Fantomex fires at the opponent with his gun and launches a grenade at the opponent.
    The grenade attack has a 100% chance to incinerate the opponent dealing 130% of his attack as damage
    This special attack also receives +800 critical rating and damage

    Special 3:
    Using this attack grants fantomex a regeneration passive
    Dashing back and holding block for 1.2seconds causes fantomex to regenerate 40% of his missing health.

    Jean Grey

    Signature ability:

    Jean awakened becomes a master of her psionic abilities making her immune to inverted controls 
    Also, when jean stays close to the opponent for more than 2seconds she psiphons power from the opponent, gradually increasing her attack rating by 70-125% the longer she remains close to the opponent and increasing her power rate from attacking the opponent by 30% and at the same time reducing opponents power gain from attacks by same amount.

    Passive Abilities:

    When jean is to be knocked out, she gains a telekinetic shield that absorbs damage till it breaks (max of 8hits,blocked attacks included). During this period jeans attack deals extra energy damage and she also gets a prowess buff.

    Special 1:
    Host of the Phoenix:
    Jean shows the opponent just how powerful her telekinetic blasts are.
    She launches 2 consecutive telekinetic blasts at the opponent before levitating and launching a final raptor like blast at the opponent.

    This attack has an 85% chance to stun the opponent for 2.5seconds

    Special 2:
    No Psychic Barriers:

    Jean draws her opponent in with her telekinesis and uses telepathy to project the opponents fears, terrifying them before using tk to blast them away.
    This attack is class based. By that I mean the fears of the opponent is the class they'd get class disadvantage from.
    If jean fights a cosmic, she projects the fears of a cosmic which is mystic champions. Cosmics fear getting their buffs nullified so jean does what a mystic does. Any buff active on a cosmic gets nullified immediately and replaces them with a corresponding debuff. If it's fury, she nullifies and places weakness, if it's precision, she nullifies and places exhaust and so on.

    Against mystic, she projects science. Jean places a power sting on the opponent dealing 70% of her attack as direct damage if the opponent uses a special attack. Sting lasts for 8seconds.

    Against tech, jean projects cosmic and inficts armor break on the opponent removing a maximum of 2stacks of armor

    Against science, jean projects skill and places a concussion debuff on the opponent reducing ability accuracy by 45% for 15sec

    Against skill, why bother. She's already far superior than the regular homo sapien

    Against mutant, she reduces their special attack damage by 15% for the rest of the fight

    *Has no effect on robots

    Special 3:
    Marvel Girl
    Jean unleashes the full extent of her abilities.
    This attack drains 100% of the opponents power and power locks them for 10seconds.
    It also has a 100% chance to stun the opponent if jeans signature ability is active.



    Whenever his health goes below 80%, he begins to generate magnetic field charges per second (max 50 charges)
    Each charge increases his special attack damage by 1.2% (max 60%)
    When stunned, charge generation is paused for the duration of the stun.

    Light attacks
    This attack cannot be parried as magneto uses sharp metal objects in this attack similar to yondu's arrow.
    Additionally, light attacks have a 30% chance to inflict bleed dealing 1035 damage over 3seconds

    Signature Ability:
    Max charges is increased to 60
    When Erik's health goes below 50%, magneto expends 5charges to prevent him from taking more than 10% of his health as damage.
    Additionally, dashing back and holding block for 1.5seconds, grants magneto a fury buff that lasts for 20seconds increasing attack by 2.5% per magnetic charge (doesn't consume charges)
    Once the fury expires, this ability goes into cooldown for 30-20seconds.

    On and off mentor
    Jean Grey, Beast, Iceman, Cyclops, Archangel
    Magneto- chance to inflict bleed increases by a flat 20% chance.
    Iceman: when cold snap expires, it deals direct damage - 2% of the opponents max health.
    Cyclops: ???
    Archangel: gains a prowess buff increasing special attack damage by 10%
    Beast: Bleed damage increases by 30%
    Jean Grey: Special 3 deals an additional 20% damage
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    Passive ability to stun the opponent (like she has an in-built Mesmerize node) but at a very low percentage, which increases each time she uses Dexterity to evade an attack. In addition, she must not be holding block in order to stun the opponent via this ability.
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