Kabam, if not 1 attack was thrown, by either side, why do we lose health?

Loading a fight in AQ, it was stuck here for 10 mins before I quit out of the game.

When I go back into the game, I lose 1/2 my health.
Not 1 attack was done, and it isn't my fault the game stuck there for that long, so, what is the reasoning behind this? I would be OK to lose 1/2 health IF I or the AI attacked, but, nothing was done!
That penalty should ONLY happen if you are actually fighting!

When I go back into the game, I lose 1/2 my health.
Not 1 attack was done, and it isn't my fault the game stuck there for that long, so, what is the reasoning behind this? I would be OK to lose 1/2 health IF I or the AI attacked, but, nothing was done!
That penalty should ONLY happen if you are actually fighting!
Didn’t even get to the fight select screen.
If you did they take it as you timed out(it sucks happens to from time to time)
There was no time out, since I wasn't able to enter the match in the first place! It was loading... nothing else.
To clarify, this is happening when you try to load into the fight after selecting the node?
It’s happening after an arena fight initiating screen, it’s happen when JOINING in AQ/AW, it happen when a fight is successful won and you proceed to continue for a next fight and many many many different situation and not just in aq.
Loosing half your life.
I’ve even had this happen during arena. Only to have to quit out after winning a fight and when I reload and come back it tells me there was a problem and I’ve loss the fight.
I then restart and 50% of the time it gives me the option to resume the fight and the other 50% it drops me at half health
Then, when you force quit, and go back to the fight, you have 1/2 health left.
This isn't the first time it has done it either, happens many times a month.
Lol, Kabam acting like they don’t know this happens.
You must be knew here if you think that one post is Kabam acting like they are trying to do anything.
As an FYI - iPhone 7, good data/wifi. I know the connection problems aren't at my end.
If y'all have anymore information that could help us that would be great-- this includes device information!
Edit: If you can please provide device info, that would be super helpful so we can really look into the core cause of this.
It has nothing to do with an device. I have an brand new iPad of the latest and I still get an forever loading screen and the server blame its on my side? No, it’s other way around. There’s no way my iPad mini 5, totally a week old, would already get a bad performance and it would cause a random forever loading screen out of nowhere?? As said! It has nothing to do with device and no, I’m not gunning at you or other kabam but just saying the fact it’s at your side.